Saudi Arabia, UK Donate $9.16 Mn to Aid Sudan

Saudi aid sent to conflict-affected areas in Khartoum, Sudan. (KSrelief)
Saudi aid sent to conflict-affected areas in Khartoum, Sudan. (KSrelief)

Saudi Arabia, UK Donate $9.16 Mn to Aid Sudan

Saudi aid sent to conflict-affected areas in Khartoum, Sudan. (KSrelief)
Saudi aid sent to conflict-affected areas in Khartoum, Sudan. (KSrelief)

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) and the British Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office signed remotely on Wednesday a joint agreement to support the regional emergency response for populations affected by the humanitarian crisis in Sudan with an amount of $9.16 million.

It was also in response to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) humanitarian appeal for Sudan.

Royal Court adviser and KSrelief Supervisor Abdullah al-Rabeeah and British Minister of State in the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office Andrew Mitchell signed the agreement.

The two sides will separately contribute to the ICRC in Sudan an amount of $4.58 million.

The financial contribution will provide life-saving support in health, protection, and food security. It also aims to achieve the common goal represented by an effective humanitarian response and alleviate the urgent humanitarian needs of the affected people in Sudan.

Al-Rabeeah said the aid provided by the Kingdom reaffirms the Saudi government's keenness to stand by the brotherly Sudanese people and mitigate the effects of the difficult crisis in Sudan.

He indicated that the contribution is an extension of Saudi Arabia’s humanitarian role in standing by people in need around the world.

For his part, Mitchell said the agreement confirms the depth of the partnership between Saudi Arabia and the UK in the humanitarian field.

He said that by working together on a joint project, the two sides will help the ICRC in easing the suffering of the displaced in Sudan. He hoped the warring parties would not prevent aid from reaching those who deserve it.

ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric Egger indicated that the funding would help the international organization provide a neutral and impartial response to the victims of the humanitarian crisis in Sudan.

She added that this would allow the ICRC to respond quickly and effectively to the population's changing needs.

She stressed that the generous donation comes at the right time, as the ICRC and many other humanitarian organizations are facing financial challenges amid growing humanitarian needs worldwide.

Saudi Arabia Condemns Terrorist Attacks on Places of Worship in Russia’s Dagestan

Saudi Arabia Condemns Terrorist Attacks on Places of Worship in Russia’s Dagestan

Saudi Arabia Condemns Terrorist Attacks on Places of Worship in Russia’s Dagestan

Saudi Arabia Condemns Terrorist Attacks on Places of Worship in Russia’s Dagestan

The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed on Tuesday the Kingdom’s condemnation of the terrorist attacks on places of worship in Dagestan, Russia, which resulted in the death and injury of several security personnel and civilians.

The ministry stressed the Kingdom's rejection of all forms of terrorism, extremism and targeting of civilians.

The Kingdom offered sincere condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims and the government and people of Russia and wished the injured a speedy recovery.

The Muslim World League (MWL) also condemned the attacks, saying they violate religious values, international and humanitarian laws, and social norms.  

The league reiterated its firm stance in rejecting and condemning violence and terrorism in all forms and motives for attacks.