Saudi Crown Prince Holds Talks with G20 Leaders

The Saudi Crown Prince met the Turkish President in New Delhi, India. SPA
The Saudi Crown Prince met the Turkish President in New Delhi, India. SPA

Saudi Crown Prince Holds Talks with G20 Leaders

The Saudi Crown Prince met the Turkish President in New Delhi, India. SPA
The Saudi Crown Prince met the Turkish President in New Delhi, India. SPA

Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince, Prime Minister, and head of the Kingdom's delegation participating in the G20 Leaders' Summit, met in New Delhi on Sunday with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

During the meeting, they reviewed bilateral relations and opportunities for their development, in addition to discussing a number of issues of common interest.

The Crown Prince also met with Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

During the meeting, they reviewed bilateral relations and opportunities for their development, in addition to discussing a number of issues of common interest.

In separate talks with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, the Crown Prince reviewed with him the historical relations and cooperation between the Kingdom and EU states in various fields. They also discussed regional and international developments and the efforts made to achieve security and stability in the region and the world.

In a meeting with the President of Argentina, the Crown Prince and Alberto Fernandez discussed bilateral relations and the means to enhance and develop them in various fields.

The Crown Prince also met with Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed.

They reviewed bilateral relations and opportunities for their development, in addition to discussing a number of issues of common interest.

Interior Ministry Official: Tourism Companies Deceived Visit Visa Holders, Encouraging Hajj Violations

Colonel Al-Shalhoub noted that some tourism companies in several brotherly countries have deceived visit visa holders by issuing visas not intended for Hajj - SPA
Colonel Al-Shalhoub noted that some tourism companies in several brotherly countries have deceived visit visa holders by issuing visas not intended for Hajj - SPA

Interior Ministry Official: Tourism Companies Deceived Visit Visa Holders, Encouraging Hajj Violations

Colonel Al-Shalhoub noted that some tourism companies in several brotherly countries have deceived visit visa holders by issuing visas not intended for Hajj - SPA
Colonel Al-Shalhoub noted that some tourism companies in several brotherly countries have deceived visit visa holders by issuing visas not intended for Hajj - SPA

Colonel Talal bin Abdul Mohsen bin Shalhoub, the security spokesman of the Saudi Ministry of Interior, confirmed the success of the 2024 Hajj season's security plans.
In an interview with Al-Arabiya, Colonel Al-Shalhoub emphasized that the success of these security measures is a testament to the coordinated efforts between various security, military, and government agencies. These efforts ensure that pilgrims can perform their rituals safely, peacefully, and tranquilly.
He reported that 83% of the total mortalities during the Hajj season, amounting to 1,079 out of 1,301, were among those without Hajj permits. He expressed his condolences to the families of the deceased.
According to SPA, Colonel Al-Shalhoub also highlighted the proactive efforts to intensify media and awareness campaigns against performing Hajj without permits and to enforce stricter penalties for violators. He pointed out that some individuals have been abusing visit visas and other non-Hajj-specific visas.
Furthermore, Colonel Al-Shalhoub noted that some tourism companies in several brotherly countries have deceived visit visa holders by issuing visas not intended for Hajj and encouraging them to violate regulations by staying in the holy capital two months before the Hajj season.
He emphasized that a Hajj permit is not merely a transit card but a crucial tool that facilitates access to pilgrims and identifies their locations to provide necessary care and services promptly. The absence of a permit poses challenges in some violators to offer services and healthcare.
Colonel Al-Shalhoub mentioned the continuous updates through the Public Security’s official social media accounts about apprehending those who promote fake Hajj campaigns and referring them to the Public Prosecution. He also appreciated the strict measures taken by some brotherly countries against these deceptive companies and the corrective actions they have implemented to prevent future violations.