Saudi Arabia Praises 'Positive Results' after Yemen's Peace Talks

Saudi Arabia Praises 'Positive Results' after Yemen's Peace Talks

Saudi Arabia Praises 'Positive Results' after Yemen's Peace Talks

Saudi Arabia Praises 'Positive Results' after Yemen's Peace Talks

Saudi Arabia on Wednesday praised the “positive results” of negotiations with Yemen's Houthis after they visited the kingdom for peace talks.

The Saudi Foreign Ministry in a statement early Wednesday “welcomed the positive results of the serious discussions regarding reaching a road map to support the peace path in Yemen.”

“The kingdom continues to stand with Yemen and its brotherly people and ... encourages the Yemeni parties to sit at the negotiating table to reach a comprehensive and lasting political solution in Yemen under the supervision of the United Nations," the statement read.

Also, a joint statement issued by the United States and the foreign ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council, commended “Saudi Arabia’s sustained efforts to encourage Yemeni-Yemeni dialogue.”

“The ministers also emphasized their support for an inclusive, Yemeni-Yemeni political process under UN auspices that durably resolves the conflict,” that statement read.

Saudi, Chinese Defense Ministers Discuss Bolstering Strategic Partnership

The Saudi and Chinese delegations meet in Beijing on Tuesday. (Saudi Defense Minister on X)
The Saudi and Chinese delegations meet in Beijing on Tuesday. (Saudi Defense Minister on X)

Saudi, Chinese Defense Ministers Discuss Bolstering Strategic Partnership

The Saudi and Chinese delegations meet in Beijing on Tuesday. (Saudi Defense Minister on X)
The Saudi and Chinese delegations meet in Beijing on Tuesday. (Saudi Defense Minister on X)

Saudi Defense Minister Prince Khalid bin Salman bin Abdulaziz held talks in Beijing on Tuesday with his Chinese counterpart Lieutenant General Dong Jun as part of his official visit to China.

The officials discussed bilateral relations between their countries and means to bolster them within the framework of their strategic defense partnership to meet common interests and the aspirations of the Saudi and Chinese leaderships.

They also discussed joint coordination efforts to preserve international peace and security.

The meeting was attended by Saudi Chief of the General Staff Lt. Gen. Fayyad bin Hamid Al-Ruwaili, Saudi Ambassador to China Abdulrahman bin Ahmed Al-Harbi; Commander of the Strategic Missile Force Lt. Gen. Jarallah bin Mohammed Al-Alweet, Director General of the Office of the Minister of Defense Hisham bin Abdulaziz bin Saif, head of the Armed Forces Operations Authority Maj. Gen. Misfer Al-Ghanem, and Military Attaché at the Saudi Embassy in Beijing Commodore Salem bin Saleh Al-Maliki.

The Chinese delegation at the talks included Deputy Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Central Military Commission Lt. Gen. Jing Jianfeng, Director of the Office of International Military Cooperation at the Central Military Commission Maj. Gen. Li Bin, and several other senior officials.

Earlier, Prince Khalid met with China's Minister of National Defense, Admiral Dong Jun for discussions on ways to strengthen Saudi-Chinese relations as part of their strategic defense partnership.

They also tackled ways to boost defense and military cooperation and reviewed regional and international developments.