Fourth Bahraini Serviceman Succumbs to Wounds After Houthi Drone Attack

Fourth Bahraini Serviceman Succumbs to Wounds After Houthi Drone Attack

Fourth Bahraini Serviceman Succumbs to Wounds After Houthi Drone Attack

Fourth Bahraini Serviceman Succumbs to Wounds After Houthi Drone Attack

The General Command of the Bahrain Defense Force (BDF) announced Friday the death of a fourth serviceman who succumbed to severe injuries sustained during a Houthi drone attack against forces stationed at Saudi Arabia's southern border.

In an official statement, the BDF identified the serviceman as First-Lieutenant Hamad Khalifa al-Kubaisi, who succumbed to the injuries while performing his sacred patriotic duties defending the southern borders of Saudi Arabia.

Kubaisi was a member of the BDF task force participating in the Arab Coalitions to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen, actively participating in Operation Decisive Storm and Restoring Hope.

BDF General Command extended sincere condolences to the family of the fallen serviceman and wished a speedy recovery for those wounded due to the act of aggression.

Earlier, the UN Security Council issued a statement condemning the attack, saying it constituted "a serious threat to the peace process and regional stability, including in Yemen."

The Council on the Houthis to end all attacks, reiterating concern at targeting civilian infrastructure in cities at the southern border of Saudi Arabia.

In a statement from Riyadh, the Coalition mourned those killed and claimed there had been attacks targeting an electrical distribution site and a police station on its southern border by "some Houthi elements."

Coalition spokesman Brig-Gen Turki al-Maliki said the leadership of the joint forces mourns the "heroic martyrs loyal to their religion and nation."

The leadership of the joint forces of the Coalition condemned the treacherous attack near the Saudi-Yemen border by some Houthi elements, Malki said.

He warned that last month's hostilities, including an attack on an electrical power distribution station and a police station in the border region, were "unacceptable" and "provocative."

"In line with the positive efforts being made to seek to end the crisis and reach a comprehensive political solution, the leadership of the joint forces of the coalition affirms its rejection of repeated provocations and reserves the right to respond at the appropriate time and place," Maliki said in a statement.

Saudi Arabia Pursues Efforts to Quell Sudan Crisis

Saudi Deputy Foreign Minister Waleed Al-Khuraiji at the Second Consultative Meeting on Enhancing Coordination of Peace Initiatives and Efforts in Sudan (SPA)
Saudi Deputy Foreign Minister Waleed Al-Khuraiji at the Second Consultative Meeting on Enhancing Coordination of Peace Initiatives and Efforts in Sudan (SPA)

Saudi Arabia Pursues Efforts to Quell Sudan Crisis

Saudi Deputy Foreign Minister Waleed Al-Khuraiji at the Second Consultative Meeting on Enhancing Coordination of Peace Initiatives and Efforts in Sudan (SPA)
Saudi Deputy Foreign Minister Waleed Al-Khuraiji at the Second Consultative Meeting on Enhancing Coordination of Peace Initiatives and Efforts in Sudan (SPA)

Saudi Deputy Foreign Minister Waleed Al-Khuraiji reaffirmed the Kingdom’s ongoing efforts to resolve the Sudanese crisis. He expressed Saudi Arabia’s openness to international initiatives aimed at bringing peace to Sudan.
At the Second Consultative Meeting on Enhancing Coordination of Peace Initiatives and Efforts in Sudan, held in Djibouti, Al-Khuraiji discussed the Kingdom’s ongoing efforts to resolve the Sudanese crisis.
He mentioned that Saudi Arabia, in partnership with the United States, facilitated talks between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces, leading to the Jeddah Declaration on May 11, 2023, which aimed to protect civilians.
Al-Khuraiji also noted the continuation of talks with the involvement of the African Union and IGAD, emphasizing Saudi Arabia’s support for African-led solutions.
He reiterated Saudi Arabia’s commitment to restoring stability in Sudan and urged all parties to act with wisdom, show restraint, and support positive initiatives.
Al-Khuraiji also met with EU Special Representative for the Horn of Africa, Annette Weber, on the sidelines of the consultative meeting.
In separate meetings, he also met with the UN Envoy for Sudan, Ramtane Lamamra, and US Special Envoy for Sudan, Tom Perriello.
During these meetings, they reviewed the latest developments in Sudan, explored ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation, and discussed topics of mutual interest.
The Sudanese Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Taqaddum) expressed support for international and regional meetings, hoping they would bring positive results to ease the suffering of the Sudanese people.
They urged the need that discussions focus on ensuring humanitarian aid reaches those in need, protecting civilians, and achieving an immediate ceasefire.
Taqaddum highlighted the importance of international legal frameworks for civilian protection and safe passageways during the conflict.
They called on international and regional partners to quickly bring both sides back to negotiations, build on the Jeddah agreements, and secure a binding ceasefire with effective monitoring.
Taqaddum also stressed the need for a unified negotiation platform to achieve peace.