Saudi Arabia, Djibouti Discuss Enhancing Health Cooperation

Saudi flag (AAWSAT AR)
Saudi flag (AAWSAT AR)

Saudi Arabia, Djibouti Discuss Enhancing Health Cooperation

Saudi flag (AAWSAT AR)
Saudi flag (AAWSAT AR)

Saudi Ambassador to the Republic of Djibouti, Faisal bin Sultan Al-Qabbani discussed enhancing cooperation in the health sector with Djibouti’s Minister Of Health Dr. Ahmed Robleh Abdilleh, SPA said on Thursday.
Al-Qabbani and Robleh held talks and discussed health cooperation between the two countries during their meeting.

Bahrain, Iran Agree to Kick Off Talks to Restore Ties 

Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani meets with his acting Iranian counterpart Bagheri Kani in Tehran on Sunday. (BNA)
Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani meets with his acting Iranian counterpart Bagheri Kani in Tehran on Sunday. (BNA)

Bahrain, Iran Agree to Kick Off Talks to Restore Ties 

Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani meets with his acting Iranian counterpart Bagheri Kani in Tehran on Sunday. (BNA)
Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani meets with his acting Iranian counterpart Bagheri Kani in Tehran on Sunday. (BNA)

Bahrain and Iran agreed on Sunday to set up the required mechanisms to initiate talks between them to discuss the resumption of political relations between them.

Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani held talks in Tehran on Sunday with his acting Iranian counterpart Bagheri Kani, reported Bahrain’s state news agency (BNA).

Zayani was in Iran to attend the Asia Cooperation Dialogue meeting at Kani’s invitation.

The FMs held bilateral talks within “the framework of the fraternal historical relations” between Bahrain and Iran and “the bonds of religion, neighborliness, joint history and common interests that connect them,” added BNA.