KSrelief Continues Delivering Humanitarian Aid in Yemen, Lebanon

KSrelief efforts form a vital part of the Kingdom's humanitarian projects - SPA
KSrelief efforts form a vital part of the Kingdom's humanitarian projects - SPA

KSrelief Continues Delivering Humanitarian Aid in Yemen, Lebanon

KSrelief efforts form a vital part of the Kingdom's humanitarian projects - SPA
KSrelief efforts form a vital part of the Kingdom's humanitarian projects - SPA

The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) continued to support the operation of aid projects by the Prosthetic and Rehabilitation Center in Yemen's Hadhramaut Governorate to deliver medical services to hundreds of beneficiaries from Yemen who had lost limbs during September.

Throughout the project, a total of 1,380 services were rendered, with 60% provided to males and 40% to females. Among these, 17% were displaced individuals, while 83% were residents. Notably, 14 patients received comprehensive care, including the manufacturing, installation, and rehabilitation of prosthetic limbs, encompassing delivery, measurements, and maintenance.

Moreover, the initiative extended physical therapy services, comprising sessions and specialized consultations, which benefitted 348 patients.

With the support of KSrelief, Al-Jadah Health Center clinics in Midi district in the Yemeni governorate of Hajjah also provided treatment services to 1,980 beneficiaries during the period from November 1 to 7, 2023.
The emergency clinic reviewed 1,064 patients, the internal medicine clinic had 245 beneficiaries, the pediatric clinic attended to 386 children, the infectious diseases clinic treated 85 patients, the women's and maternity clinic had 178 cases, and the obstetrics department handled 22 cases, SPA reported.

Meanwhile in Lebanon, the Riyadh-based center continued implementing the Al-Amal Charitable Bakery project in the fourth stage for 2023 in Akkar Governorate and Miniyeh District in Lebanon.
The project distributed 150,000 bundles of bread to Syrian and Palestinian refugee families and the host community in northern Lebanon, benefiting 125,000 individuals.
These projects come within the efforts made by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, through KSrelief, to improve the living conditions of people in need in various locations.

Saudi Arabia Welcomes Agreement between Yemen Govt, Houthis

Saudi Arabia reiterates its continued support for the Yemeni government and people. (Asharq al-Awsat)
Saudi Arabia reiterates its continued support for the Yemeni government and people. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Saudi Arabia Welcomes Agreement between Yemen Govt, Houthis

Saudi Arabia reiterates its continued support for the Yemeni government and people. (Asharq al-Awsat)
Saudi Arabia reiterates its continued support for the Yemeni government and people. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Saudi Arabia welcomed on Wednesday the agreement announced by the United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, between the Yemeni government and the Houthi group.
The agreement was reached on Tuesday between the legitimate Yemeni government and Iran-backed Houthi militias to de-escalate the situation with regard to the Yemeni banking sector and the national airlines, Yemenia.
The Saudi foreign Ministry stressed Riyadh’s unwavering support for Yemen, its government and people, expressing keenness on de-escalation.
In a statement on its X account on Wednesday, the Ministry said it looks forward to the Yemeni parties sitting for dialogue under the patronage of the UN envoy's office to discuss all economic and humanitarian issues in the hopes of paving the way for a comprehensive political solution for the Yemeni crisis.