Kuwait National Assembly Election Nomination Ends: 255 Candidates, 14 Women

Closing of voter registration for the National Assembly elections in Kuwait (KUNA)
Closing of voter registration for the National Assembly elections in Kuwait (KUNA)

Kuwait National Assembly Election Nomination Ends: 255 Candidates, 14 Women

Closing of voter registration for the National Assembly elections in Kuwait (KUNA)
Closing of voter registration for the National Assembly elections in Kuwait (KUNA)

At the close of registration of candidates for Kuwait’s National Assembly (parliament) elections, the Ministry of Interior’s Elections Affairs Department revealed that 258 candidates had applied across the country’s five districts.

After 3 withdrew, the final count settled at 255, including 14 women, the Department disclosed on Wednesday.

The last day saw 37 candidates, including 7 women, sign up, marking the highest daily intake since registration began earlier this month.

Forty-seven candidates are running in the first constituency, 53 in the second, 37 in the third and as many as 68 in the fourth and 50 hopefuls in the fifth electoral district. Eight of the 14 female candidates are contesting in the third district.

Comparatively, the previous elections in 2023 saw 207 candidates, including 15 women, vying for seats.

A scrutiny committee is now gearing up to review candidate qualifications and ensure they meet the necessary criteria for political office. This judicial body, working alongside the Interior Ministry, allows disqualified individuals to appeal within a set timeframe.

A decree-law issued on February 22 temporarily suspended certain provisions of the Election Commission Law until October 1 of the following year.

The decree-law for the 2024 National Assembly elections prohibits candidacy for those convicted of serious crimes, unless their status has been rehabilitated.

The aim is to maintain procedural integrity from previous elections while preserving essential guarantees and provisions. This includes using official civil ID data to prevent manipulation and ensuring rehabilitated individuals aren’t disenfranchised.

Kuwait’s Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Acting Interior Minister Sheikh Fahad Yusuf Al-Sabah has divided election committees across the districts: 93 in the first, 91 in the second, 135 in the third, 201 in the fourth, and 239 in the fifth.

The 2024 National Assembly elections are set for Thursday, April 4, falling on the 25th of Islam’s holy month of fasting, Ramadan. It’s the second time Kuwait holds parliamentary elections during Ramadan.

Mohamed bin Zayed, European Council President Discuss Strengthening Ties and Regional Developments

UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan meets with Charles Michel, President of the European Council, in Abu Dhabi. WAM
UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan meets with Charles Michel, President of the European Council, in Abu Dhabi. WAM

Mohamed bin Zayed, European Council President Discuss Strengthening Ties and Regional Developments

UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan meets with Charles Michel, President of the European Council, in Abu Dhabi. WAM
UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan meets with Charles Michel, President of the European Council, in Abu Dhabi. WAM

UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Charles Michel, President of the European Council, have discussed ways to develop and expand relations to serve the common interests of all sides and foster growth and prosperity.

During Friday’s meeting, which took place at Qasr Al Shati in Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohamed emphasized the deep ties between the UAE and the European Union, as well as the ongoing commitment to strengthening these relations to support their shared goals and promote peace and development at both the regional and global levels.

The meeting also touched upon the upcoming Gulf Cooperation Council-European Union summit scheduled for October in Brussels. The UAE President and Michel emphasized the significance of the summit in advancing relations, especially in economic and developmental areas, and setting the stage for further progress in the years ahead.

Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed and the European Council President also reviewed several regional and international issues of mutual concern, particularly developments in the Middle East. They underscored the importance of reaching an urgent ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip to allow for adequate humanitarian aid to alleviate the suffering of its residents. They also stressed the need to de-escalate tensions in the West Bank and to push for a permanent and stable peace process based on the two-state solution.

Both sides emphasized the seriousness of escalating tensions in the region and the critical need for international efforts to contain and prevent the expansion of conflicts, which pose a threat to regional security and stability.

Sheikh Mohamed reiterated the UAE’s support for all efforts aimed at bringing an end to the conflict in Gaza and fostering stability and peace in the region. He also highlighted the UAE's commitment to cooperating with the European Union and other concerned parties to enhance the humanitarian response to the worsening situation in Gaza and support regional stability.

Charles Michel praised the UAE's position in support of Gulf-European cooperation and its influential humanitarian role in Gaza. He also commended the UAE’s contributions to peace and stability in the Middle East.