Bahrain Interior Minister: Iran Shelters 160 Wanted Suspects

Bahraini Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Bin Abdullah Bin Hamad Al Khalifa attends the consultative meeting of interior ministers from the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), in the Bahraini capital Manama on April 23, 2013. (AFP Photo/Mohammed Al-Shaikh)
Bahraini Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Bin Abdullah Bin Hamad Al Khalifa attends the consultative meeting of interior ministers from the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), in the Bahraini capital Manama on April 23, 2013. (AFP Photo/Mohammed Al-Shaikh)

Bahrain Interior Minister: Iran Shelters 160 Wanted Suspects

Bahraini Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Bin Abdullah Bin Hamad Al Khalifa attends the consultative meeting of interior ministers from the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), in the Bahraini capital Manama on April 23, 2013. (AFP Photo/Mohammed Al-Shaikh)
Bahraini Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Bin Abdullah Bin Hamad Al Khalifa attends the consultative meeting of interior ministers from the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), in the Bahraini capital Manama on April 23, 2013. (AFP Photo/Mohammed Al-Shaikh)

Bahrain’s Interior Minister Lieutenant General Sheikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa uncovered on Monday that Iran shelters 160 suspects wanted by Bahrain for participating in terrorist activities that have threatened the security and safety of the country.

The minister told Asharq Al-Awsat that his country has revoked the citizenship of those terrorists and has issued sentences against them in cases linked to the martyrdom of 25 Bahraini security officials and the severe injury of more than 3,000 others.

Al Khalifa said that the strategy of US President Donald Trump against Iran helped in limiting the indulgent policies used by Iran to interfere in the internal affairs of other states and to export its terrorist activities through the Revolutionary Guards and Hezbollah.

The Bahraini minister praised the US strategy and said that in general, it undoubtedly restored international peace and security and in specific, it protected the regional security of Arab Gulf states.

Al-Khalifa also lauded the announcement of US Secretary of Defense James Mattis that Washington would surely dissuade Iran from shipping explosives to Bahrain.

According to the Bahraini interior minister, there is evidence that Iran has shipped 24 kilograms of explosive materials to Bahrain and it logistically and financially supported terrorist members to carry out terrorist acts against Bahrain and its people.

He said there is a direct relationship between Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and terrorist activities in Bahrain.

“Bahrain faced the threat of terrorism and was able to foil many terrorist acts. Physical evidence and strategic information proved the involvement of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards in training terrorist members in Iranian camps on the use of explosives and automatic rifles and contributing to the smuggling of those weapons to Bahrain,” Al Khalifa said.

He added that some arrested suspects have already admitted into being trained on the use of weapons in the military camps run by the Revolutionary Guards, and that their ages range between 20 and 40.

Salih Muslim: Self-Administration Firm on Northeast Syria Elections Schedule

The co-chairman of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) Salih Muslim (Asharq Al-Awsat)
The co-chairman of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) Salih Muslim (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Salih Muslim: Self-Administration Firm on Northeast Syria Elections Schedule

The co-chairman of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) Salih Muslim (Asharq Al-Awsat)
The co-chairman of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) Salih Muslim (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Salih Muslim, the co-chairman of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), the main party of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), reaffirmed commitment to holding local elections in August despite increased Turkish threats of military action.

Muslim emphasized that these elections are aimed at managing local affairs in areas outside Syrian government control, stressing they have no intention to secede from Syria.

The PYD leader disclosed that US officials urged Syrian Kurds to announce the elections promptly.

He noted that Turkish reactions, which he termed “provocative,” were met with silence from the Syrian official side. He added that the Damascus regime fully understands that there are no Kurdish separatist plans from the Syrian state.

In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat at his office in Al-Hasakah, Muslim explained the reasons for the repeated delays in local elections in AANES regions.

“The elections were first postponed from May 30 to June 11 due to logistical issues with the Higher Elections Commission. There was a lack of preparation, possibly due to inexperience or unfamiliarity with our area,” said Muslim.

“Secondly, some political parties objected to the Commission's decision to shorten the campaign period from 20 days, as stipulated in the social contract, to just 10 days.”

“Thirdly, we wanted international and Arab observers and guests to monitor the elections.”

“However, arranging their travel takes time, especially since our region requires visas and approvals that can delay the process. We could only provide them with a 10-day notice.”

“These were the actual reasons for delaying the elections until August, despite claims linking it to American pressure and Turkish escalation.”

“It was expected, as hostile parties such as Türkiye would object to any local efforts to manage our region’s affairs,” clarified Muslim.

When asked about commitment to holding elections, Muslim said: “We are committed to proceeding with these elections as planned.”

“The decision lies with the entities involved in the Higher Commission and political parties.”

“The postponement aims to address initial shortcomings, but it is imperative that these elections proceed on schedule,” he affirmed.

As for the US reaction when elections were announced by the AANES, Muslim said: “They told us, ‘We see you are moving quickly with this.’ That was their only comment, without further explanation.”

Muslim agreed that the US might have a point regarding logistical preparations and significant deficiencies in organizing elections, particularly concerning visits by foreign delegations and observers.

However, Muslim said that the real reason behind the US caveat on rushing elections remains unclear.