New Website to Counter Rumors on Asylum in Germany

Migrants from Syria and Iraq take selfies with German Chancellor Angela Merkel outside a refugee camp near the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees after their registration at Berlin's Spandau district, Germany, September 10, 2015. Reuters
Migrants from Syria and Iraq take selfies with German Chancellor Angela Merkel outside a refugee camp near the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees after their registration at Berlin's Spandau district, Germany, September 10, 2015. Reuters

New Website to Counter Rumors on Asylum in Germany

Migrants from Syria and Iraq take selfies with German Chancellor Angela Merkel outside a refugee camp near the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees after their registration at Berlin's Spandau district, Germany, September 10, 2015. Reuters
Migrants from Syria and Iraq take selfies with German Chancellor Angela Merkel outside a refugee camp near the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees after their registration at Berlin's Spandau district, Germany, September 10, 2015. Reuters

The German government is stepping up its campaign to counter false information that human smugglers are spreading to lure refugees to Germany.

According to the German News Agency (DPA), a new internet page called “” has been launched to combat rumors with facts. The information is being posted in Arabic, French and German.

Commenting on the website’s launch, the German Foreign Ministry said: “We want to prevent people, who are already in a difficult situation, from heading out with an idealized view and false expectations. Therefore we are providing objective information to counter the rumor mill.”

The page lists the "seven biggest lies of the smugglers" promoted by the human traffickers on Germany as an asylum destination.

Among the points made according to the page DPA has examined: "Germany has reserved 800,000 places alone for Afghan refugees." This is false, the ministry warns. There are no quotas for refugees from specific countries. Each case is decided on an individual basis; "Every refugee receives a sum of 2,000 euros" and "Germany gives each refugee a house.” Both are claims far from reality; "If you didn’t like the conditions in Germany, they will simply give you a visa for Canada." The internet page says, "This is completely false. There is no agreement between Germany and Canada, or with any other country for such cases."

The ministry’s statement said that the most important aim of the campaign #RumoursAboutGermany is to ban human smugglers from spreading rumors on asylum to Germany via the internet.

In Afghanistan, Pakistan, North Africa and West Africa work has been done with large posters, ads on buses, blogs, and television and radio broadcasts to clarify Germany's position about its acceptance of refugees. The new internet page is designed to pool all these activities undertaken so far.

Dozens of Exotic Animals Seized at Turkish Border

A woman covers with an umbrella against the rain during a summer storm at Kadikoy ferry terminal in Istanbul, Türkiye, Friday, Aug. 30, 2024. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)
A woman covers with an umbrella against the rain during a summer storm at Kadikoy ferry terminal in Istanbul, Türkiye, Friday, Aug. 30, 2024. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)

Dozens of Exotic Animals Seized at Turkish Border

A woman covers with an umbrella against the rain during a summer storm at Kadikoy ferry terminal in Istanbul, Türkiye, Friday, Aug. 30, 2024. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)
A woman covers with an umbrella against the rain during a summer storm at Kadikoy ferry terminal in Istanbul, Türkiye, Friday, Aug. 30, 2024. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)

Turkish customs officials in the northwestern city of Edirne discovered dozens of exotic animals being smuggled into Türkiye from Greece, The Associated Press said.

State-run Anadolu Agency reported that the mid-sized sedan with Greek license plates was carrying three kangaroos, three alpacas and one Patagonian mara in the trunk, and 12 parrots and 23 flying squirrels inside the vehicle. Many of the animals are juveniles.

Photos from the scene show the larger animals bound and squeezed together in tight confinement, while the smaller ones were crowded in cages.

The private Demiroren News Agency identified the driver of the vehicle as Yuksel D., who was subsequently detained by authorities.

All the animals survived and will be delivered to the Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks.