CEO of Thales Group: ‘Saudi Arabia is Prepared to Attract Global Investments’

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Logo of Thales Group

CEO of Thales Group: ‘Saudi Arabia is Prepared to Attract Global Investments’

Logo of Thales Group
Logo of Thales Group

Patrice Caine, Chief Executive of the multinational Thales Group, which designs and builds electrical systems and provides services for the aerospace, defense, transportation and security markets, said that the Saudi environment has become prepared more than ever to attract institutional investments on the global level.

Caine expected Riyadh to move to leading positions in this field in order to write a new chapter in its history of economic development, which reaches four percent annually.

CEO of the French-based group said that the qualitative change in Saudi exports is a very important indicator of the Kingdom's efforts to diversify the economy, with encouraging data showing the growth of non-oil exports at a rate that exceeds the growth rate of oil exports in recent years.

However, oil still constitutes the largest share of the country’s foreign sales, reflecting the volume of the challenge the Kingdom faces in order to achieve economic diversification.

During his visit to Riyadh and on the sidelines of his participation in the Future Investment Initiative recently, Caine told Asharq Al-Awsat that in order to enhance non-oil exports, the Saudi government has established the Saudi Export Development Authority (SEDA), which has undertaken the duty of promoting non-oil products at the external level in parallel with supporting local companies and helping them export their goods.”

“Within this framework, SEDA constitutes a step in the right direction towards creating an economic environment of an international character, which will enhance the economy, create jobs and accelerate growth."

Caine also said Thales is ready to participate in future changes in Saudi Arabia in the framework of joint research programs and to promote the development of local capacities to match the programs of Vision 2030 through technological innovation, digital transformation, creating exceptional opportunities and enhancing areas of technology such as artificial intelligence, digital security, smart and secured cities and self-transport.

Saudi economy is considered one of the largest economies on the level of the Middle East, according to Caine, who added that it constitutes one of the 20 most important markets in the world as it has been achieving four percent growth annually for the past 25 years, contributing to the creation of millions of new job opportunities.

He pointed out that Thales will boost its work in the region, especially in Saudi Arabia, in light of the great opportunities available to it within the various sectors in which it operates.

MSF Chief: Sudan’s Situation Worst We’ve Ever Seen

International President of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Christos Christou
International President of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Christos Christou

MSF Chief: Sudan’s Situation Worst We’ve Ever Seen

International President of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Christos Christou
International President of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Christos Christou

The health situation in Sudan is “the worst ever,” according to Christos Christou, the international president of Doctors Without Borders (MSF).
Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, Christou warned that conditions are deteriorating rapidly due to severe challenges in movement, a limited presence of international aid organizations, and inadequate funding from donors.
Christou reported that more than 70% of health facilities have shut down, and malnutrition is on the rise.
He predicted a surge in malaria and cholera cases with the rainy season approaching.
The ongoing conflict between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has caused the world’s fastest-growing displacement crisis, worsening malnutrition among children and pregnant women.
Remaining health facilities are overwhelmed and at risk of collapse due to increasing violence, attacks, and looting.
During his recent visit to Sudan, Christou met with Deputy Chairman of the Sovereignty Council Malik Agar and senior health officials to discuss ways to improve humanitarian aid delivery.
Christou described the patterns of displacement, malnutrition, and other humanitarian needs in Sudan as “deeply troubling.”
He noted that humanitarian aid is not reaching enough people and stressed the urgent need to “scale up the humanitarian response.” This, he added, requires guarantees of protection from all warring parties.
According to Christou, one in three patients treated by the organization suffers from war-related injuries, with most being women and children. He called on all fighting parties to “do everything possible to protect civilians.”
“We have heard many patient testimonies about violence driven by ethnic motives, especially in Darfur,” Christou said.
MSF is in constant contact with all warring parties to ensure healthcare continues.
“We must remind them to follow international humanitarian law, protect civilians and infrastructure, and not use weapons in health facilities,” added the MSF president.
Christou emphasized that MSF provides life-saving healthcare to all in need in Sudan, remaining neutral and impartial.