Hariri to Velayati: Yemen Comes before Any Dialogue with Saudi Arabia

FILE PHOTO: Saad Hariri attends a general parliament discussion in downtown Beirut, Lebanon October 18, 2017. REUTERS
FILE PHOTO: Saad Hariri attends a general parliament discussion in downtown Beirut, Lebanon October 18, 2017. REUTERS

Hariri to Velayati: Yemen Comes before Any Dialogue with Saudi Arabia

FILE PHOTO: Saad Hariri attends a general parliament discussion in downtown Beirut, Lebanon October 18, 2017. REUTERS
FILE PHOTO: Saad Hariri attends a general parliament discussion in downtown Beirut, Lebanon October 18, 2017. REUTERS

The press office of outgoing Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri has denied remarks made by Iranian Supreme Leader’s advisor Ali Akbar Velayati that Hariri had offered to mediate with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during their last meeting in Beirut.

“Hariri did not offer to mediate between any country, rather he expressed to Velayati his point of view, which is the need to stop Iran’s intervention in Yemen as a first step and a precondition to any improvement in relations between Iran and the Kingdom,” the press office said in a statement on Tuesday.

“Hariri reiterated insistently that this is his personal point of view.”

When Velayati replied that he sees dialogue on the Yemeni crisis as a good starting point for dialogue between Iran and the Kingdom, Hariri answered: “No, Yemen comes before dialogue. I think that solving the problem in Yemen is the only way to start any dialogue between you and the kingdom.”

GCC Welcomes Agreement between Yemen Govt, Houthis

Hans Grundberg, the U.N. special representative for Yemen, speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Cairo, Egypt, on Aug. 28, 2023. (AP)
Hans Grundberg, the U.N. special representative for Yemen, speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Cairo, Egypt, on Aug. 28, 2023. (AP)

GCC Welcomes Agreement between Yemen Govt, Houthis

Hans Grundberg, the U.N. special representative for Yemen, speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Cairo, Egypt, on Aug. 28, 2023. (AP)
Hans Grundberg, the U.N. special representative for Yemen, speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Cairo, Egypt, on Aug. 28, 2023. (AP)

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Secretary-General Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi welcomed on Wednesday the agreement between the legitimate Yemeni government and Iran-backed Houthi militias to de-escalate the situation with regard to the Yemeni banking sector and airlines.

The agreement was announced by the United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, on Tuesday.

Albudaiwi expressed the GCC's support for all regional and international efforts and the efforts led by the UN special envoy aimed at achieving peace and security in Yemen.

The announcement underscores the importance the international community attaches to the Yemeni crisis, he added, hoping the agreement will pave the way for Yemeni parties to start the political process, under UN auspices, to reach a comprehensive political solution that achieves security and stability in the country.

He reiterated the GCC's continued support and full solidarity with Yemen, its government and people, and its keenness to encourage all efforts to de-escalate and maintain stability in order to reach peace.