Childhood Cancer Survivors Have More Blood Pressure Problems

In this Jan. 22, 2017, photo provided by Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, 15-month-old Ella sits in a hospital bed at the Aflac Cancer Center of Children¿s Healthcare of Atlanta via AP
In this Jan. 22, 2017, photo provided by Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, 15-month-old Ella sits in a hospital bed at the Aflac Cancer Center of Children¿s Healthcare of Atlanta via AP

Childhood Cancer Survivors Have More Blood Pressure Problems

In this Jan. 22, 2017, photo provided by Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, 15-month-old Ella sits in a hospital bed at the Aflac Cancer Center of Children¿s Healthcare of Atlanta via AP
In this Jan. 22, 2017, photo provided by Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, 15-month-old Ella sits in a hospital bed at the Aflac Cancer Center of Children¿s Healthcare of Atlanta via AP

More than one in 12 adult survivors of childhood cancers may have undiagnosed high blood pressure, a US study suggests.

High blood pressure, or hypertension, can be a particular problem for childhood cancer survivors because many of them have heart damage as a result of chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

Even when they do get diagnosed with high blood pressure, more than one in five of these patients don’t take medication or make lifestyle changes necessary to treat it, the study also found, Reuters reported.

“It is notable that survivors in our study had a higher-than-expected prevalence of hypertension regardless of their specific childhood cancer diagnosis or treatment,” said lead study author Todd Gibson of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.

“The good news is that, unlike prior cancer therapy, high blood pressure is a modifiable risk factor,” Gibson said by email.

Previous research has linked cancer drugs known as anthracyclines to weakening of the heart muscle. Research has also tied some radiation therapy to cardiac rhythm disorders and structural damage in arteries and valves.

Deaths from cardiovascular disease are eight times more likely in childhood cancer survivors than in people without a history of tumors early in life.

The current analysis involved 3,016 adults who were part of the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort Study. All had been treated for cancer as kids and survived at least 10 years.

By age 30, 13 percent of them had high blood pressure, the study found. By comparison, the general prevalence of hypertension among 18-to-39-year-olds in the U.S. is about 7 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The proportion of childhood cancer survivors with hypertension climbed to 37 percent by age 40 and exceeded 70 percent by age 50. In the general U.S. population, according to the CDC, only about 30 percent of people ages 40 to 60 have hypertension.

Exposure to chemotherapy or radiation didn’t appear to influence whether cancer survivors developed high blood pressure, according to Reuters.

One limitation of the study is that researchers only had blood pressure measurements from a single visit at each point in time, making it possible that some patients may have been misclassified. Some patients get anxious and develop temporary high blood pressure during checkups.

Ancient Egyptian Coffin Given New Life in Britain

Staff at Swansea University welcome back the artifact. Photo: Swansea University
Staff at Swansea University welcome back the artifact. Photo: Swansea University

Ancient Egyptian Coffin Given New Life in Britain

Staff at Swansea University welcome back the artifact. Photo: Swansea University
Staff at Swansea University welcome back the artifact. Photo: Swansea University

An ancient Egyptian coffin was given a new life after it has been returned to Swansea University's Egypt Center in Wales.

The artifact, believed to date from about 650 BC, is now back at the university after thousands of hours of conservation work at Cardiff University, where it was painstakingly cleaned, reconstructed and consolidated to prevent it from deteriorating further, according to BBC.

The coffin, originally made for a man called Ankhpakhered in the Greek city of Thebes, was transported back under the watchful eye of the center’s curator Dr. Ken Griffin.

Staff described the finished project as “beyond our wildest dreams.”

“The coffin was gifted to us by Aberystwyth University in 1997 but details about its history are sketchy,” Griffin said.

He added: “It actually ended up being used as a storage box at one time, with other Egyptian objects placed in it for safekeeping.”

The university’s Phil Parkes explained that the wooden coffin was covered in textile and then had a thin layer of decorated plaster over the top.

He said: “Much of that textile had become detached over time and was just hanging loose.”

Parkes added that the separate wooden head was detached and there were a couple of large pieces of wood missing, the side of the base had fallen off and it was in a very sorry condition overall.