Iranian Top Commander Denies Rift between National Army Forces

Revolutionary Guard Chief of Staff Major General Mohammad Hossein Bagheri
Revolutionary Guard Chief of Staff Major General Mohammad Hossein Bagheri

Iranian Top Commander Denies Rift between National Army Forces

Revolutionary Guard Chief of Staff Major General Mohammad Hossein Bagheri
Revolutionary Guard Chief of Staff Major General Mohammad Hossein Bagheri

Revolutionary Guard Chief of Staff Major General Mohammad Hossein Bagheri highlighted on Tuesday local efforts being poured into widening a rift between the Revolutionary Guard and the national army.

On the other hand, Iranian Army Commander-in-Chief Abdolrahim Mousavi vowed to introduce radical structural changes to the Iranian army so it becomes "more in keep with the revolutionary (in reference to the Revolutionary Guard) style"-- Mousavi said it was according to orders of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

Bagheri added that the theme of "Revolutionary Army" for the senior military commanders conference is a correct choice that illustrates the intelligence and military command at this time.

At the time being, Iran experiences an ongoing tug of war for power between its military and has a critical crisis of confidence between the Revolutionary Guard, responsible guard the rule of the Faqih regime, and the Iranian army, whose first duty is to defend national interests and the territorial integrity of Iran.

Whereas the regular military defends Iran's borders and maintains internal order, according to the Iranian constitution, the Revolutionary Guard is intended to protect the country's Islamic Republic system and answers solely to orders issued by the Supreme Leader only.

While the Guard prides itself on its "revolutionary" ideology and legitimacy, the army derives its legitimacy from a constitutional role in preserving Iran's national interests.

On the other hand, in his speech to military leaders, Bagheri hinted at the possibility of a military confrontation with Iran, referring to US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley last Thursday calling on the international coalition to confront the Iranian role in the region.

The influence of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the West Asian has jeopardized the position of the enemies of the Revolution, so they want to counter this influence through aligning and countering Tehran’s regime Bagheri added.

The senior commander stated that the influence of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the region is very huge, overcoming purported and incessant plots of enemies to counter the Islamic Republic's agenda.

Pressure has been mounting against the Iranian army, especially after reports emerged on its units refusing to suppress demonstrators during the events of the Green Movement in 2009. The army, over the years, has faced fierce demands to adopt the ideology of the regime.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard says that the cleric-led country is the sole "ideology-based army" in the world.

Bangladesh Says Student Leaders Held for Their Own Safety

People take part in a song march to protest against the indiscriminate killings and mass arrest in Dhaka on July 26, 2024. (AFP)
People take part in a song march to protest against the indiscriminate killings and mass arrest in Dhaka on July 26, 2024. (AFP)

Bangladesh Says Student Leaders Held for Their Own Safety

People take part in a song march to protest against the indiscriminate killings and mass arrest in Dhaka on July 26, 2024. (AFP)
People take part in a song march to protest against the indiscriminate killings and mass arrest in Dhaka on July 26, 2024. (AFP)

Bangladesh said three student leaders had been taken into custody for their own safety after the government blamed their protests against civil service job quotas for days of deadly nationwide unrest.

Students Against Discrimination head Nahid Islam and two other senior members of the protest group were Friday forcibly discharged from hospital and taken away by a group of plainclothes detectives.

The street rallies organized by the trio precipitated a police crackdown and days of running clashes between officers and protesters that killed at least 201 people, according to an AFP tally of hospital and police data.

Islam earlier this week told AFP he was being treated at the hospital in the capital Dhaka for injuries sustained during an earlier round of police detention.

Police had initially denied that Islam and his two colleagues were taken into custody before home minister Asaduzzaman Khan confirmed it to reporters late on Friday.

"They themselves were feeling insecure. They think that some people were threatening them," he said.

"That's why we think for their own security they needed to be interrogated to find out who was threatening them. After the interrogation, we will take the next course of action."

Khan did not confirm whether the trio had been formally arrested.

Days of mayhem last week saw the torching of government buildings and police posts in Dhaka, and fierce street fights between protesters and riot police elsewhere in the country.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's government deployed troops, instituted a nationwide internet blackout and imposed a curfew to restore order.

- 'Carried out raids' -

The unrest began when police and pro-government student groups attacked street rallies organized by Students Against Discrimination that had remained largely peaceful before last week.

Islam, 26, the chief coordinator of Students Against Discrimination, told AFP from his hospital bed on Monday that he feared for his life.

He said that two days beforehand, a group of people identifying themselves as police detectives blindfolded and handcuffed him and took him to an unknown location to be tortured before he was released the next morning.

His colleague Asif Mahmud, also taken into custody at the hospital on Friday, told AFP earlier that he had also been detained by police and beaten at the height of last week's unrest.

Police have arrested at least 4,500 people since the unrest began.

"We've carried out raids in the capital and we will continue the raids until the perpetrators are arrested," Dhaka Metropolitan Police joint commissioner Biplob Kumar Sarker told AFP.

"We're not arresting general students, only those who vandalized government properties and set them on fire."