Spain Back in Crisis as Separatists Win Catalan Vote

Carles Puigdemont, the dismissed President of Catalonia, arrives to speak after watching the results of Catalonia's regional election in Brussels, Belgium, December 21, 2017. (Reuters)
Carles Puigdemont, the dismissed President of Catalonia, arrives to speak after watching the results of Catalonia's regional election in Brussels, Belgium, December 21, 2017. (Reuters)

Spain Back in Crisis as Separatists Win Catalan Vote

Carles Puigdemont, the dismissed President of Catalonia, arrives to speak after watching the results of Catalonia's regional election in Brussels, Belgium, December 21, 2017. (Reuters)
Carles Puigdemont, the dismissed President of Catalonia, arrives to speak after watching the results of Catalonia's regional election in Brussels, Belgium, December 21, 2017. (Reuters)

Spain plunged back into crisis on Friday as separatists claimed slim majority in elections to regain power in Catalonia.

The secessionists kept a majority, but it was reduced and they may have difficulty forming a government; and support for unionist party Ciudadanos has surged, but not enough to catapult them into power.

Spanish markets recoiled at a surprise result that is also a setback for the European Union, which must now brace for more secessionist noise as it grapples with the disruption of Brexit and simmering east European discontent.

By risking a parliamentary election in the region, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy appears to have made the same mistake that leaders including Greece’s Alexis Tsipras, Britain’s David Cameron and Italy’s Matteo Renzi have made in recent years: betting that voters would resolve their troublesome domestic conundrums for them.

With well over 99 percent of votes from Thursday’s election counted, separatist parties had secured a slim majority.

Spain’s stock market fell around 1 percent and the country’s borrowing costs rose as investors bet the ensuing ramp-up in tensions with its richest region will hurt the euro zone’s fourth-largest economy.

Rajoy ruled out calling national elections over events that have weakened his authority, while both he and exiled separatist leader Carles Puigdemont said they were open for dialogue.

The election results strengthened Puigdemont's hand, as separatist politicians won 70 of the parliament seats altogether. Rajoy's conservative Popular Party secured just three seats, a major embarrassment for the prime minister who took unprecedented steps to put down the Catalan independence movement.

"More than 2 million people are in favor of Catalonia's independence," Puigdemont said, referring to the election results. "Recognizing reality is vital if we are to find a solution."

Rajoy ignored his adversary's appeal for a meeting, declaring instead that the election show a "new era based on dialogue" was beginning in Catalonia. He also set out a condition of his own for any talks: separatist officeholders must abide by the Spanish Constitution, which says the country is "indivisible."

"I will make an effort to dialogue with the government that forms in Catalonia, but I expect it to stop acting unilaterally and outside the law," Rajoy said during a media briefing.

After several strained months that saw secessionists organize an illegal referendum on October 1, and police confiscate urns to try to prevent it from taking place, the election result has done nothing to resolve the standoff either.

“The divisions are huge. It will take time to mend them and that should be the priority for all political actors, reconciliation within the remit of the law,” Rajoy told a news conference at the government’s Moncloa headquarters.

With Catalonia accounting for a fifth of its economy, Spain had already trimmed growth forecasts for 2018, and the prospect of prolonged uncertainty worries business leaders.

“More companies leaving, less economic activity there - and worse for everyone,” said the chief executive of a major listed Spanish company, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the tense climate of the independence debate.

More than 3,100 firms have shifted their headquarters out of the region since October’s referendum.

“Catalonia is back to square one,” said Marco Protopapa, an analyst at JP Morgan, forecasting that tensions would quickly return between Madrid and an “emboldened pro-independence camp eager to exploit the tactical advantage of a favorable election outcome”.

“We’ve at least won the right to be heard,” Puigdemont said, adding that he was open to returning to Spain if given guarantees that he could take his position as head of a potential new Catalan government. Currently he faces the prospect of arrest for his role in organizing the banned referendum.

When the Catalan parliament declared independence after the referendum, Rajoy invoked constitutional powers to impose direct rule from Madrid. He promised to restore Catalonia’s autonomy regardless of the election result, but could re-impose it if a new government again pursued secession.

The EU’s major powers, Germany and France, have backed his anti-independence stance despite some criticism of his methods at times.

Meanwhile, Puigdemont’s attempts to gain international support in Brussels have failed so far. He has called the EU a “club of decadent countries” for declining to mediate a solution.

A German government spokeswoman on Friday urged reconciliation in Catalonia, adding that the Spanish constitution would have to be respected.

Europe now ends the year having struggled to build on the integrationist Emmanuel Macron’s victory in the French presidential election in May. Germany faces months of political limbo, Brussels is mired in a nasty dispute with Poland’s right-wing government and a far-right party has just entered the government in Austria.

In Thursday’s vote, Catalonia’s separatist parties won 70 of the 135 seats, compared with 72 last time, with Puigdemont’s Junts Per Catalunya (Together for Catalonia) retaining its position as the largest separatist force.

Ciudadanos (Citizens) won the most votes, but other unionist forces -- Rajoy’s People’s Party and the Socialist Party -- performed dismally.

As the leading separatist candidate, Puigdemont could try to become president of Catalonia again. The new parliament would not be able to elect him for the post unless he returns to Barcelona, the regional capital, but he is likely to be arrested when he turns up on Spanish soil.

“It’s a bitter victory,” said Paloma Morales, a 27-year-old student at a Ciudadanos rally. “It means four more years of misery.”

Typhoon Gaemi Weakens to Tropical Storm as It Moves Inland Carrying Rain toward Central China

 In this photo released by the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense, Taiwanese soldiers clear debris in the aftermath of Typhoon Gaemi in Kaohsiung county in southwestern Taiwan, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Taiwan Ministry of National Defense via AP)
In this photo released by the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense, Taiwanese soldiers clear debris in the aftermath of Typhoon Gaemi in Kaohsiung county in southwestern Taiwan, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Taiwan Ministry of National Defense via AP)

Typhoon Gaemi Weakens to Tropical Storm as It Moves Inland Carrying Rain toward Central China

 In this photo released by the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense, Taiwanese soldiers clear debris in the aftermath of Typhoon Gaemi in Kaohsiung county in southwestern Taiwan, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Taiwan Ministry of National Defense via AP)
In this photo released by the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense, Taiwanese soldiers clear debris in the aftermath of Typhoon Gaemi in Kaohsiung county in southwestern Taiwan, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Taiwan Ministry of National Defense via AP)

Tropical storm Gaemi brought rain to central China on Saturday as it moved inland after making landfall at typhoon strength on the country's east coast Thursday night.

The storm felled trees, flooded streets and damaged crops in China but there were no reports of casualties or major damage. Eight people died in Taiwan, which Gaemi crossed at typhoon strength before heading over open waters to China.

The worst loss of life, however, was in a country that Gaemi earlier passed by but didn't strike directly: the Philippines. A steadily climbing death toll has reached 34, authorities there said Friday. The typhoon exacerbated seasonal monsoon rains in the Southeast Asian country, causing landslides and severe flooding that stranded people on rooftops as waters rose around them.

China Gaemi weakened to a tropical storm since coming ashore Thursday evening in coastal Fujian province, but it is still expected to bring heavy rains in the coming days as it moves northwest to Jiangxi, Hubei and Henan provinces.

About 85 hectares (210 acres) of crops were damaged in Fujian province and economic losses were estimated at 11.5 million yuan ($1.6 million), according to Chinese media reports. More than 290,000 people were relocated because of the storm.

Elsewhere in China, several days of heavy rains this week in Gansu province left one dead and three missing in the country's northwest, the official Xinhua News Agency said.

Taiwan Residents and business owners swept out mud and mopped up water Friday after serious flooding that sent cars and scooters floating down streets in parts of southern and central Taiwan. Some towns remained inundated with waist-deep water.

Eight people died, several of them struck by falling trees and one by a landslide hitting their house. More than 850 people were injured and one person was missing, the emergency operations center said.

Visiting hard-hit Kaohsiung in the south Friday, President Lai Ching-te commended the city's efforts to improve flood control since a 2009 typhoon that brought a similar amount of rain and killed 681 people, Taiwan's Central News Agency reported.

Lai announced that cash payments of $20,000 New Taiwan Dollars ($610) would be given to households in severely flooded areas.

A cargo ship sank off the coast near Kaohsiung Harbor during the typhoon, and the captain's body was later pulled from the water, the Central News Agency said. A handful of other ships were beached by the storm.

Philippines At least 34 people died in the Philippines, mostly because of flooding and landslides triggered by days of monsoon rains that intensified when the typhoon — called Carina in the Philippines — passed by the archipelago’s east coast.

The victims included 11 people in the Manila metro area, where widespread flooding trapped people on the roofs and upper floors of their houses, police said. Some drowned or were electrocuted in their flooded communities.

Earlier in the week, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. ordered authorities to speed up efforts in delivering food and other aid to isolated rural villages, saying people may not have eaten for days.

The bodies of a pregnant woman and three children were dug out Wednesday after a landslide buried a shanty in the rural mountainside town of Agoncillo in Batangas province.