French FM Faces Contrasting Realities in Libya

French Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian in Tripoli, Libya. Reuters/Ismail Zitouny
French Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian in Tripoli, Libya. Reuters/Ismail Zitouny

French FM Faces Contrasting Realities in Libya

French Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian in Tripoli, Libya. Reuters/Ismail Zitouny
French Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian in Tripoli, Libya. Reuters/Ismail Zitouny

A hundred meters from the office of Libyan Prime Minister Fayaz al-Sarraj in Tripoli, guards at a detention center for migrants had a message for a visiting French delegation: no minister, no journalists, nobody is allowed in, according to Reuters.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian went to Libya on Thursday to revive UN talks between rival groups controlling the west and east, with a view to stabilizing a nation in turmoil since the fall of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.

But the Tripoli leg of the visit showed how difficult it will be to find anyone capable of imposing authority, with a UN-backed government depending on an array of armed factions, each with its own agenda.

After meeting Sarraj in his impressive office, Le Drian was meant to visit the nearby detention facility to see conditions for African migrants caught as they try to reach Europe.

But after CNN aired a video appearing to show migrants being auctioned off as slaves, Libyan officials are on edge, with guards refusing to let the French visitors through the detention camp's thick steel door.

"What do you want to call it?" said a visibly tetchy man who described himself as the supervisor. "It is a detention center. Nobody is allowed. Not the minister and not journalists. Not allowed."

French officials played down the incident, telling Reuters there had been no time for a visit anyway. But it was symptomatic of how Sarraj's government is struggling to make an impact, failing to fix anything from electric power cuts to a collapsing currency.

Sarraj promised to tackle migrant trafficking, but French officials say that will depend on which armed groups are prepared to help him.

While armed factions are vying for control in Tripoli, power in Benghazi is in the hands of one man, General Khalifa Haftar, whose forces have driven out Islamist fighters.

"It's a lot more ordered here. There's no doubt here that there is just one chief," said a European security contractor in Benghazi.

Haftar's Libyan National Army is made up of different groups, which he struggles at times to control. But the general, who hopes to run for the Libyan presidency next year, sought to impress his French visitor with as much fanfare as possible.

Soldiers stood at strategic points, uniforms spotless and boots polished, in contrast to other parts of Libya, where armed groups are more informally dressed in a mixture of uniforms and civilian clothes.

Opponents accuse Haftar of high-handedness and of trying to revive a police state, something his supporters vehemently deny.

He did not leave his office during the French visit, leaving Le Drian to review air, sea and land forces as a military band struggled to play La Marseillaise.

Haftar's aides did not allow journalists to film his meeting with le Drian with their phones.

"I appreciate the frankness of our exchanges," Le Drian said after an hour-long discussion. "That's quite natural," Haftar responded loftily.

Haftar is attempting to position himself as a presidential candidate, but there is still sporadic fighting in Benghazi despite his having declared victory in July.

One diplomat recalled how Haftar was envious of Sarraj after he met US President Donald Trump in Washington last month, perhaps sensing a shift in the Libyan balance of power.

"I don't know how comfortable he (Haftar) is feeling, because I sense that this time the security was much more stringent than when we were last here (in August)," said a French official. "He may be feeling some pressure."

Israeli Troops, Palestinian Fighters Clash in West Bank after Incidents Near Settlements

Israeli troops move inside the Jenin refugee camp on the fourth day of an Israeli military operation in the West Bank city of Jenin, 31 August 2024. EPA/ALAA BADARNEH
Israeli troops move inside the Jenin refugee camp on the fourth day of an Israeli military operation in the West Bank city of Jenin, 31 August 2024. EPA/ALAA BADARNEH

Israeli Troops, Palestinian Fighters Clash in West Bank after Incidents Near Settlements

Israeli troops move inside the Jenin refugee camp on the fourth day of an Israeli military operation in the West Bank city of Jenin, 31 August 2024. EPA/ALAA BADARNEH
Israeli troops move inside the Jenin refugee camp on the fourth day of an Israeli military operation in the West Bank city of Jenin, 31 August 2024. EPA/ALAA BADARNEH

Clashes broke out between Israeli troops and Palestinian fighters in the occupied West Bank on Saturday as Israel pushed ahead with a military operation in the flashpoint city of Jenin.
Israeli troops searched areas around Jewish settlements after two separate security incidents on Friday evening. In Jenin itself, drones and helicopters circled overhead while the sound of sporadic firing could be heard in the city, said Reuters.
Hundreds of Israeli troops have been carrying out raids since Wednesday in one of their largest actions in the West Bank in months.
The operation, which Israel says was mounted to block Iranian-backed militant groups from attacking its citizens, has drawn international calls for a halt.
At least 19 Palestinians, including armed fighters and civilians, have now been killed since it began. The Israeli military said on Saturday a soldier had been killed during the fighting in the West Bank.
The Israeli forces were battling Palestinian fighters from armed factions that have long had a strong presence in Jenin and the adjoining refugee camp, a densely populated township housing families driven from their homes in the 1948 Middle East war around the creation of Israel.
The Palestinian Red Crescent said on Saturday a child had been taken to hospital in Jenin with a bullet wound to the head.
The escalation in hostilities in the West Bank takes place as fighting between Israeli forces and Hamas group still rages in the coastal Gaza Strip nearly 11 months since it began, and hostilities with the Iranian-backed Hezbollah movement in the Israel-Lebanon border area have intensified.
Late on Friday, Israeli forces said two men were killed in separate incidents near Gush Etzion, a large West Bank settlement cluster located south of Jerusalem, that the military assessed were both attempted attacks on Israelis.
In the first, a car exploded at a petrol station in what the army said was an attempted car bombing attack. The military said a man was shot dead after he got out of the car and tried to attack soldiers.
In the second incident, a man was killed after the military said a car attempted to ram a security guard and infiltrate the Karmei Tzur settlement. The car was chased by security forces and crashed and an explosive device in it was detonated, the military said in a statement.
The two deaths were confirmed by Palestinian health authorities but they gave no details on how they died.
Troops combed the area following the two incidents. Security forces also carried out raids in the city of Hebron, where the two men came from.
Hamas praised what it called a "double heroic operation" in the West Bank. It said in a statement it was "a clear message that resistance will remain striking, prolonged and sustained as long as the brutal occupation's aggression and targeting of our people and land continue".
The group, however, did not claim direct responsibility for the attacks.
Israeli army chief General Herzi Halevi said on Saturday Israel would step up defensive measures as well as offensive actions like the Jenin operation.
Amid the gunfire, armored bulldozers searching for roadside bombs have ploughed up large stretches of paved roads and water pipes have been damaged, leading to flooding in some areas.
Since the Hamas attack on Israel last October that triggered the Gaza war, at least 660 Palestinian combatants and civilians have been killed in the West Bank, according to Palestinian tallies, some by Israeli troops and some by Jewish settlers who have carried out frequent attacks on Palestinian communities.
Israel says Iran provides weapons and support to militant factions in the West Bank - under Israeli occupation since the 1967 Middle East war - and the military has as a result cranked up its operations there.