Moscow Questions Damascus About Source of Fire Against Russia’s Humeimim Base

Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses Russian troops as he visits the Hmeimim military base on December 11. TASS
Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses Russian troops as he visits the Hmeimim military base on December 11. TASS

Moscow Questions Damascus About Source of Fire Against Russia’s Humeimim Base

Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses Russian troops as he visits the Hmeimim military base on December 11. TASS
Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses Russian troops as he visits the Hmeimim military base on December 11. TASS

Conflicting speculations emerged on Friday concerning the party responsible for the damage caused by a mortar attack against the Hmeimim Russian air force base in Syria on December 31, 2017, with reports saying that Moscow has asked Damascus about the shelling.

Russia’s Defense Ministry failed to reveal any details about what happened at the base to help identify the source and the size of the mortar used in the shooting.

Russian political figures held ISIS militants trained by Washington, responsible for the attack.

In the meantime, military experts from Russia were trying to avoid any seeming suspicions pointed at the Syrian regime.

For its part, Syrian opposition groups said that the attack could be launched either by anti-regime groups from the Alawite sect or by Iranian-backed militias.

Russia’s Kommersant newspaper was the first to write about the Hmeimim incident, reporting that seven warplanes had been destroyed in the shelling.

The report pushed later the Defense Ministry to admit in a statement that the Hmeimim air base was subjected to sudden mortar shelling from a mobile group of militants. “As a result of the shelling, two servicemen were killed,” it said.

Russia Today channel quoted a report published earlier by Russian-language Vestnik Mordovia newspaper concerning the type of the mortar used in the shelling.

Without naming any expert, the report said that the attack against the Hmeimim air base was conducted by a Vasilek gun-mortar dating back to the 1950s and is still used by many armies of the world and produced by Russia so far.

The website said that the Syrian Army does not possess this type of gun which proves that terrorists got it through Turkey and confirms that Washington is behind the attack on Hmeimim airbase.

The Military Balance website confirmed that Syrian regime forces have used such kind of mortars until 2017.

SMART news agency said on Friday that the Free Syrian Army received a document issued from the Syrian regime intelligence including proves that the shelling at the Hmeimim air base was launched from regime-controlled areas.

Erdogan-Assad Meeting to Be Held Next Month, Turkish Sources

Meeting of Bashar Assad and Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Damascus in May 2008 (AP)
Meeting of Bashar Assad and Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Damascus in May 2008 (AP)

Erdogan-Assad Meeting to Be Held Next Month, Turkish Sources

Meeting of Bashar Assad and Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Damascus in May 2008 (AP)
Meeting of Bashar Assad and Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Damascus in May 2008 (AP)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Syrian counterpart, Bashar Assad, could meet at the Kasab border crossing next month, the pro-government Türkiye newspaper reported on Saturday.

Russian Foreign Intelligence Chief Sergey Naryshkin and chief of Turkish intelligence Ibrahim Kalin agreed on the plan during a meeting they held in Ankara a few days ago, the newspaper said citing sources familiar with the issue.

Intelligence authorities involved in the potential rapprochement between Ankara and Damascus also held three meetings last June to prepare for the Erdogan-Assad talks, it said.

The Kasab border crossing hosted a meeting of Turkish and Syrian intelligence officials about three years ago when Russia triggered the normalization process between Ankara and Damascus.

The Türkiye newspaper, citing its sources, said Erdogan and Assad were initially supposed to meet in Baghdad, but Ankara is now considering the option of holding the summit at the Kasab crossing.

It added that following talks between Assad and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow last Wednesday, reports said the Assad-Erdogan meeting could be held in Moscow. But diplomatic sources were quick to deny it.

Last Tuesday, Türkiye’s Daily Sabah newspaper said Erdogan will meet Assad in Moscow next month, but a Turkish diplomatic source refuted the reports.

Spokesman for Türkiye's ruling Justice and Development Party Omer Celik said last Tuesday that preparation is underway for the Erdogan-Assad meeting.

Speaking after a meeting of the Party chaired by Erdogan, he said the Turkish and Syrian intelligence services held meetings at different times to prepare the necessary dossier related to the Ankara-Damascus relations.

Celik explained that the Turkish Foreign and Defense ministries will then provide their recommendations based on this preparation.

Following this stage, the file will be presented to the Turkish and Syrian Presidents, and Erdogan will then invite Assad to meet.

Turkish media reported that a plane carrying Naryshkin arrived at Ankara Esenboga International Airport last Wednesday, coinciding with the Putin-Assad meeting in Moscow.

Security experts said a Special Flight Detachment aircraft, thought to be carrying Naryshkin, traveled from Moscow to Ankara.

The Türkiye newspaper said the meeting held between Kalin and Naryshkin was decisive in determining the date and place of Erdogan and Assad’s meeting.

Türkiye severed ties with Syria in 2011 after the outbreak of the Syrian civil war, in which it supported the opposition looking to oust Assad. The Syrian leader views opposition fighters as terrorists.