British International Campaign to Attract Islamic Investments

British International Campaign to Attract Islamic Investments

British International Campaign to Attract Islamic Investments

British International Campaign to Attract Islamic Investments

The UK's Department of International Trade has announced the launch of a wide-ranging campaign in the Middle East and the Gulf to encourage investment in the UK in accordance with Islamic Sharia.

According to a report published by the Dubai-based regional Media and Communications Center, the United Kingdom is ranked the first Western country in the field of Islamic banking and investment in accordance with Islamic Sharia.

London is considered the largest market for Islamic finance outside the Islamic world and has more than 20 banks providing Islamic financial services. Five of the banks operate in accordance with Islamic Shariawhile the value of Islamic net assets in Britain is $728 million.

The London Stock Exchange (LSE) supported the sukuk issue, raising $48 billion from the issuance of 65 Sukuk programs, the report said.

It pointed out that Britain ranks 22nd out of 124 countries in the world that use Islamic banking, placing it first in Europe and fourth among non-Muslim majority countries after Singapore, Sri Lanka and South Africa.

According to the report, the number of institutions and centers in the UK that offer Islamic finance services is almost double that of the United States and is well ahead of other Western countries. The assets of UK-based institutions providing Islamic finance services have amounted to more than five billion dollars in 2016.

"More than 6,500 homes are being financed in the north-west of the UK and the Midlands through an investment of £700 million from the Sharia-compliant Gatehouse Bank," the report added.

Among the important features of the UK's development as a center for Islamic finance has been a set of supportive government policies over the last decade that created a tax and regulatory framework aimed at expanding the Islamic finance market, including the elimination of double taxation, the extension of Islamic mortgage tax and the reform of debt arrangements.

The United Kingdom is the first sovereign Western country to issue sovereign sukuk. In 2014, the British government sold £200 million sukuk payable in 2019 to UK-based investors and major global Islamic finance centers.

The first sovereign sukuk in the Kingdom was subscribed with a very strong demand and orders totaling about 2.3 billion pounds sterling.

There are currently more than 100,000 Islamic finance customers in the UK with accounts opened according to Islamic Sharias, whether current or residential loan accounts, savings accounts, investment accounts or others.

In September, London hosted the fourth annual meeting of the Global Islamic Finance and Investment Group ( GIFIG ), where senior policymakers from around the world met in London to discuss inter-state cooperation to develop the global Islamic finance industry.

Revenue Growth, Improved Operational Efficiency Boost Profitability of Saudi Telecom Companies

A man monitors the movement of stocks on the Saudi Tadawul index. (AFP)
A man monitors the movement of stocks on the Saudi Tadawul index. (AFP)

Revenue Growth, Improved Operational Efficiency Boost Profitability of Saudi Telecom Companies

A man monitors the movement of stocks on the Saudi Tadawul index. (AFP)
A man monitors the movement of stocks on the Saudi Tadawul index. (AFP)

Telecommunications companies listed on the Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) achieved a 12.46 percent growth in their net profits, which reached SAR 4.07 billion ($1.09 billion) during the second quarter of 2024, compared to SAR 3.62 billion ($965 million) during the same period last year.

They also recorded a 4.76 percent growth in revenues during the same quarter, after achieving sales worth more than SAR 26.18 billion ($7 billion), compared to SAR 24.99 billion ($6.66 billion) in the same quarter of 2023.

The growth in the revenues and net profitability is the result of several factors, including the increase in sales volume and revenues, especially in the business sector and fifth generation services, as well as the decrease in operating expenses and the focus on improving operational efficiency, controlling costs, and moving towards investment in infrastructure.

The sector comprises four companies, three of which conclude their fiscal year in December: Saudi Telecom Company (STC), Mobily, and Zain Saudi Arabia. The fiscal year of Etihad Atheeb Telecommunications Company (GO) ends on March 31.

According to its financial results announced on Tadawul, Etihad Etisalat Company (Mobily) achieved a 33 percent growth rate of profits, bringing its profits to SAR 661 million by the end of the second quarter of 2024, compared to SAR 497 million during the same period in 2023. The company also achieved a 4.59 percent growth in revenues to reach SAR 4.47 billion, compared to SAR 4.27 billion in the same quarter of last year.

The Saudi Telecom Company achieved the highest net profits among the sector’s companies, at about SAR 3.304 billion in the second quarter of 2024, compared to SAR 3.008 billion in the same quarter of 2023. The company registered a growth of 4.52 percent in revenues.

On the other hand, the revenues of the Saudi Mobile Telecommunications Company (Zain Saudi Arabia) increased by about 6.69 percent, as it recorded SAR 2.55 billion during the second quarter of 2024, compared to SAR 2.39 billion in the same period last year.

Commenting on the quarterly results of the sector’s companies, and the varying net profits, the head of asset management at Rassanah Capital, Thamer Al-Saeed, told Asharq Al-Awsat that the Saudi Telecom Company remains the sector leader in terms of customer base expansion.

He also noted the continued efforts of Mobily and Zain to offer many diverse products and other services.

Financial advisor at the Arab Trader Mohammed Al-Maymouni said the financial results of telecom sector companies have maintained a steady growth, up to 12 percent, adding that Mobily witnessed strong progress compared to the rest of the companies, despite the great competition which affected its revenues.

He added that Zain was moving at a good pace and its revenues have improved during the second quarter of 2024. However, its profits were affected by an increase in the financing cost by SAR 26.5 million riyals and a rise in interest, while net income declined significantly compared to the previous year, during which the company made exceptional returns.