Asharq Al-Awsat in Kirkuk: Fierce Electoral Campaign Takes on Nationalist, Sectarian Edge

A picture taken on April 14, 2018 in the Iraqi city of Kirkuk shows campaign billboards for candidates in the upcoming parliamentary elections. (AFP)
A picture taken on April 14, 2018 in the Iraqi city of Kirkuk shows campaign billboards for candidates in the upcoming parliamentary elections. (AFP)

Asharq Al-Awsat in Kirkuk: Fierce Electoral Campaign Takes on Nationalist, Sectarian Edge

A picture taken on April 14, 2018 in the Iraqi city of Kirkuk shows campaign billboards for candidates in the upcoming parliamentary elections. (AFP)
A picture taken on April 14, 2018 in the Iraqi city of Kirkuk shows campaign billboards for candidates in the upcoming parliamentary elections. (AFP)

The electoral campaigns in the northern city of Kirkuk differ completely from the scenes in other Kurdistan Region provinces and perhaps even the rest of Iraq.

Asharq Al-Awsat toured the city, which has been covered wall-to-wall with electoral posters. They have taken on a nationalist and sectarian edge, which reflects the deep partisan divides and conflicts among the various ethnicities that make up the region.

Dozens of political forces are running in the May 12 elections and various Kurdish, Arab, Turkmen, Chaladean and Assyrian alliances have been formed with the goal of winning the largest number of seats at parliament. They are competing for 12 seats that are dedicated to the Kirkuk province.

The security presence is also palpable on the streets with the heavy deployment of security forces, local and federal police, anti-terrorism units and even the Popular Mobilization Forces militias.

The division among the political powers and their popular bases is clear to see on the ground where neighborhoods reflect the identity of their main residents. In Arab neighborhoods, one only sees posters of Arab candidates and movements.

In Kurdish areas, Kurdish candidates have been barred from raising the flag of Kurdistan. The flag has even been banned from electoral posters and the region is not referred to in any campaign speeches. Candidates are not allowed, even implicitly, to refer to the “Kurdish identity of Kirkuk.”

The largest Kurdish movement, the Kurdish Democratic Party, headed by former President Masoud Barzani, has meanwhile decided to boycott the elections in disputed areas. They include the Diyala, Kirkuk and Salaheddine provinces, which the party says are occupied by Iraqi forces. The party has consequently decided to only field candidates in the Nineveh province.

Arab alliance candidate Hatem al-Tai said that the law ensures the right for everyone to carry out an electoral campaign in Kirkuk without discrimination. He noted however that the main groups, the Kurds, Arabs and Turkmen, have traded accusations that their posters have been torn down.

He told Asharq Al-Awsat: “Some meddlers, who do not represent a particular side, have torn down candidate posters. I, myself, have been a victim of these actions.”

He also accused partisan powers, often either Turkmen or Kurdish, of deliberately taking down posters.

He added, however, that candidates are free to promote themselves in all neighborhoods and the law guarantees this right.

The Arab platform, Tai said, is based on committing to Iraq’s unity and the Iraqi identity of Kirkuk.

Head of the Turkmeneli Party, Riyad Sari Kahya said it was not necessary for a Kurdish candidate to promote himself in Turkmen or Arab neighborhoods in order to avoid stoking tensions. Similarly, candidates from these ethnicities should not promote themselves in rival areas.

Kirkuk can do without such tensions during this time so that the electoral process can run smoothly and safely, he stressed. The competition between the various ethnicities and parties should take into consideration the sensitive situation, especially in Kirkuk.

On his party’s electoral platform, he said: “We will primarily seek permanent peace between the powers that comprise the main forces in Kirkuk.”

“We will then adopt a new agenda that calls for establishing the autonomy of the Kirkuk region,” he added. This can be achieved through the support of the federal authorities in Baghdad and Kurdistan Region through a joint understanding between all sides.

Patriotic Union of Kurdistan candidate Almas Fadel al-Agha remarked that Kurdish candidates are facing “major obstacles” in Kirkuk. She cited the exclusion of Kurdish forces from ensuring the security of the city and the tearing down of Kurdish candidate posters in non-Kurdish regions.

She demanded the redeployment of the Kurdish Peshmerga and security forces and the return of thousands of Kurdish refugees back to their region “otherwise the elections here will be unbalanced.”

She explained that thousands of refugees have not returned to their homes in Kirkuk, Tuz Khurmatu, Daquq and other regions.

“There inability to take part in the voting will negatively impact the chances of the Kurdish powers in the elections and we predict that they will lose seats in parliament as a result. The Kurdish voters however are excited to head to polls to prove their presence in the area,” she stressed.

What Are Egypt’s Goals for its Military Presence in Somalia?

The recent Egyptian-Somali summit in Cairo, where Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud have signed a joint defense agreement (Egyptian Presidency)
The recent Egyptian-Somali summit in Cairo, where Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud have signed a joint defense agreement (Egyptian Presidency)

What Are Egypt’s Goals for its Military Presence in Somalia?

The recent Egyptian-Somali summit in Cairo, where Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud have signed a joint defense agreement (Egyptian Presidency)
The recent Egyptian-Somali summit in Cairo, where Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud have signed a joint defense agreement (Egyptian Presidency)

A Somali official’s comment about Egyptian military equipment and delegations arriving in Mogadishu has sparked questions about Egypt’s goals in Somalia, especially with rising tensions with Ethiopia.

Experts told Asharq Al-Awsat that this move likely aims to strengthen ties by “turning agreements into action.”

They believe Egypt’s military presence will focus on training Somali forces and joining peacekeeping missions to help Somalia fight terrorism and maintain its borders.

Opinions are divided. Some see Egypt’s involvement as routine, while others worry it might escalate tensions with Ethiopia, which is already at odds with both Egypt and Somalia.

According to New Somalia, two Egyptian military planes arrived in Mogadishu on Tuesday, carrying equipment and officers as part of a broader strategy in the Horn of Africa. Somalia is seeking to boost its military through international partnerships.

This happens as Egypt prepares to join the African Union’s new mission in Somalia (AUSSOM), set to replace the current mission by January 2025.

While Cairo has not commented, Somalia’s Ambassador to Egypt, Ali Abdi Awari, welcomed the Egyptian military presence, noting that Egypt will be the first to support the Somali army after the current African Union forces withdraw.

The ambassador called this a “key step” in carrying out the agreements made during the recent Egyptian-Somali summit in Cairo, where both countries signed a joint defense deal.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, during a press conference on Aug. 14, announced that Egypt would participate in the renewed peacekeeping mission in Somalia, depending on Somalia’s invitation to do so.

Strategic expert Maj. Gen. Samir Farag says Egypt’s military presence in Somalia has three main goals: Toelp the Somali army improve its skills against al-Shabaab using Egyptian expertise, to support Somalia’s territorial integrity by strengthening its military, and to assist Mogadishu in securing the Suez Canal from the Bab al-Mandeb Strait.

Farag does not believe Egypt’s presence is meant to counterbalance other countries in the region, pointing out that Egypt does not have military bases there.

He expects this move to avoid major tensions, especially since Somalia, an Arab country, has requested Egypt’s peacekeeping support as part of their strategic partnership.