Ahead of Putin Meeting, Netanyahu Speaks of ‘Immediate’ Confrontation with Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (Reuters)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (Reuters)

Ahead of Putin Meeting, Netanyahu Speaks of ‘Immediate’ Confrontation with Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (Reuters)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (Reuters)

Ahead of his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow this week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed that his government was determined to contain Iran’s military expansion in Syria.

He said that he would resort to force if needed and that it was better to build on his vow sooner better than later and not wait on future developments.

He made his remarks during his weekly cabinet meeting ahead of talks with Putin on Wednesday.

Netanyahu’s statements are part of a series of Israeli efforts aimed at persuading world powers of the need to alter or annul the nuclear deal signed with Iran in 2015.

US President Donald Trump has repeatedly slammed the deal and had given European powers until May 12 to present suggestions to “fix” it.

Last week, Netanyahu provided documents collected by Israeli intelligence that proved that Tehran continued to pursue its nuclear ambitions despite signing the deal with western powers three years ago.

His talks with Putin will focus on regional issues related to Iran’s role in Syria, as well as its nuclear program.

The Russian presidency said in a statement on Sunday that Netanyahu is invited to attend a military parade in Moscow marking the 73rd anniversary of Russia’s defeat of the Nazis during World War II.

The statement did not disclose the details of the talks between the two leaders.

Netanyahu told his ministers that his meeting with Putin is significant given Iran’s role in Syria.

“My meetings with the Russian president are always important for Israel’s security and the current military coordination between the Israeli and Russian militaries,” he added.

He stated that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards are still delivering drones and anti-aircraft missiles to Syria. These arms, he said, are aimed at attacking Israel on different fronts, which would destabilize the entire Middle East.

“We are determined to halt Iranian aggression against Israel, even if we had to resort to force. It is better to do so now. Sooner is better than later,” he declared.

“The countries that refused to act against the Iranian aggression have paid a much heavier price than the cost of using force. We do not want an escalation, but we are for any scenario and Israel reserves the right to act as it sees fit to defend itself,” Netanyahu stressed.

French Far-Right Leader Le Pen Stands Trial over Alleged Misuse of EU Funds

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen answers reporters at the Elysee Palace after a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, Aug. 26, 2024 in Paris. (AP)
French far-right leader Marine Le Pen answers reporters at the Elysee Palace after a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, Aug. 26, 2024 in Paris. (AP)

French Far-Right Leader Le Pen Stands Trial over Alleged Misuse of EU Funds

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen answers reporters at the Elysee Palace after a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, Aug. 26, 2024 in Paris. (AP)
French far-right leader Marine Le Pen answers reporters at the Elysee Palace after a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, Aug. 26, 2024 in Paris. (AP)

Marine Le Pen, the longtime leader of France's far-right National Rally (RN) party, will stand trial in a Paris criminal court on Monday alongside 26 others over alleged misappropriation of European Union funds.

Coming almost a decade after initial investigations started, the trial presents Le Pen with an opportunity to clear herself of accusations she has always denied as she keeps polishing the party's image in a bid to make it fit for government.

However, it also carries the risk of casting the spotlight on the RN's recurring troubles with the law.

Party officials and employees, former lawmakers and parliamentary assistants are accused of using money destined for EU parliamentary work to pay staff who were working for the RN, which at the time was called the National Front.

EU lawmakers are allocated funds to cover expenses, including their assistants, but are not meant to use them to cross-fund party activities.

Many European political parties - especially smaller ones eligible for less national funding - have used EU money to hire promising talent as aides to EU lawmakers.

Current RN party head Jordan Bardella, who is also a member of the European Parliament, used to work in such an assistant role. He is not part of the trial.

Le Pen's party, which sits with the main group of euro-sceptic and nationalist parties in the European Parliament and argues for "France first" policies on issues ranging from immigration, energy markets and agriculture, denies the charges.


Marine Le Pen is facing charges both for her role as party leader and as an EU lawmaker who hired allegedly fictitious assistants herself.

Prosecutors say another of the defendants, Thierry Legier, had really worked as a bodyguard to Le Pen and her father Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of the National Front, while receiving a salary as a parliamentary assistant between 2005 and 2012.

RN lawmaker and party spokesman Laurent Jacobelli told Reuters last week that Marine Le Pen was not worried about the trial.

"She knows that what we are accused of is having a different understanding, as a French party, of what an assistant role is, compared with the European Parliament's understanding," he said.

If found guilty, Le Pen and other defendants could face a potential jail sentence of up to 10 years, a one million euro ($1.12 million) fine, and be barred for up to five years from public office.

Le Pen has lost twice to Emmanuel Macron in the second round of France’s presidential elections, in 2017 and 2022, and is widely seen as a frontrunner in the next one in 2027.

The Paris public prosecutor's office opened a probe in 2016, prompted by a 2015 report from the European Parliament president to the French justice minister, followed by a police investigation.

Investigators looked at the situation of 49 RN parliamentary assistants over the past three European Parliament terms. They charged 11 RN members of the EU assembly, including Marine Le Pen and her father, for misappropriation of EU funds, and charged 13 parliamentary assistants with receiving the funds.

Jean-Marie Le Pen, 96, will not attend the trial for health reasons.

The trial will last until November 27.

The RN is under another preliminary investigation, launched in July by the Paris prosecutor's office, into alleged illegal financing of its 2022 presidential campaign.