Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri began on Friday the consultations to form a new government by meeting with the former premiers, including Salim Hoss, Najib Miqati, Fouad Saniora and Tamam Salam.
“We want a government that is based on national consensus with regards to broad headlines and even on certain details,” Hariri said following his meeting with Hoss, adding: “We are working in the same positive spirit as we did during the past year and a half...and I am sure we can accomplish a lot.”
He also said: “Regional pressure will accelerate the formation of the government as long as there is internal consensus.”
Hariri reiterated that none of the Future Movement deputies will be given cabinet seats, noting that there is no disagreement over this issue with caretaker Interior Minister Nohad al-Mashnouq.
In remarks following his meeting with Miqati, the prime minister-designate underlined that consensus would strengthen the country, adding that he hoped to promote his relation with the former premier.
A statement by Hariri’s office said the two sides stressed that consensus between all parties would reinforce the country and that all political blocs wanted to accelerate the formation of the government.
For his part, Miqati said: “We are in front of an important turning point… we agree with Hariri on building the state on the right foundations, including fighting corruption.”
Addressing reporters at the end of his visit to Siniora, Hariri underlined the importance of boosting Lebanon’s economy and providing employment opportunities for young Lebanese men and women, referring to the “historic opportunity to implement the Cedar Conference recommendations.”
“We all want a rapid cabinet formation for the benefit of Lebanon and the Lebanese. The challenges are great in the country, both economically and regionally,” he added.
Lebanon’s Hariri: We Want a Government of National Consensus
Lebanon’s Hariri: We Want a Government of National Consensus
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