Hamas to Stop Launching Paper Kites to Avoid War with Israel

Incendiary balloons are flown towards Israel during clashes along the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, on July 13, 2018. (AFP Photo/Mahmud Hams)
Incendiary balloons are flown towards Israel during clashes along the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, on July 13, 2018. (AFP Photo/Mahmud Hams)

Hamas to Stop Launching Paper Kites to Avoid War with Israel

Incendiary balloons are flown towards Israel during clashes along the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, on July 13, 2018. (AFP Photo/Mahmud Hams)
Incendiary balloons are flown towards Israel during clashes along the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, on July 13, 2018. (AFP Photo/Mahmud Hams)

Hamas is trying to stop the firing of paper kites and balloons from the Gaza Strip towards nearby Israeli towns in order to spare the sector a possible war and further Israeli pressure. However, according to various reports, the decision would be difficult to implement as it would be seen as a response to an Israeli demand and against the will of the demonstrators near the border.

Palestinian and Israeli reports confirmed news published by Asharq Al-Awsat about a Hamas decision to gradually stop the launching of kites. However, a group of Palestinians, who have been launching incendiary kites and balloons toward Israel, denied the reports saying that they did not receive any orders from any Palestinian side to stop their activities.

Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth said that amid pressure from Egypt and fear of an Israeli military campaign in the Gaza Strip, Hamas ordered its fighters on the ground to stop firing kites and balloons.

Israel gave Hamas few days to stop the incendiary kites. At the same time, maneuvers simulating the occupation of the Gaza Strip were launched and the Israeli siege was tightened, within plan to increase pressure on Hamas.

Channel 10 said that the Israeli political authorities had directed the military leadership to prepare for a large-scale military campaign in the Gaza Strip if the firing of incendiary balloons at the Israeli territory did not stop.

Reports said that Friday might be the deadline set by Israel for stopping the launching of balloons, or it would initiate a large-scale military campaign.

The channel added that Israel has sent many messages to Hamas, through the Egyptian intelligence, and Hamas responded also through the same apparatus.

The reports said that Hamas wanted in return the continued opening of the Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt, as well as easing the humanitarian situation in the sector.

UK Fears Escalation after Attack on Golan Heights

Israeli officials respond after rockets were launched across Lebanon’s border with Israel which, according to Israel’s ambulance services critically injured multiple people at a soccer pitch in Majdal Shams, a Druze village in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, July 27 2024. REUTERS/Gil Eliyahu Purchase Licensing Rights
Israeli officials respond after rockets were launched across Lebanon’s border with Israel which, according to Israel’s ambulance services critically injured multiple people at a soccer pitch in Majdal Shams, a Druze village in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, July 27 2024. REUTERS/Gil Eliyahu Purchase Licensing Rights

UK Fears Escalation after Attack on Golan Heights

Israeli officials respond after rockets were launched across Lebanon’s border with Israel which, according to Israel’s ambulance services critically injured multiple people at a soccer pitch in Majdal Shams, a Druze village in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, July 27 2024. REUTERS/Gil Eliyahu Purchase Licensing Rights
Israeli officials respond after rockets were launched across Lebanon’s border with Israel which, according to Israel’s ambulance services critically injured multiple people at a soccer pitch in Majdal Shams, a Druze village in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, July 27 2024. REUTERS/Gil Eliyahu Purchase Licensing Rights

Britain's Foreign Secretary David Lammy condemned a rocket strike on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights which killed 12 children and teenagers and said he was concerned it would spark further violence.

"The UK condemns the strike in Golan Heights that has tragically claimed at least 12 lives," Lammy said in a statement on the social media platform X, Reuters reported.

"We are deeply concerned about the risk of further escalation and destabilization. We have been clear Hezbollah must cease their attacks," he added.

The Lebanese Hezbollah has denied any responsibility for the attack. Israel has dismissed the denials and vowed to hit Hezbollah hard.