Jordanian King Abdullah II approved Thursday the first reshuffle of Prime Minister Omar al-Razzaz’s cabinet, which had faced severe criticism regarding services and disclosure of corruption in several ministries that were included in the reshuffle.
The move saw six cabinet portfolios merged with other ministries, while a new portfolio -- that of "Administrative and Institutional Development" -- was created. Five new ministers entered the cabinet for the first time while ten others were dismissed.
Majd Shweikeh was appointed as minister of institutional and administrative development, Ghazi Al Zaben as minister of health, Falah Omoush as minister of public works, Basma Ishaqat as minister of social development, Mohammad Abu Rumman as minister of youth and culture, and Ibrahim Shahahdeh as minister of agriculture and environment.
Those who joined the government included Bassam Talhouni, appointed as minister of justice, Raed Abu Saoud (minister of water and irrigation) and the new Minister of Education, Azmi Mahafzah.