Saudi Arabia Rejects Threats, Attempts to Undermine It


Saudi Arabia Rejects Threats, Attempts to Undermine It


The kingdom of Saudi Arabia stressed its rejection of any threats and attempts to undermine it whether by alluding to economic sanctions, using political pressure or repeating false accusations.

An official Saudi source said that Saudi Arabia, from its leading stance in the Arab and Muslim world, has played a leading role throughout history to achieve stability and security in the region and the world, as well as to combat terrorism and extremism.

He added that the kingdom continues to work with brotherly and friendly countries to promote these goals.

“These weak endeavors like those before it will end in demise, and the government and people of Saudi Arabia will remain steadfast as usual, regardless of circumstances or pressures,” the source said.

He added the kingdom’s economy is influential, and that any action against the kingdom will be responded to with greater reaction.

He said that the kingdom’s economy is only prone to being affected by international circumstances.

The source said that the kingdom appreciates the support of allies in the face of an organized campaign of false allegations, and values the voices of reason who have employed wisdom and not rushed to conclusions that “aim to achieve the goals of hidden agendas and have nothing to do with finding the truth.”

Taiwan’s Representative to Saudi Arabia: 260,000 Pagers Exported in Two Years

Taiwan’s representative to Saudi Arabia Samee Chang. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Taiwan’s representative to Saudi Arabia Samee Chang. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Taiwan’s Representative to Saudi Arabia: 260,000 Pagers Exported in Two Years

Taiwan’s representative to Saudi Arabia Samee Chang. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Taiwan’s representative to Saudi Arabia Samee Chang. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Taiwan is investigating who is responsible for modifying the pagers that were turned into explosives in the hands of the Lebanese people, including members of Hezbollah.

Taiwan’s representative to Saudi Arabia Samee Chang told Asharq Al-Awsat that 260,000 pagers were exported from his country between 2022 and 2024, and 16 percent of them were sent to the United States and Europe.

He expressed his regret that the pagers were planted with explosives that were used in the attack in Lebanon last month, clarifying that the devices were not directly exported from Taiwan to Lebanon.

He explained that the components of the device are made of material that is not liable to explode.

Apollo Gold, the Taiwanese company that exported the pagers between 2022 and 2024, has never received any complaints that its devices have caused harm or exploded.

The attack in Lebanon has raised several questions and they are being probed by authorities in Taiwan, he went on to say.

One thing is for certain, the devices were not harmful in the shape they were exported from the country, stressed Chang.

Asked about whether the attack may harm Taiwan’s economy, he replied that his country’s industry sector has a strong reputation that will be difficult to undermine given the trust it has from clients.

The size of the sector and Taiwan’s investments cannot be measured by a small number of pagers, as they only make up a mere fraction in the country’s trade relations with countries all over the world, he stressed.

Separately, Chang revealed that Taiwan was considering cooperation with Saudi Arabia in the chip industry, saying he was optimistic over the broad potential for cooperation in the technology sector.

There are no limits to the cooperation between them, he added.

Taiwan constantly wants to maintain the relations and discuss opportunities for joint investments, he stated.

Taiwan was among the first countries to leap to cooperate with Saudi Arabia in all fields to help the Kingdom achieve its Vision 2030 that is spearheaded by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, Chang said.