Saudi Arabia Rejects Threats, Attempts to Undermine It


Saudi Arabia Rejects Threats, Attempts to Undermine It


The kingdom of Saudi Arabia stressed its rejection of any threats and attempts to undermine it whether by alluding to economic sanctions, using political pressure or repeating false accusations.

An official Saudi source said that Saudi Arabia, from its leading stance in the Arab and Muslim world, has played a leading role throughout history to achieve stability and security in the region and the world, as well as to combat terrorism and extremism.

He added that the kingdom continues to work with brotherly and friendly countries to promote these goals.

“These weak endeavors like those before it will end in demise, and the government and people of Saudi Arabia will remain steadfast as usual, regardless of circumstances or pressures,” the source said.

He added the kingdom’s economy is influential, and that any action against the kingdom will be responded to with greater reaction.

He said that the kingdom’s economy is only prone to being affected by international circumstances.

The source said that the kingdom appreciates the support of allies in the face of an organized campaign of false allegations, and values the voices of reason who have employed wisdom and not rushed to conclusions that “aim to achieve the goals of hidden agendas and have nothing to do with finding the truth.”

Royal Saudi Air Force Participates in ‘Sindh Shield 2024’ Exercise in Pakistan

The RSAF is participating with six Tornado aircraft - SPA
The RSAF is participating with six Tornado aircraft - SPA

Royal Saudi Air Force Participates in ‘Sindh Shield 2024’ Exercise in Pakistan

The RSAF is participating with six Tornado aircraft - SPA
The RSAF is participating with six Tornado aircraft - SPA

The Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) will participate in the "Sindh Shield 2024" military exercise in Pakistan. The departing group was bid farewell by RSAF Commander Lieutenant General Turki bin Bandar bin Abdulaziz at King Abdulaziz Air Base in the Eastern Sector.
The RSAF commander inspected the equipment involved in the exercise and received a briefing on the readiness of the air, technical, and support crews. The RSAF is participating with six Tornado aircraft, according to SPA.
The RSAF commander emphasized that the participation aims to strengthen relations and cooperation with Pakistani forces and other participating countries, showcase the capabilities and professionalism of the RSAF, and provide air and support crews with valuable combat experience in irregular and electronic warfare environments.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by its air force, is participating in the "Sindh Shield 2024" exercise alongside the host nation, Pakistan, as well as forces from Egypt and Turkiye.