Tunisia Raises Security Threat Level in 5 Provinces

A member of the Tunisian special forces. AFP file photo
A member of the Tunisian special forces. AFP file photo

Tunisia Raises Security Threat Level in 5 Provinces

A member of the Tunisian special forces. AFP file photo
A member of the Tunisian special forces. AFP file photo

The Tunisian army and security forces have gone on high alert following intelligence reports of terrorist plots in five of the country’s provinces.

The threat level in the five provinces was upped after Uqba ibn Nafi terrorist group issued a statement, following the killing of its key leade Aymen Jendoubi, threatening attacks in Tunisia.

The army and security bodies increased deployment in the provinces of Jendouba, El Kef, Sidi Bou Said, Kasserine, and Gafsa, the scenes of armed clashes between government forces and extremists.

The Tunisian authorities also intensified the surveillance of members of the Uqba ibn Nafi battalion, which is affiliated with al-Qaeda or Jond al Khilafa that has pledged allegiance to ISIS.

Uqba ibn Nafi battalion slammed the Tunisian government after the prime minister announced victory over extremist groups. It also slammed Tunisian media personnel who commended the success of the Tunisian military and security institutions in eradicating key terrorists in the past years.

The battalion threatened to conduct operations as retaliation for its losses in the western mountains of the country. The warning was taken seriously by the army and the security agencies.

As many as 800 terrorist members have returned to Tunisia, and the vast majority of them are incarcerated around the country, revealed the Ministry of Interior. Around 3,000 Tunisians flew to the battlefields of Iraq, Libya, and Syria to join ISIS and al-Qaeda, revealed security sources.

Sisi: Regional, Int’l Reality Imposes ‘Complex Challenges’ on Egypt

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (Egyptian Presidency)
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (Egyptian Presidency)

Sisi: Regional, Int’l Reality Imposes ‘Complex Challenges’ on Egypt

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (Egyptian Presidency)
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (Egyptian Presidency)

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said on Tuesday that the current regional and international reality imposes new challenges and complex situations on Egypt, but then affirmed that his country will overcome this turbulent phase.

In a speech on the occasion of the 72nd anniversary of the July 23 Revolution, Sisi spoke of the repercussions of the regional wars now raging in the Gaza Strip and Sudan.

He mentioned the situation in the region such as wars, conflicts, civil strife, state fragmentation, institutional collapse, humanitarian catastrophes, famine outbreaks, and massive displacement.

“These unprecedented circumstances add tremendous burdens on Egypt, which can only be alleviated by my firm belief in the strength, resilience, unity, and cohesion of our great people who stand as a single structure, supporting each other, in the face of adversity,” Sisi said.

He affirmed that Egypt will overcome this turbulent phase, and continue its path towards progress, development, as well as building the nation.

“Egypt has kept pace with the changes of time, opening to the world and striving to enhance its economic, investment, urban, and industrial capabilities,” Sisi said.

He added that his country has also integrated into the global trade system while focusing on protecting the national economy as much as possible from the fluctuations and shocks of the global economy.

“This has been achieved through comprehensive and effective systems, offering the necessary social protection,” Sisi said.

The Egyptian President also renewed his country’s support for the Palestinians, affirming intensively working to support their legitimate right to an independent and sovereign state.