Anti-Iran Kurdish Official to Asharq Al-Awsat: We Want to Establish Independent State

A woman walks on the street, between banners supporting the referendum for independence of Kurdistan in Erbil, Iraq September 24, 2017. (Reuters)
A woman walks on the street, between banners supporting the referendum for independence of Kurdistan in Erbil, Iraq September 24, 2017. (Reuters)

Anti-Iran Kurdish Official to Asharq Al-Awsat: We Want to Establish Independent State

A woman walks on the street, between banners supporting the referendum for independence of Kurdistan in Erbil, Iraq September 24, 2017. (Reuters)
A woman walks on the street, between banners supporting the referendum for independence of Kurdistan in Erbil, Iraq September 24, 2017. (Reuters)

Vice President of the anti-Iran Kurdistan Freedom Party and commander of the military wing of the party, Hussein Yazdan Bina declared that the fate of any future Kurdish state will be decided by the people through ballot boxes.

He told Asharq Al-Awsat that his party is seeking to follow in the footsteps of Qazi Muhammad, the Kurdish separatist leader who founded the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan and headed the short-lived Republic of Mahabad 73 years ago.

The Kurdistan Freedom Party had, along with the Kurdish Peshmerga forces, waged four years of war against the ISIS terrorist group in Iraq in defense of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region. The party is led by the Muhammad’s oldest son, Ali. It controls the Kurdistan capital Erbil and has tightened its grip over the city after the redeployment of the Iran-backed Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF). The Kurdish authorities in the autonomous have rejected repeated pressure from Tehran to expel the Freedom Party from the region.

Yazdan Bina spoke to Asharq Al-Awsat from Kirkuk city, saying that “Iran has failed in its pressure.”

“The balance of power has changed, as have political equations in the region,” he explained. “It is no longer in a position to dictate demands or exert pressure on the Kurdistan region.”

“The Iranian regime has become exhausted in its search for an exit to its crisis,” he added.

“Iran is unlike any other country in the world. It is a Persian empire that has been built at the expense of other peoples, such as Kurds, Arabs, Balochs and other minorities.”

“The Persians have been hostile to these communities, which are now beginning to reject their rule and are waiting for the right moment to liberate themselves from them,” Yazdan Bina said.

Moreover, he declared that the “empire” has become a major threat to regional and international peace and security.

“Tehran is expanding its hegemony in the region,” he warned. “Should Washington continue its pressure on Tehran and should it bolster its cooperation with the oppressed people, then they can rise up in the near future and liberate themselves.”

“The international community will also be rid of a regime that is the world’s greatest sponsor of terrorism,” he stressed.

Addressing US sanctions against Iran, Yazdan Bina said that they are tailored to ensure Washington’s interests in the region.

“American and western interests coincide with those of the Kurdish people in regards to combating global terrorism, cementing democracy in the region and weakening the Tehran regime,” he went on to say.

He noted that the American administration's declaration that it does not seek regime change in Iran has not really helped Tehran maintain its stability. He instead predicted that the regime will collapse “soon.”

“The regime’s reckless disregard of the sovereignty of regional countries and its arrogance may lead to a wide-scale war in the area. This may ultimately lead the US or even Israel to resort to military force because Iran is a great threat to Israel,” Yazdan Bina warned.

Asked if the Freedom Party would take part in any American military strike against Iran, he replied that the regime left the Kurds with no choice but to take up arms to fight for their legitimate rights.

Iran is the Kurds and democracy’s greatest enemy, he declared.

The party will support any political, military or economic effort aimed at overthrowing the regime, he vowed.

MSF Chief: Sudan’s Situation Worst We’ve Ever Seen

International President of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Christos Christou
International President of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Christos Christou

MSF Chief: Sudan’s Situation Worst We’ve Ever Seen

International President of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Christos Christou
International President of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Christos Christou

The health situation in Sudan is “the worst ever,” according to Christos Christou, the international president of Doctors Without Borders (MSF).
Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, Christou warned that conditions are deteriorating rapidly due to severe challenges in movement, a limited presence of international aid organizations, and inadequate funding from donors.
Christou reported that more than 70% of health facilities have shut down, and malnutrition is on the rise.
He predicted a surge in malaria and cholera cases with the rainy season approaching.
The ongoing conflict between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has caused the world’s fastest-growing displacement crisis, worsening malnutrition among children and pregnant women.
Remaining health facilities are overwhelmed and at risk of collapse due to increasing violence, attacks, and looting.
During his recent visit to Sudan, Christou met with Deputy Chairman of the Sovereignty Council Malik Agar and senior health officials to discuss ways to improve humanitarian aid delivery.
Christou described the patterns of displacement, malnutrition, and other humanitarian needs in Sudan as “deeply troubling.”
He noted that humanitarian aid is not reaching enough people and stressed the urgent need to “scale up the humanitarian response.” This, he added, requires guarantees of protection from all warring parties.
According to Christou, one in three patients treated by the organization suffers from war-related injuries, with most being women and children. He called on all fighting parties to “do everything possible to protect civilians.”
“We have heard many patient testimonies about violence driven by ethnic motives, especially in Darfur,” Christou said.
MSF is in constant contact with all warring parties to ensure healthcare continues.
“We must remind them to follow international humanitarian law, protect civilians and infrastructure, and not use weapons in health facilities,” added the MSF president.
Christou emphasized that MSF provides life-saving healthcare to all in need in Sudan, remaining neutral and impartial.