Hossam Zaki to Asharq Al-Awsat: No Dialogue With Iran, Turkey Until They Stop Supporting Terrorism

Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League Ambassador Hossam Zaki (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League Ambassador Hossam Zaki (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Hossam Zaki to Asharq Al-Awsat: No Dialogue With Iran, Turkey Until They Stop Supporting Terrorism

Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League Ambassador Hossam Zaki (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League Ambassador Hossam Zaki (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League Ambassador Hossam Zaki said that Arab dialogue with Turkey and Iran would remain suspended until the two countries are ready to change their political approach by respecting states’ sovereignty and stopping their support of terrorism.

In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, ahead of the upcoming Arab Summit in Tunisia end of this month, Zaki said: “Dialogue with these two countries is suspended until the formation of a united Arab stance towards them and their readiness to change their political approach based on the principle of good neighborliness, the respect of sovereignty, non-interference and stopping terrorism support.”

The Arab situation has suffered for many years from many problems due to crises in certain countries, Zaki noted, adding that such situation had negative repercussions on the stability of the region and the decline of the process of development and political cohesion within the Arab body.

“The convening of the Arab League summit will witness talks on whether or not it will be the most important opportunity to restore Arab cohesion and deal with the existing political crises; and we hope that this summit will see serious work and all indicators confirm this already,” he stated.

Asked about the repercussions of the US decisions on Jerusalem and the Golan Heights on the summit, Zaki said: “I am looking forward to a real and in-depth discussion at the level of the Arab foreign ministers at the Tunis summit on this subject…The Golan Heights is considered occupied territory… and the Secretary-General warned of the seriousness of this action on the US mediation in the peace process in the Middle East as a whole.”

As for the question of the return of Syria to the Arab League, the assistant secretary-general emphasized that if the Syrian regime was keen on Syria’s unity, “it must take several positions that would strengthen its role and show that it does not stand alone in resolving its crises.”

“This direction does not exist so far,” he stressed.

As for the participation of the Arab League in the gathering of the Libyan national dialogue, Zaki underlined that this file concerned the Libyans only.

“The role of the Arab League is to assist, support and encourage the political process led by the United Nations. In this regard, it will host in Tunis on the eve of the summit, the quartet meeting on Libya, with the participation of the United Nations, the African Union and the European Union.”

On the latest developments in Algeria, Zaki stressed that the country did not ask for any support from the Arab League.

“Algeria did not ask, and the Arab League does not interfere because what is happening is an Algerian issue. We are monitoring the situation, trusting the wisdom of the Algerians, and supporting the stability of all the Arab countries,” he remarked.

Salih Muslim: Self-Administration Firm on Northeast Syria Elections Schedule

The co-chairman of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) Salih Muslim (Asharq Al-Awsat)
The co-chairman of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) Salih Muslim (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Salih Muslim: Self-Administration Firm on Northeast Syria Elections Schedule

The co-chairman of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) Salih Muslim (Asharq Al-Awsat)
The co-chairman of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) Salih Muslim (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Salih Muslim, the co-chairman of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), the main party of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), reaffirmed commitment to holding local elections in August despite increased Turkish threats of military action.

Muslim emphasized that these elections are aimed at managing local affairs in areas outside Syrian government control, stressing they have no intention to secede from Syria.

The PYD leader disclosed that US officials urged Syrian Kurds to announce the elections promptly.

He noted that Turkish reactions, which he termed “provocative,” were met with silence from the Syrian official side. He added that the Damascus regime fully understands that there are no Kurdish separatist plans from the Syrian state.

In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat at his office in Al-Hasakah, Muslim explained the reasons for the repeated delays in local elections in AANES regions.

“The elections were first postponed from May 30 to June 11 due to logistical issues with the Higher Elections Commission. There was a lack of preparation, possibly due to inexperience or unfamiliarity with our area,” said Muslim.

“Secondly, some political parties objected to the Commission's decision to shorten the campaign period from 20 days, as stipulated in the social contract, to just 10 days.”

“Thirdly, we wanted international and Arab observers and guests to monitor the elections.”

“However, arranging their travel takes time, especially since our region requires visas and approvals that can delay the process. We could only provide them with a 10-day notice.”

“These were the actual reasons for delaying the elections until August, despite claims linking it to American pressure and Turkish escalation.”

“It was expected, as hostile parties such as Türkiye would object to any local efforts to manage our region’s affairs,” clarified Muslim.

When asked about commitment to holding elections, Muslim said: “We are committed to proceeding with these elections as planned.”

“The decision lies with the entities involved in the Higher Commission and political parties.”

“The postponement aims to address initial shortcomings, but it is imperative that these elections proceed on schedule,” he affirmed.

As for the US reaction when elections were announced by the AANES, Muslim said: “They told us, ‘We see you are moving quickly with this.’ That was their only comment, without further explanation.”

Muslim agreed that the US might have a point regarding logistical preparations and significant deficiencies in organizing elections, particularly concerning visits by foreign delegations and observers.

However, Muslim said that the real reason behind the US caveat on rushing elections remains unclear.