Algeria's Protests Enter 7th Month

Demonstrators chant slogans during a protest demanding the removal of the ruling elite in Algiers, Algeria July 19, 2019. REUTERS/Ramzi Boudina
Demonstrators chant slogans during a protest demanding the removal of the ruling elite in Algiers, Algeria July 19, 2019. REUTERS/Ramzi Boudina

Algeria's Protests Enter 7th Month

Demonstrators chant slogans during a protest demanding the removal of the ruling elite in Algiers, Algeria July 19, 2019. REUTERS/Ramzi Boudina
Demonstrators chant slogans during a protest demanding the removal of the ruling elite in Algiers, Algeria July 19, 2019. REUTERS/Ramzi Boudina

Algerians on Friday were back on the streets reiterating their demands for the removal of the ruling elite as the country's protest movement entered a seventh month with no let-up in sight.

Crowds of demonstrators who thronged the capital and key cities across the country rallied to cries of a "Free and democratic Algeria" and a "Civil state, not a military one".

They directed their wrath at army chief Ahmed Gaid Salah, who has emerged as the key powerbroker since president Abdelaziz Bouteflika resigned in April in the face of mass protests.

They also vented their ire against Karim Younes, an ex-speaker of the lower house appointed by authorities to head a national dialogue to pave the way for presidential elections.

The protest in Algiers dispersed calmly in the late afternoon, while demonstrations in other major cities likewise passed off without disturbances, according to local journalists.

In July, Bouteflika's interim successor Abdelkader Bensalah proposed a national dialogue without state or military involvement.

Elections planned for July 4 were postponed, after the only two candidates -- both little-known -- were rejected by electoral authorities.

The demonstrators have repeatedly demanded key regime figures step down -- and credible institutions be established -- before any polls.

The protesters have so far maintained a united front, taking to the streets every week since February.

Only a few opposition parties have so far agreed to meet with Younes and his dialogue committee, including a party headed by former prime minister Ali Benflis.

Last week the ex-premier said that presidential elections were the only way of emerging from the political crisis that has gripped Algeria for six months, so long as the polls were free and fair.

But on Friday the demonstrators rejected his views, chanting "Benflis to the rubbish bin".

Sisi Urges Government to Complete Reforms, Alleviate Citizens’ Burdens

The Egyptian President calls on the government to complete the “reform” path (Egyptian Presidency)
The Egyptian President calls on the government to complete the “reform” path (Egyptian Presidency)

Sisi Urges Government to Complete Reforms, Alleviate Citizens’ Burdens

The Egyptian President calls on the government to complete the “reform” path (Egyptian Presidency)
The Egyptian President calls on the government to complete the “reform” path (Egyptian Presidency)

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called on the new government to complete the path of economic reform at all levels and focus on alleviating the burden on citizens.
On Wednesday, the new Egyptian government, headed by Dr. Mostafa Madbouly was sworn in before the president. Comprising 30 ministers, the new cabinet saw the merging of some ministries and the introduction of new ones, especially the economic portfolios.
During the meeting, Sisi stressed “the importance of achieving a tangible breakthrough in the service fields, especially health and education”.
He “emphasized the need to build and develop the Egyptian industry, as a strategic goal in the process of building the state,” according to an official statement by the Egyptian presidential spokesman.
Sisi has also asked the new government to “seek to attract internal and external investments and encourage the growth of the private sector in order to improve the state’s comprehensive financial and economic performance and achieve the aspirations of the Egyptian people for development and progress.”
The new government witnessed the merging of the Ministries of Transport and Industry into one portfolio headed by Kamel al-Wazir, who also assumed the position of Deputy Prime Minister for Industry Affairs.
Egyptian presidential spokesman Ahmed Fahmy said that Sisi underlined the importance of comprehensive development of policies and government performance that would be key to face the upcoming challenges.
The Egyptian president also asked his government to “maintain and strengthen efforts to preserve Egyptian national security, in light of unprecedented regional and global challenges.”