G20 Leverages Advancing Financial Inclusion for Youth, Women

G20 Leverages Advancing Financial Inclusion for Youth, Women

G20 Leverages Advancing Financial Inclusion for Youth, Women

G20 Leverages Advancing Financial Inclusion for Youth, Women

Discussing financial inclusion of under-served groups and its potential for unlocking economic opportunities and enabling inclusive and robust development was at the center of the first G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion Plenary Meeting (GPFI) that took place on January 23 and 24 in Riyadh.

The meeting was preceded by the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion seminar.

Despite significant progress over the past decade to advance the topic of financial inclusion, challenges persist. The G20 GPFI is examining how technological advancements can help bridge the gap in the number of young people and women with no access to banking services.

According to The Global Findex Database 2017, there are about 1.7 billion unbanked adults worldwide. Those excluded from financial services are disproportionately young people and women. In addition, the SME financing gap is estimated to be 4.5 trillion USD.

The G20 GPFI seminar was a one-day event that brought together speakers and attendees from G20 members and non-G20 countries, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, multilateral development banks, standard setting bodies, regional and international regulators and private sector stakeholders.

In his opening remarks, the Saudi co-chair of the G20 GPFI, Haitham Al Ghulaiga said: “The focus in 2020 will be to harness digital and innovative technologies to advance financial inclusion of youth, women and SMEs to unleash their full potential and contribution to economic growth in both advanced and emerging markets.”

Following the seminar, the Saudi G20 Presidency presented its priorities and work program for the GPFI meeting, which focused on three areas: advancing digital financial inclusion of youth, empowering women through digital financial inclusion and promoting digital and innovative SME financing.

Travel Industry to Contribute Record $11 Trillion to Global GDP in 2024

Tourists check a souvenir stand while walking around the Grand-Place square, in central Brussels, Belgium, 31 August 2024. (EPA)
Tourists check a souvenir stand while walking around the Grand-Place square, in central Brussels, Belgium, 31 August 2024. (EPA)

Travel Industry to Contribute Record $11 Trillion to Global GDP in 2024

Tourists check a souvenir stand while walking around the Grand-Place square, in central Brussels, Belgium, 31 August 2024. (EPA)
Tourists check a souvenir stand while walking around the Grand-Place square, in central Brussels, Belgium, 31 August 2024. (EPA)

A record $1 out of every $10 spent globally in 2024 will be on travel as people briskly book hotels, cruises and flights, according to an annual report by the World Travel and Tourism Council, a non-profit membership organization.

The travel and tourism industry's contribution to global gross domestic product is expected to reach new heights as consumers increasingly see travel as an essential part of their budgets.

The WTTC estimates the industry's contribution to global GDP in 2024 will increase 12.1% year-over-year to $11.1 trillion, making up 10% of global GDP. This represents about a 7.5% increase from the previous record set in 2019.

"Despite some concerns last year about us going into a global recession and high inflation, this year we are looking at travel and tourism being a real economic powerhouse globally," said Julia Simpson, CEO of the non-profit organization.

Travel spending in the US, Chinese and German economies is expected to contribute the most to GDP.

The sector is expected to support nearly 348 million jobs in 2024, or 13.6 million jobs more than in 2019, the previous record prior to the pandemic. The industry is still hiring to fill jobs in the rapidly expanding field.

In the United States, there are currently 1 million job openings across the leisure and hospitality industry, according to the US Travel Association. Total employment supported in the US was about 27 million jobs in 2023, according to the WTTC.