Yemen Pressures Houthis to Ban Recruitment of Child Soldiers

A Houthi militant in Sanaa, Yemen. Reuters file photo
A Houthi militant in Sanaa, Yemen. Reuters file photo

Yemen Pressures Houthis to Ban Recruitment of Child Soldiers

A Houthi militant in Sanaa, Yemen. Reuters file photo
A Houthi militant in Sanaa, Yemen. Reuters file photo

Yemen will continue efforts to protect children's rights and confront Houthi violations in Yemen by all means, Yemeni Minister of Human Rights Mohammed Askar has announced.

Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, Askar said that this will be done in line with a plan agreed upon with UNICEF to protect children by deploying teams and ensuring military and security institutions in all liberated areas don’t recruit child soldiers.

On Tuesday, President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi prohibited any attempt by the armed and security forces to recruit children, based on Law No. 97 of 1991 regarding military service, and Law No. 45 of 2002 on children’s rights.

The government will continue to press Houthi militias to ban the recruitment of children in insurgent-run areas, indicated Askar. He praised the President’s efforts in establishing a new stage to protect minors.

In December 2018, the Minister signed a roadmap with the UN’s Country Task Force on Monitoring and Reporting to end child recruitment.

The President’s decision on Wednesday also included the establishment of the Child Protection Unit, which works in coordination with the Joint Technical Committee and civil society to receive and monitor complaints regarding violations of the recruitment and use of child soldiers on battlefronts.

Various military and security personnel will be trained on the principles and laws of child protection, and work to hand over child soldiers to civil organizations.

Hadi asserted that all military personnel or civilians, who participated or were part of a fraudulent attempt to commit the crime of child recruitment in the armed and security forces, will be referred to the Military Prosecution or the Public Prosecution for investigation.

He ordered colleges, institutes, and military academies to develop educational curricula on children’s rights and the risks of child recruitment.

Yemeni Army Warns of Houthi Attempts to Reignite War

Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi (c) with the Marib governor and chief of staff during a past visit to the frontlines in Marib. (Saba news agency)
Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi (c) with the Marib governor and chief of staff during a past visit to the frontlines in Marib. (Saba news agency)

Yemeni Army Warns of Houthi Attempts to Reignite War

Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi (c) with the Marib governor and chief of staff during a past visit to the frontlines in Marib. (Saba news agency)
Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi (c) with the Marib governor and chief of staff during a past visit to the frontlines in Marib. (Saba news agency)

The Yemeni army has warned of the Iran-backed Houthi militias’ constant mobilization and readiness to reignite the war.

Yemen Armed Forces Spokesman Brig. Gen. Abdo Majali told Asharq Al-Awsat that the Houthis have been firing artillery and drones at residential areas and military positions at various battlefronts.

He interpreted the actions as part of the militias’ preparations to return to war, accusing them of aborting “all regional and international efforts to end the conflict in Yemen and achieve peace.”

Defense Minister Mohsen Al-Daeri had told Asharq Al-Awsat previously that the war could erupt at any moment, stressing that the armed forces “were ready for all options.”

Observers interpreted the Houthi preparations and statements by its senior leaders as a reflection of their concern over the legitimate Yemeni army launching a military campaign - with international backing - to liberate Hodeidah and its ports.

The theory is backed by the Houthis’ mobilization of reinforcements to areas under their control in Hodeidah.

Majali stressed that the armed forces are at the “highest level of combat readiness and their morale is high.”

“Comprehensive strategies are in place to liberate the nation from the terrorist Houthi crimes and violations against our Yemeni people,” he declared.

The legitimate Yemeni government has for months since the Houthis started targeted international shipping in the Red Sear been calling on the international community to support its armed forces.

The end of the Houthi attacks on international shipping lies in backing the government, not western strikes against the militias, it has reiterated on numerous occasions.

Majali said the Houthis are continuing their violations against the people in various regions, notably in Taiz, Dhale and Marib.

The main goal for the armed forces is the liberation of the nation, starting with Sanaa, Hodeidah and Hajjah, he added, saying the Houthi “demise is near.”