Saudi Justice Minister Waleed al-Samaani has launched Najiz Judicial Services Center in Riyadh, facilitating the delivery of about 100 services under one roof, following flexible working hours. The event was attended by Housing Minister Majid al-Hugail.
“The center serves clients with various services related to courts, enforcement, notarization, probate applications, certified translation, mediation, and legal advice,” said the Ministry of Justice.
"The center contributes to raising client satisfaction, enhancing judicial services, and achieving the ministry’s national transformation goals of excellence in government performance," the ministry added.
Provided by legal specialists, the services include editing and referring statements of claims, court petitions, property conveyance, corporate charter notarization, and enforcement applications.
In addition, the Center has a self-service section with guidance and advice provided to clients free of charge.
The Najiz Center is located in Al-Malqa district, Riyadh; and opens on weekdays from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM.