G20 Watchdog Says Investment Fund Vulnerable Amidst Pandemic

Financial Stability Board (FSB) Chairman Randal Quarles speaks at a news conference following the "1+6" Roundtable meeting at the Diaoyutai state guesthouse in Beijing, China November 21, 2019. REUTERS/Florence Lo/File Photo
Financial Stability Board (FSB) Chairman Randal Quarles speaks at a news conference following the "1+6" Roundtable meeting at the Diaoyutai state guesthouse in Beijing, China November 21, 2019. REUTERS/Florence Lo/File Photo

G20 Watchdog Says Investment Fund Vulnerable Amidst Pandemic

Financial Stability Board (FSB) Chairman Randal Quarles speaks at a news conference following the "1+6" Roundtable meeting at the Diaoyutai state guesthouse in Beijing, China November 21, 2019. REUTERS/Florence Lo/File Photo
Financial Stability Board (FSB) Chairman Randal Quarles speaks at a news conference following the "1+6" Roundtable meeting at the Diaoyutai state guesthouse in Beijing, China November 21, 2019. REUTERS/Florence Lo/File Photo

Non-bank financial firms such as investment funds have exhibited vulnerabilities during the coronavirus crisis that may need fixing to help economies recover, a global regulatory watchdog said on Tuesday.

The Financial Stability Board (FSB), which coordinates financial rules for the Group of 20 (G20) economies, said that although an initial wave of volatility has ebbed, markets remain under great strain and in some cases illiquid.

FSB Chair Randal Quarles said the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on credit markets and investment funds has highlighted potential vulnerabilities and the need to understand the risks and resulting policy implications.

"It is more important than ever to ensure that we can reap the benefits of this dynamic part of the financial system without risking financial stability," Quarles said in a letter to G20 finance ministers and central banks, who are holding a virtual meeting this week.

The FSB said it has set up a group to fine-tune work on investment funds and credit markets, which have been a source of conflict between market regulators and central banks in the past over how stringently they should be regulated.

"Shadow banking", which also includes money market funds, hedge funds, and private equity, has grown significantly since the financial crisis a decade ago, moving into bank-like activities such as credit as traditional lenders became more risk averse.

Quarles, who is also Federal Reserve vice chair for banking supervision, said FSB members have been involved in intensive, daily information exchanges to coordinate national responses.

Regulators have come under heavy pressure from banks to loosen capital buffers and ease provisioning requirements for bad loans as businesses struggle to stay afloat during lockdowns.

Quarles said the FSB was guiding G20 members on using existing flexibility in global rules, while also preserving collective support for the standards.

"It will become increasingly important to assess the impact of measures taken and to ensure that these policies are effective in the near term, and, eventually, to give a strong basis for deciding on when, and how, to return to more normal operations in the financial sector," Quarles said.

Fallout from the coronavirus crisis has led to speculation that regulators will have to push back an end of 2021 deadline for ending the use of the Libor interest rate benchmark that banks were fined billions of dollars for trying to rig.

The rate is used in contracts like home loans and credit cards worth around $400 trillion globally, and ending its use is one of the biggest challenges faced by markets in decades.

"The financial stability risks that would be associated with an unsuccessful transition away from Libor are as relevant in the current environment as they were before," Quarles said.

The FSB will set out for G20 finance ministers in July the remaining challenges to shifting away from Libor and explore ways to address them, Quarles said.

Riyadh's Global AI Summit Explores Human-AI Interaction

Riyadh's Global AI Summit Explores Human-AI Interaction

Riyadh's Global AI Summit Explores Human-AI Interaction

Riyadh's Global AI Summit Explores Human-AI Interaction

The third edition of the Global AI Summit, organized by the Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) in Riyadh, will review the international interest in data and AI, given the increasing growth in this sector and its impact on decision-making and business facilitation.
Around 120 dialogue sessions and workshops will discuss the relationship between the human mind and AI and whether it is based on integration or competition, the extent of compatibility between the capabilities of AI and human capabilities and the impact of this interaction on making and enhancing human decisions, in addition to understanding the capabilities of these technologies and assessing the extent to which they can achieve the public benefit of humanity
From September 10 to 12, participants and attendees from more than 100 countries will tackle how AI assists humans, especially in providing insights, analyzing data, and harmonizing in an integrated relationship in various aspects of psychological, social, and cultural life related to the use of these technologies, in addition to supporting decision-making processes in vital areas such as healthcare, finance, business, developing technical and creative skills, and analyzing social networks.
The Global AI Summit will display the ability of AI systems to understand human language and enhance the learning experience and the extent to which human-AI interaction applications are developing in the way to a better quality of life for humans, considering the Kingdom's interest in supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030, in which humans are its focus.
The summit is one of the key global summits in this field. Riyadh will witness an international presence from different continents to discuss the dimensions of AI and agree on formulating ideas and visions to explore the features of human-AI interaction.
The Global AI Summit is a remarkable opportunity for experts to exchange ideas and learn about the latest developments in a number of specializations, including learning technologies, accessibility and health, and human-robot interaction and its impact on supporting various aspects that help it adapt to these advanced technologies and employ them optimally while expanding the benefit of AI solutions in accelerating the wheel of development and growth in various fields to build a better present and future for subsequent generations.
The summit integrates with the objectives of the Saudi Vision 2030 and its aspirations to transform the Kingdom into a global hub for advanced technologies under the leadership of SDAIA.