Houthis Hint at Undermining Griffiths’ Peace Efforts in Yemen

Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdul-Salam
Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdul-Salam

Houthis Hint at Undermining Griffiths’ Peace Efforts in Yemen

Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdul-Salam
Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdul-Salam

The Houthi militias have hinted at undermining the efforts of United Nations envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths following “cautious optimism” expressed by the UN on possible solutions to the country’s war.

Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdul-Salam has reiterated the group’s conditions on UN-sponsored talks with Yemen's legitimate government.

The insurgents demand halting hostilities, and lifting the ban on Sanaa airport and the monitoring of Houthi-run ports, he said on his Twitter account.

He stressed that this is “the only way to initiate any discussion in safe and quiet conditions.”

Although the Arab Coalition declared a two-week ceasefire that started in Yemen on Thursday, Houthis have continued their escalation of fighting on most fronts.

Abdul-Salam claimed that the Coalition was not serious about the ceasefire.

“The Security Council would have issued a clear resolution to stop the war and lift the unjust siege had this ceasefire decision been serious,” he said.

His tweets were in reference to the statement issued by the Security Council on Friday, in which it welcomed the Arab Coalition’s unilateral ceasefire in Yemen and called on the Houthis to respond similarly.

Griffiths said on Friday he has sent revised proposals to Yemeni rivals as part of his efforts to resolve the country’s crisis amid the threats paused by the COVID-19 disease.

“Today, I shared with the parties revised proposals for agreements on a nationwide ceasefire; economic and humanitarian measures to alleviate Yemenis' suffering, build confidence between parties and help Yemen respond to COVID-19; and resuming the political process urgently,” Griffiths’ office wrote on Twitter.

The UN envoy said the proposed agreements are balanced, reflect the principle interests of all parties, and represent an actual, inclusive package helping Yemen avoid violence and past suffering and take a historical step towards peace.

He urged the parties to accept the proposed agreements without delay, and begin working together through a formal political process to comprehensively end the war.

Israeli Airstrike Kills Several Hezbollah Members in South Lebanon

Smoke billows from a site targeted by Israeli shelling in the southern Lebanese village of Boustane near the border with Israel on July 18, 2024, amid ongoing cross-border clashes between Israeli troops and Hezbollah fighters.  (Photo by Kawnat HAJU / AFP)
Smoke billows from a site targeted by Israeli shelling in the southern Lebanese village of Boustane near the border with Israel on July 18, 2024, amid ongoing cross-border clashes between Israeli troops and Hezbollah fighters. (Photo by Kawnat HAJU / AFP)

Israeli Airstrike Kills Several Hezbollah Members in South Lebanon

Smoke billows from a site targeted by Israeli shelling in the southern Lebanese village of Boustane near the border with Israel on July 18, 2024, amid ongoing cross-border clashes between Israeli troops and Hezbollah fighters.  (Photo by Kawnat HAJU / AFP)
Smoke billows from a site targeted by Israeli shelling in the southern Lebanese village of Boustane near the border with Israel on July 18, 2024, amid ongoing cross-border clashes between Israeli troops and Hezbollah fighters. (Photo by Kawnat HAJU / AFP)

An Israeli airstrike late Thursday killed members of Hezbollah's elite Radwan Force at a home in southern Lebanon, state media and a Hezbollah official said.
A Hezbollah official said the strike killed several members of the secretive Radwan Force, which operates along the border. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity in line with regulations, gave no further details or the names of the members killed.
The airstrike on the village of Jmaijmeh also wounded several people and ambulances rushed to the area, state-run National News Agency said. The agency did not immediately report deaths.
Earlier in the day, two separate drone strikes in south Lebanon and another in the eastern Bekaa Valley killed a Hezbollah member and an official of al-Jamaa al-Islamiya.

The Israeli military said it had killed a Radwan Force operations unit commander it named as Ali Jaafar Maatouk, along with another commander responsible for Radwan Force operations in the Hajir region. It said additional Radwan Force fighters were also killed in the strike.

Maatouk was killed in one of several strikes on the neighboring border villages of Safad El Battikh and Jmaijmeh, sources said. Eighteen wounded were taken to nearby Tebnine government hospital, its director Mohammed Hamadi told Reuters.