France Arrests Top Fugitive in Rwanda's Genocide

In this Friday, April 5, 2019 file photo, family photographs of some of those who died hang on display in an exhibition at the Kigali Genocide Memorial center in the capital Kigali, Rwanda. (AP Photo/Ben Curtis, File)
In this Friday, April 5, 2019 file photo, family photographs of some of those who died hang on display in an exhibition at the Kigali Genocide Memorial center in the capital Kigali, Rwanda. (AP Photo/Ben Curtis, File)

France Arrests Top Fugitive in Rwanda's Genocide

In this Friday, April 5, 2019 file photo, family photographs of some of those who died hang on display in an exhibition at the Kigali Genocide Memorial center in the capital Kigali, Rwanda. (AP Photo/Ben Curtis, File)
In this Friday, April 5, 2019 file photo, family photographs of some of those who died hang on display in an exhibition at the Kigali Genocide Memorial center in the capital Kigali, Rwanda. (AP Photo/Ben Curtis, File)

One of the most wanted fugitives in Rwanda´s 1994 genocide, a wealthy businessman accused of supplying machetes to killers and broadcasting propaganda urging mass slaughter, has been arrested outside Paris, authorities said Saturday.

Felicien Kabuga, who had a $5 million bounty on his head, had been accused of equipping militias in the genocide that killed more than 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus who tried to protect them.

The 84-year-old Kabuga was arrested as a result of a joint investigation with the UN's International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals office of the prosecutor, French authorities said.

He had been living in a town north of Paris, Asnieres-Sur-Seine, under an assumed name, the appeals court's prosecutor's office said.

The news was hailed in Rwanda.

The UN´s International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda indicted Kabuga in 1997 on charges related to conspiracy to commit genocide, persecution, and extermination.

Rwandan prosecutors have said financial documents found in the capital, Kigali, after the genocide indicated that Kabuga used dozens of his companies to import vast quantities of machetes that were used to slaughter people.

The wealthy businessman also was accused of establishing the station Radio Television Mille Collines that broadcast vicious propaganda against the ethnic Tutsi, as well as training and equipping the Interahamwe militia that led the killing spree.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres welcomed Kabuga´s arrest, according to UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said.

It "sends a powerful message that those who are alleged to have committed such crimes cannot evade justice and will eventually be held accountable, even more than a quarter of a century later," Dujarric said.

Mausi Segun, Africa director at Human Rights Watch, described the arrest as "an important step towards justice for hundreds of thousands of genocide victims."

Kabuga was close to former President Juvenal Habyarimana, whose death when his plane was shot down over Kigali sparked the 100-day genocide. Kabuga´s daughter married Habyarimana´s son.

Kabuga is expected to be transferred to the custody of the UN mechanism, where he will stand trial. It is based at The Hague in the Netherlands.

"The arrest of Kabuga today is a reminder that those responsible for genocide can be brought to account, even 26 years after their crimes," the mechanism's chief prosecutor Serge Brammertz said in a statement. He said partners who contributed to the arrest included law enforcement agencies and prosecution services from Rwanda, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and the United States.

Officials in Rwanda hailed the arrest. According to prosecutors, other top fugitives still at large include Protais Mpiranya, the former commander of the Presidential Guards, and former Defense Minister Augustin Bizimana.

Guterres, the UN chief, stressed that all countries have an obligation to cooperate in the location, arrest, and transfer of those sought by international courts, Dujarric said.

"The secretary-general´s thoughts today are first and foremost with the victims of Mr. Kabuga´s alleged crimes, the victims of other serious international crimes, and their families," the UN spokesman said. "Ending impunity is essential for peace, security, and justice."

For years after the genocide, relations between Rwanda and France were under strain, with Rwanda´s ruling party blaming the French government in part for supporting the genocidal regime.

But under French President Emmanuel Macron, Kigali and Paris appear to have made some amends. In 2018, French authorities said they dropped an investigation into the 1994 plane crash, citing lack of sufficient evidence. Several people close to Rwandan President Paul Kagame had been under investigation and his government denounced the probe, saying it was aimed at exonerating France´s suspected role in the genocide.

In 2019, Macron announced the creation of a commission tasked with investigating France´s alleged role.

"After many years, the old guards in the French government who could have been protecting Kabuga have left power and you find the young generation have no interest in protecting the aging fugitive under the new administration," asserted Gonza Muganwa, a Rwandan political analyst.

"It´s clear he was being protected and some powerful people knew his hiding place. They sold him."

Nepalis Fear More Floods as Climate Change Melts Glaciers

Residents told AFP they are afraid to return to their home in the Himalayan foothills as there are 'still lakes above'. Migma NURU SHERPA / AFP
Residents told AFP they are afraid to return to their home in the Himalayan foothills as there are 'still lakes above'. Migma NURU SHERPA / AFP

Nepalis Fear More Floods as Climate Change Melts Glaciers

Residents told AFP they are afraid to return to their home in the Himalayan foothills as there are 'still lakes above'. Migma NURU SHERPA / AFP
Residents told AFP they are afraid to return to their home in the Himalayan foothills as there are 'still lakes above'. Migma NURU SHERPA / AFP

Mingma Rita Sherpa was not home when the muddy torrent roared into his village in Nepal without warning, but when he returned, he did not recognize his once beautiful settlement.
It took just moments for freezing floodwaters to engulf Thame in the foothills of Mount Everest, a disaster that climate change scientists say is an ominous sign of things to come in the Himalayan nation, AFP reported.
"There is no trace of our house... nothing is left," Sherpa said. "It took everything we owned."
Nepal is reeling from its worst flooding in decades after ferocious monsoon rains swelled rivers and inundated entire neighborhoods in the capital Kathmandu, killing at least 236 people.
Last weekend's disaster was the latest of several disastrous floods to hit the country this year.
Thame was submerged in August by a glacial lake that burst high in the mountains above the small village, famous for its mountaineering residents.
It was once home to Tenzing Norgay Sherpa, the first person to climb the world's highest mountain Everest, along with New Zealander Edmund Hillary.
"We are afraid to return, there are still lakes above," Sherpa said.
"The fertile land is gone. It is hard to see a future there," he added, speaking from the capital Kathmandu, where he has moved.
A glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) is the sudden release of water collected in former glacier beds.
These lakes are formed by the retreat of glaciers, with the warmer temperatures of human-caused climate change turbocharging the melting of the icy reservoirs.
Glacial lakes are often unstable because they are dammed by ice or loose debris.
'Rebuild or relocate'
Thame was a popular stop during the trekking season, perched at an altitude of 3,800 meters (12,470 feet) beneath soaring snow-capped peaks.
But in August, during the monsoon rains, the village was largely empty.
No one was killed, but the flood destroyed half of the village's 54 homes, a clinic and a hostel. It also wiped out a school started by Hillary.
Sherpa, like many in the village, ran a lodge for foreign trekkers. He also worked as a technician at a hydropower plant, a key source of electricity in the region. That too was damaged.
"Some are trying to rebuild, but the land is not stable," he said. "Parts continue to erode."
Thame's residents are scattered, some staying in neighboring villages, others in Kathmandu.
Local official Mingma Chiri Sherpa said the authorities were surveying the area to assess the risks.
"Our focus right now is to aid the survivors," he said. "We are working to help the residents rebuild or relocate".
'Predict and prepare'
Experts say that the flood in Thame was part of a frightening pattern. Glaciers are receding at an alarming rate.
Hundreds of glacial lakes formed from glacial melt have appeared in recent decades.
In 2020, more than 2,000 were mapped across Nepal by experts from the Kathmandu-based International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), with 21 identified as potentially dangerous.
Nepal has drained lakes in the past, and is planning to drain at least four more.
ICIMOD geologist Sudan Bikash Maharjan examined satellite images of the Thame flood, concluding it was a glacial lake outburst.
"We need to strengthen our monitoring... so that we can, at least to some extent, predict and prepare," he said.
"The risks are there... so our mountain communities must be made aware so they can be prepared".
Scientists warn of a two-stage impact.
Initially, melting glaciers trigger destructive floods. Eventually, the glaciers will dry up, bringing even greater threats.
Glaciers in the wider Himalayan and Hindu Kush ranges provide crucial water for around 240 million people in the mountainous regions.
Another 1.65 billion people depend on them in the South Asian and Southeast Asian river valleys below.
- 'Himalayas have changed' -
Former residents of Thame are raising funds, including Kami Rita Sherpa, who climbed Everest for a record 30th time this year.
Kami Rita Sherpa said the locale had long been a source of pride as a "village of mountaineers", but times had changed.
"The place has no future now", he said. "We are living at risk -- not just Thame, other villages downhill also need to be alert."
The veteran mountaineer said his beloved mountains were under threat.
"The Himalayas have changed," he said. "We have now not only seen the impact of climate change, but experienced its dangerous consequences too."