Saudi Ports Handle 28m Tons of Cargo in May

Saudi Ports Handle 28m Tons of Cargo in May

Saudi Ports Handle 28m Tons of Cargo in May

Saudi Ports Handle 28m Tons of Cargo in May

Saudi Arabia’s ports handled more than 28 million tons of cargo in May, the Authority (Mawani) revealed on Thursday. Tnumber of containers amounted to 613,000, an increase of 6.36 percent compared to the same period in 2019.

According to Mawani’s statistical index, the number of vessels received by Saudi ports during the same month amounted to 919, 10,000 passengers, 57,000 vehicles and 480,000 heads of livestock.

“This remarkable increase affirms the strength of the Saudi economy, its supply chains and commercial traffic,” Mawani said in a statement.

“It highlights the quality and effectiveness of the Kingdom’s performance and continued business in efficient and competent manners, in light of the economic challenges the world is facing due to the coronavirus pandemic.”

Mawani aims to contribute in stimulating the logistic services industry, facilitating and supporting import and export processes in the Kingdom and making them more smooth, flexible and competitive.

This comes within its strategic plans and ambitious initiatives that seek to enhance the competitiveness of its services and raise the level of its maritime, operational and logistical operations, for a promising future for the logistic services sector and for Saudi ports.

In other news, the Saudi Grains Organization (SAGO) announced on Thursday issuing its fourth tender in 2020 to import 960,000 tons of feed barley for supply during August and September.

Governor of SAGO Eng. Ahmad Abdulaziz al-Fares said the amount specified is distributed on 16 ships. Twelve of these ships will arrive in the Kingdom’s ports on the Red Sea and the four other ships will arrive in the Arabian Gulf ports.

The tender is an extension to the Kingdom’s plan to meet the local demand for feed barley and maintain its strategic reserve, Fares stressed.

Saudi Reef Launches Rural Tourism Business Incubators to Promote Entrepreneurship

Saudi Reef Launches Rural Tourism Business Incubators to Promote Entrepreneurship

Saudi Reef Launches Rural Tourism Business Incubators to Promote Entrepreneurship

Saudi Reef Launches Rural Tourism Business Incubators to Promote Entrepreneurship

The Sustainable Agricultural Rural Development Program (Saudi Reef) launched the "Rural Development" and "Rural Tourism" business incubators to foster entrepreneurship within Saudi Arabia's agricultural sector.

The initiative aims to boost the entrepreneurial ecosystem, particularly among small farmers and rural producers, by providing them with the tools and skills needed to develop their products and accelerate growth.

The effort aligns with the Kingdom's Vision 2030 goals, which seek to improve the standard of living and quality of life in rural areas.

Saudi Reef offers various forms of support to small farmers, entrepreneurs, and rural tourism operators. The business incubators focus on developing core entrepreneurial skills, such as strategic planning, business management, marketing, and finance.

Additionally, the initiative promotes the creation of innovative business models within the rural development sector.