Republicans Back Israel’s Annexation Plan, Democrats Issue Strong Warning

A banner in Jerusalem from an American Zionist organization in support of annexation in the West Bank (AFP)
A banner in Jerusalem from an American Zionist organization in support of annexation in the West Bank (AFP)

Republicans Back Israel’s Annexation Plan, Democrats Issue Strong Warning

A banner in Jerusalem from an American Zionist organization in support of annexation in the West Bank (AFP)
A banner in Jerusalem from an American Zionist organization in support of annexation in the West Bank (AFP)

Reflecting partisan differences over Israel’s annexation plans for portions of the West Bank, a majority of Republican members of the US House of Representatives have signed a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu endorsing Israeli annexation of settlements in the West Bank.

The letter, which Asharq Al-Awsat obtained a copy of, has so far garnered 116 signatures out of 198 Republicans in the House at a time when Democrats are pressing Israel not to go ahead with annexation.

“We write to reaffirm the unshakeable alliance between the United States and Israel, to emphasize that Israel has the right to make sovereign decisions independent of outside pressure, and to express our support for you as you make such decisions in your capacity as Israel’s democratically-elected prime minister,” said the letter sent Netanyahu.

They said they were “deeply concerned by threats being expressed by some to retaliate against Israel as it makes decisions to ensure defensible borders.”

They declared support for “the Trump administration’s engagement with Israel on the Vision for Peace Plan, which was based on the critical premise that Israel should never be forced to compromise its security.”

These statements angered Democrats who had previously warned Israel that any unilateral decision to annex settlements would harm the historical ties between the US and Israel.

Democrats including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Sens. Ben Cardin and Robert Menendez expressed their disapproval of the action.

“A sustainable peace deal that ensures the long-term security of Israel and self-determination for Palestinians must be negotiated directly between the two parties,” they said in a statement.

“Unilateral annexation runs counter to those longstanding policies and could undermine regional stability and broader US national security interests in the region.”

In addition to these positions, more than 120 Democrats have signed a document opposing annexation, and the document's supporters are still seeking to sign more signatures to show the Democrats' strong opposition to the issue of annexation, at a time when 19 democrats wrote a letter to the Israeli leaders.

Close Aide of Syria President Dies after Car Crash

Luna al-Shibl, a member of the Syrian government delegation arrives to meet UN-Arab League envoy for Syria Lakhdar Brahimi on January 24, 2014 at the "Geneva II" peace talks in Geneva. (AFP)
Luna al-Shibl, a member of the Syrian government delegation arrives to meet UN-Arab League envoy for Syria Lakhdar Brahimi on January 24, 2014 at the "Geneva II" peace talks in Geneva. (AFP)

Close Aide of Syria President Dies after Car Crash

Luna al-Shibl, a member of the Syrian government delegation arrives to meet UN-Arab League envoy for Syria Lakhdar Brahimi on January 24, 2014 at the "Geneva II" peace talks in Geneva. (AFP)
Luna al-Shibl, a member of the Syrian government delegation arrives to meet UN-Arab League envoy for Syria Lakhdar Brahimi on January 24, 2014 at the "Geneva II" peace talks in Geneva. (AFP)

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's media adviser Luna al-Shibl died on Friday three days after being injured in a car crash, Assad's office announced.

"The presidency of the Syrian Arab Republic mourns the death of the adviser Luna al-Shibl, who passed away today after a serious car accident", it said in a statement.

"She served in recent years as a director of the political and media office of the presidency and then as a special adviser to the presidency," it added.

State media reported on Tuesday that she had suffered a "cerebral hemorrhage" which required emergency surgery after her car "veered off the road".

The 48-year-old rose to prominence for quitting a prestigious journalism career at Qatar-based broadcaster Al Jazeera to become Assad's media adviser at a time when Damascus was cracking down on peaceful protesters in 2011, triggering Syria's ongoing civil war.

But her role expanded well beyond communications, carving out a place within Assad's inner circle as she accompanied him to high-level meetings in Syria and on his rare visits abroad.

She played an important role during the most intense years of the war and was part of the delegation to ultimately doomed peace talks in 2014.

Britain-based war monitor, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, reported earlier this week that she had fallen out of official favor in recent months and her brother had been arrested.

"There was growing dissatisfaction with her within the regime," said Observatory director Rami Abdulrahman.

"Accusations surfaced that she leaked minutes of closed meetings between Assad and Iranian officials," Abdulrahman added.

Syrian intelligence arrested her brother "on charges of communicating with a party hostile to Syria" after Israel struck the Iranian consulate in Damascus in April, the monitor said.

In 2020, Washington sanctioned Shibl and her husband Ammar Saati, with the US Treasury saying at the time that "she has been instrumental in developing Assad's false narrative that he maintains control of the country and that the Syrian people flourish under his leadership".