UNSMIL Renews Endeavors to Resume Libya Dialogue

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and Stephanie Williams, Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Political Affairs in Libya, arrive to hold a news conference after a follow-up meeting of the international committee on Libya, in Munich, Germany, February 16, 2020. REUTERS/Michael Dalder
German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and Stephanie Williams, Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Political Affairs in Libya, arrive to hold a news conference after a follow-up meeting of the international committee on Libya, in Munich, Germany, February 16, 2020. REUTERS/Michael Dalder

UNSMIL Renews Endeavors to Resume Libya Dialogue

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and Stephanie Williams, Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Political Affairs in Libya, arrive to hold a news conference after a follow-up meeting of the international committee on Libya, in Munich, Germany, February 16, 2020. REUTERS/Michael Dalder
German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and Stephanie Williams, Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Political Affairs in Libya, arrive to hold a news conference after a follow-up meeting of the international committee on Libya, in Munich, Germany, February 16, 2020. REUTERS/Michael Dalder

The UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) has renewed endeavors to resume dialogue in the country, following the de-escalation between the Libyan National Army (LNA), led by Khalifa Haftar, and Fayez al-Sarraj’s Government of National Accord (GNA) on the strategic city of Sirte.

Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General (ASRSG) for Libya and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Stephanie Williams met with Head of the High Council of State Khaled al-Mishri via a video conference call. The two addressed "possible ways to resume the political talks as per Berlin Conference conclusions.”

Williams also briefed Mishri about her recent negotiations with Libyan parties and foreign stakeholders.

She further congratulated members of the HCS Presidency on their victory in the recent elections.

Moreover, the Sirte-Jufra Protection and Security Operations Room of the GNA announced the death of one person and the injury of another in a landmine explosion.

The Volcano of Rage Operation, launched by Sarraj’s forces, announced two injuries following the landmine explosion in Tripoli.

In the meantime, Libyan parliament spokesman Abdullah Bleihaq said that the Egyptian legislature's decision to dispatch forces abroad was in response to the Libyan House of Representatives’ demand.

It is also a response to the call made by Libyans, mayors and tribes in the most recent meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to confront threats jeopardizing the joint security of both countries.

The spokesman added that Ankara continued to violate the Security Council resolutions, and the international resolutions on an arms embargo via its ongoing weapons supplies to mercenaries.

The Egyptian parliament’s decision would contribute to achieving security and stability and would foil the Turkey-backed plot for chaos in Libya.

France's Top Court to Examine Arrest Warrant for Syria's Assad

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Reuters
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Reuters

France's Top Court to Examine Arrest Warrant for Syria's Assad

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Reuters
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Reuters

Prosecutors said Tuesday they had asked France's highest court to review the legality of a French arrest warrant for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad over deadly chemical attacks on Syrian soil in 2013.

Syrian opposition say one of those attacks in August 2013 on the rebel-held suburbs of Damascus killed around 1,400 people, including more than 400 children, in one of the many horrors of the 13-year civil war.

Prosecutors said they had made the request to the Court of Cassation on Friday on judicial grounds, two days after an appeals court upheld the arrest order.

"This decision is by no means political. It is about having a legal question resolved," the prosecutors told AFP.

France is believed to have been the first country to issue an arrest warrant for a sitting foreign head of state in November.

Investigative magistrates specialized in so-called crimes against humanity, issued the warrant after several rights groups filed a complaint against Assad for his role in the chain of command for the alleged chemical attacks in the capital's suburbs on August 4, 5 and 21, 2013.

But prosecutors from a unit specialized in investigating "terrorist" attacks have sought to annul it, although they do not question the grounds for such an arrest.

They argue that immunity for foreign heads of state should only be lifted for international prosecutions, such as at the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The Syrian Centre for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM), lawyers' association Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI) and the Syrian Archive, an organization documenting human rights violations in Syria, filed the initial complaint.