Sudanese Govt. Acknowledges Difficulties in Appointing State Governors

Civilians walk past graffiti reading in Arabic 'Freedom, Peace, Justice and Civilian' in the Burri district of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan, July 10, 2019. (Reuters)
Civilians walk past graffiti reading in Arabic 'Freedom, Peace, Justice and Civilian' in the Burri district of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan, July 10, 2019. (Reuters)

Sudanese Govt. Acknowledges Difficulties in Appointing State Governors

Civilians walk past graffiti reading in Arabic 'Freedom, Peace, Justice and Civilian' in the Burri district of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan, July 10, 2019. (Reuters)
Civilians walk past graffiti reading in Arabic 'Freedom, Peace, Justice and Civilian' in the Burri district of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan, July 10, 2019. (Reuters)

Sudan’s government spokesperson, Minister of Culture and Information Faisal Mohamed Salih said that appointing state governors “might not satisfy some sides”.

Salih added that the process was challenging due to several major complications, adding that he can’t claim there was unanimity on all the candidates, but rather consensus.

Meanwhile, the National Umma Party (NUP), headed by Sadiq al-Mahdi, announced its withdrawal from participation. The party stressed that it refuses to take part in the local ruling structures based on the current standards set by Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok.

Dozens of citizens from Kassala and North Kordofan took to the streets to protest against the new appointments.

Moreover, NUP deputy chairman Siddiq Mohamed Ismail criticized the approach adopted in the appointment process.

“We had informed the PM of the need to agree on standards and approve the state rule law before the appointment of governors,” he said.

On Wednesday, Hamdok appointed civilian governors for 18 states.

Mariam al-Mahdi, deputy leader of the NUP, objected against assigning Ayman Khalid as the governor of Khartoum. She said that this state represents the capital and should not be subject to partisan quotas, explaining that the party prefers that all political parties agree on a qualified candidate.

She reiterated the NUP’s backing of the transitional government, stressing that there is an urgent need to establish the structure of the authority during the transitional period.

Appointing the governors took several months due to the differences between Hamdok and the Forces of Freedom and Change. A major obstacle was appointing governors of states that are dominated by tribes and different ethnic groups.

The government spokesman called for backing the appointments in order ensure the success of the transitional period and pave the way for holding free and transparent elections.

Shiite Forces Boycott Meeting with Vatican Secretary on Lebanon’s Presidential Crisis

Parolin, al-Rai and other officials during the meeting at Bkirki. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Parolin, al-Rai and other officials during the meeting at Bkirki. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Shiite Forces Boycott Meeting with Vatican Secretary on Lebanon’s Presidential Crisis

Parolin, al-Rai and other officials during the meeting at Bkirki. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Parolin, al-Rai and other officials during the meeting at Bkirki. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Representatives of Lebanon's Supreme Islamic Shiite Council and Shiite deputies boycotted a meeting of the heads of sects and parliamentary blocs with Vatican Secretary Cardinal Pietro Parolin at the seat of the Maronite Patriarchate in Bkirki on Tuesday.

The meeting, which focused on the presidential crisis, was held at Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rai's invitation.

Addressing the gatherers, Parolin underlined the need to preserve the “Lebanese model” in the turbulent region. He called on the different parties to cooperate to resolve the crisis and reach solutions that “bring hope to Lebanon and its people.”

“I convey to you the greetings of His Holiness Pope Francis, who is carefully following the developments in Lebanon...” he stated, adding: “Today, Lebanon must remain a model of coexistence and unity in light of the ongoing crises and wars.”

He said he was in Lebanon to help end the crisis, namely the failure to elect a president of the republic.

The presidency has been vacant since Michel Aoun’s term ended in October 2022.

For his part, al-Rai emphasized that the meeting was a “gathering of the Lebanese family” and an opportunity for dialogue and mutual understanding, especially during these challenging times.

Shiite representatives boycotted the meeting despite an invitation being sent to the Supreme Shiite Islamic Council.

An informed source told Asharq Al-Awsat that the decision was a response to remarks made by al-Rai during the Sunday mass sermon, in which he said that the resistance against Israel in the South has turned the area into an arena for terrorist acts that destabilize the security and stability of the region.

According to the same source, the Shiite community has no problem with the Vatican, as Parolin is scheduled to meet with Speaker Nabih Berri - a Shiite - on Wednesday.

Jaafari Mufti Sheikh Ahmed Qabalan sent a letter to the Vatican secretary, criticizing al-Rai’s position without naming him and saying: “Some spiritual leaders in my country view what the group of its resisters are doing as abhorrent terrorism that must be deterred and prevented.”

“We do not accept that the Church uses positions that serve Zionist terrorism and global crime,” he added.

Regarding the election of a president, Qabalan stressed: “We want a Christian president for the Muslims, who is as eager as the Muslim resistance [Hezbollah] and its sacrifices for the sake of the Christian churches. This can only be achieved through consensus that safeguards the homeland of Muslims and Christians.”

Christian parties quickly slammed Qabalan’s remarks. In a statement, the Kataeb Party said the letter “contained clear incitement against the role of Bkirki and hateful sectarianism that we have never heard before even at the peak of the Lebanese [civil] war.”