Study on Palestinian Audiovisual Heritage

Study on Palestinian Audiovisual Heritage

Study on Palestinian Audiovisual Heritage

Study on Palestinian Audiovisual Heritage

The Institute for Palestine Studies has recently released "The Palestinian Audiovisual Heritage: Origin, Dispersion, and Digital Preservation…Preliminary Studies and Future Aspirations" by Author Bashar Shamout.

In this book, the author seeks to shed light on the rich audiovisual heritage of Palestine "aiming at preserving it with modern techniques, and documenting the collective Palestinian memory facing constant threats amid the hard political and life conditions the Palestinian people live."

The book discusses the topic on three levels: The origin of the audiovisual materials, the places of different collections dispersed in many archives around the world, and how to access them, in addition to some technical fundamentals used in the field of digitization in order to provide help for the people working in this field in the Arab region.

In addition to the objective research based on the digital archival science, the book highlights some of the major causes linked to the nonstop and deliberate attempts of Israeli institutions to conceal the Palestinian identity, kill the collective memory of the Palestinian people, and dominate it.

It also objectively discusses the looting and loss of audiovisual materials in Beirut following the Israeli invasion in 1982. These materials are of great cultural and historical value, as they were inspired by the resistance journey of the Palestine Liberation Organization since its establishment.

Heavy Rains Damage Historic Buildings, Forts in Yemen

Unprecedented rains have hit parts of Yemen this season. (EPA)
Unprecedented rains have hit parts of Yemen this season. (EPA)

Heavy Rains Damage Historic Buildings, Forts in Yemen

Unprecedented rains have hit parts of Yemen this season. (EPA)
Unprecedented rains have hit parts of Yemen this season. (EPA)

Recent heavy rains have caused significant damage in cities and villages controlled by the Houthi group in Yemen.

Historic forts and ancient buildings have been affected, with homes collapsing in Sanaa, its outskirts, and in the governorates of Raymah, Amran, Al-Bayda, and Hodeidah.

Flooding has particularly impacted the Bustan al-Sultan and Harqan neighborhoods in the UNESCO-listed city of Sanaa.

Sources have accused the Iran-backed Houthis of neglecting the disaster and ignoring residents’ calls for help, while they instead focused on their annual sectarian celebrations.

The Houthi-controlled “Historical Cities Preservation Authority” issued urgent warnings about historic buildings at risk of collapse in the old city in Sanaa and elsewhere. They reported that an ancient palace in an old neighborhood is near collapse.

In rural Sanaa, local sources told Asharq Al-Awsat that the historic Haraz fort has partially collapsed due to the rains. The fort is one of Yemen’s oldest.

The Raymah governorate has also suffered, with recent floods causing around eight deaths and destroying over 400 homes, including ancient buildings. Parts of the historic Zalamlam Mountain Castle have collapsed from the rain.

The Yemen Meteorological and Early Warning Center predicted that heavy thunderstorms, including hail and strong winds, will continue for the next 72 hours.

This weather is expected to impact highlands, slopes, and western coastal areas from Saada in the north to Taiz, Al-Daleh, and Lahj in the south.

The weather forecast predicted continued rainfall, including thunderstorms and strong winds, over parts of Al-Mahra, Hadramawt, Shabwa, Abyan, Marib, and Al-Jawf.

The center also expected strong winds to stir up dust and sand in the Socotra Archipelago, southern coasts, and areas affected by thunderstorms.

It advised people to stay away from valleys, flood-prone areas, and muddy roads. It warned to avoid electrical poles, billboards, and trees, and to turn off mobile phones during storms.