Iraq PM’s Visit to US Generates Positive Impact at Home

US President Donald Trump receives Iraq's Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi in the Oval Office at the White House (Prime Minister Media Office)
US President Donald Trump receives Iraq's Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi in the Oval Office at the White House (Prime Minister Media Office)

Iraq PM’s Visit to US Generates Positive Impact at Home

US President Donald Trump receives Iraq's Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi in the Oval Office at the White House (Prime Minister Media Office)
US President Donald Trump receives Iraq's Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi in the Oval Office at the White House (Prime Minister Media Office)

Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi's recent visit to the US has been praised by some Iraqi factions but strongly rejected by a number of Iran-affiliated groups.

Member of the parliamentary foreign relations committee Dhafer al-Ani said that despite the unjustified exaggeration and intentional underestimation of its achievements, the Prime Minister's visit was “successful by all standards."

Ani told Asharq Al-Awsat that ripping the benefits of the visit depends on the government’s ability to carry out effective reforms which will enable it to win the confidence of the international community and the support of the Iraqis.

Dean of the Political Science Faculty at al-Mustansiriya University Khaled Abdelilah, in remarks to the newspaper, said some Iraqi parties demanded Kadhimi for guarantees on the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq at a time when Washington discusses means to fight ISIS.

He indicated that signing an agreement with a major US company worth over one billion dollars is the key to bringing back US companies to Iraq.

Kadhimi seeks to gain the support he needs for his government. He is after bilateral deals by activating the economic, oil, aid, and investment agreement signed between the two parties.

The head of the Iraqi Advisory Council, Farhad Alaaldin, confirmed to Asharq Al-Awsat that the strategic dialogue between Baghdad and Washington remains the most important aspect of the visit.

Alaaldin indicated that other major issues were discussed such as oil, the economy, and the coronavirus pandemic, especially that the visit is the result of the first round of talks that began in June.

He indicated that the US stressed the importance of the strategic dialogue given that the Iraqi government needs the support of Washington to face the financial and economic challenges as well as its fight against ISIS.

However, Alaaldin pointed out that this support is not unconditional, especially after the parliament’s decision to remove US forces from Iraq. He also believes that during his talks in Washington, Kadhimi was under tremendous political pressure from the Iraqi forces that reject improved relations with the US.

Dozens Killed, Injured in Shelling on Residential Area in Sudan’s El Fasher

Destruction following the shelling in El Fasher, Sudan. (Social media)
Destruction following the shelling in El Fasher, Sudan. (Social media)

Dozens Killed, Injured in Shelling on Residential Area in Sudan’s El Fasher

Destruction following the shelling in El Fasher, Sudan. (Social media)
Destruction following the shelling in El Fasher, Sudan. (Social media)

Artillery shelling renewed on Tuesday in El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur in western Sudan, targeting hospitals, displacement camps, and residential areas, local sources reported.

The attack resulted in several civilian casualties and dozens of injuries.

Earlier in the morning, Sudanese army warplanes carried out an airstrike on positions held by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the city’s eastern neighborhoods.

The “El Fasher Resistance Committees Coordination” stated on Facebook that the city also came under artillery fire from the RSF. Preliminary reports said at least two people were killed and dozens wounded.

The escalation comes after more than two weeks of reduced fighting between the army, its allied armed groups, and the RSF.

Residents of El Fasher told Asharq Al-Awsat that more people are fleeing the city due to indiscriminate shelling and a blockade that has caused prices to soar and shut down medical services.

The city faces severe shortages of drinking water and food, forcing thousands to seek safer areas.

Sources reported that large military reinforcements have arrived to support the joint forces defending El Fasher against RSF attempts to capture the city and take control of the western region.

In recent weeks, the RSF advanced into the city during heavy fighting and dug defensive trenches near the army's 6th Infantry Division headquarters.

The RSF claimed on X that more than 30 civilians were killed and dozens injured in an army airstrike on a town east of El Fasher.

Official figures show that more than 800 civilians have been killed or injured in El Fasher, which has been engulfed in the conflict between the army and RSF for four months.

The war in Sudan has led to the worst food crisis in the country’s history, with over half of the population suffering from severe hunger.

Millions are facing emergency levels of food insecurity, and over 755,000 people are in catastrophic conditions in Greater Darfur, South and North Kordofan, Blue Nile, Gezira, and Khartoum.

According to the United Nations and humanitarian partners, more than 188,000 people have been killed and over 33,000 injured since the conflict began in April 2023.

Over 10 million people have been displaced, including more than 5 million children, with over 2 million seeking refuge in neighboring countries.