Human Rights Watch: Venezuela Using COVID-19 to Crack Down

A doctor takes a blood sample for a quick COVID-19 test from a handcuffed inmate at a comprehensive diagnosis center that set up to attend patients with new coronavirus in Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, Aug 27, 2020. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)
A doctor takes a blood sample for a quick COVID-19 test from a handcuffed inmate at a comprehensive diagnosis center that set up to attend patients with new coronavirus in Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, Aug 27, 2020. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Human Rights Watch: Venezuela Using COVID-19 to Crack Down

A doctor takes a blood sample for a quick COVID-19 test from a handcuffed inmate at a comprehensive diagnosis center that set up to attend patients with new coronavirus in Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, Aug 27, 2020. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)
A doctor takes a blood sample for a quick COVID-19 test from a handcuffed inmate at a comprehensive diagnosis center that set up to attend patients with new coronavirus in Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, Aug 27, 2020. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Venezuelan security forces and authorities under President Nicolás Maduro have used the coronavirus as an excuse to crack down on dissenting voices on social media and even in private messages, Human Rights Watch reported Friday.

The New York-based rights group said Venezuelan authorities have targeted dozens of journalists, healthcare workers, human rights lawyers and political opponents critical of the government's response to the pandemic.

Some critics have been physically abused to levels bordering on torture, the group said in a report listing 162 such cases from March through June. Human Rights Watch says it verified several complaints through interviews with alleged victims, while also citing reports by Venezuelan media and human rights advocates.

"In Venezuela today, you can´t even share a private message criticizing the Maduro government via WhatsApp without fear of being prosecuted," said José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch.

"The state of emergency has emboldened security forces and armed pro-government groups that already have a record of torture and extrajudicial killings to crack down even more harshly on Venezuelans," Vivanco said.

Venezuela´s Ministry of Communications did not immediately respond to an email from The Associated Press seeking comment. Authorities loyal to Maduro often dismiss critics of its human rights record as outside interests led by the United States interfering in the nation´s internal affairs.

Venezuela was in an economic and political crisis before the pandemic. Maduro has come under heightened international pressure to step down since early 2019, when U.S.-backed opposition leader Juan Guaidó mounted a challenge, claiming the socialist leader illegitimately clings to power following a fraudulent election.

Maduro´s government instituted emergency measures in mid-March shortly after Venezuela´s first coronavirus cases were diagnosed, closing many businesses, limiting travel inside the country, and grounding commercial air travel.

Officials so far have reported roughly 350 coronavirus deaths and 42,000 illnesses, but medical workers and government critics say that is an undercount due to the lack of testing.

Human Rights Watch said Maduro´s government often evokes an "overly broad" anti-hate law approved in 2017 as an instrument for its crackdown, which is enforced by a judicial system lacking independence from Maduro.

The group cited the case of Iván Virgüez, a 65-year-old human rights lawyer arrested in mid-April after a Facebook post critical of how migrants returning to Venezuela were held in quarantine centers.

Over the two days he was in custody, police handcuffed him for two hours under the sun to a metal tube 2 feet off the ground, Human Rights Watch said, adding that he was denied a bathroom for 26 hours.

Virgüez was charged with public disturbance, contempt, defamation of authorities, and instigation of rebellion. He remains under house arrest, allowed to leave his home only for medical visits, Human Rights Watch says.

Hospital worker Andrea Sayago in April sent colleagues a warning on the WhatsApp messaging service of their first coronavirus cases. Photos of test results she sent ended up on social media and hospital administrators forced her to resign, saying her message constituted "terrorism," the human rights group reported.

Venezuela's intelligence police later questioned her for several hours, and she's been charged with misuse of privileged information and put under house arrest pending trial, Human Rights Watch said.

Security forces in March entered the home of Darvinson Rojas, a 25-year-old freelance journalist, and activist, without a search warrant, claiming an anonymous tip reporting a coronavirus case. Human Rights Watch said Rojas tweeted a tally of coronavirus cases collected from various official sources, which gave a total number of cases higher than the ones authorities reported.

The organization said authorities roughed up Rojas' family members, seized his cellphone and computer, and detained him for nearly two weeks. He's charged with inciting hatred for publishing false information aimed at destabilizing the government.

NATO Appoints Outgoing Dutch PM Rutte as Its Next Secretary-General 

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (R) and Netherlands' Prime Minister Mark Rutte hold a press conference at the NATO headquarters in Brussels, on April 17, 2024. (AFP)
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (R) and Netherlands' Prime Minister Mark Rutte hold a press conference at the NATO headquarters in Brussels, on April 17, 2024. (AFP)

NATO Appoints Outgoing Dutch PM Rutte as Its Next Secretary-General 

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (R) and Netherlands' Prime Minister Mark Rutte hold a press conference at the NATO headquarters in Brussels, on April 17, 2024. (AFP)
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (R) and Netherlands' Prime Minister Mark Rutte hold a press conference at the NATO headquarters in Brussels, on April 17, 2024. (AFP)

NATO allies on Wednesday selected outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as NATO's next boss, as the war in Ukraine rages on its doorstep and uncertainty hangs over the United States' future attitude to the transatlantic alliance. 

Rutte's appointment became a formality after his only rival for the post, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, announced last week that he had quit the race, having failed to gain traction. 

"The North Atlantic Council decided to appoint Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as the next Secretary-General of NATO, succeeding Jens Stoltenberg," NATO said in a statement. 

"Mr. Rutte will assume his functions as Secretary-General from 1 October 2024, when Mr. Stoltenberg’s term expires after ten years at the helm of the Alliance," it added. 

After declaring his interest in the post last year, Rutte gained early support from key members of the alliance including the United States, Britain, France and Germany. 

Others were more reticent, particularly Eastern European countries which argued the post should go to someone from their region for the first time. 

But they ultimately rowed in behind Rutte, a fierce critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin and a staunch ally of Ukraine. 

Stoltenberg said he warmly welcomed the selection of Rutte as his successor. 

"Mark is a true transatlanticist, a strong leader, and a consensus-builder," he said. "I know I am leaving NATO in good hands." 

NATO takes decisions by consensus so Rutte, who is bowing out of Dutch politics after nearly 14 years as prime minister, could only be confirmed once all 32 alliance members gave him their backing. 

Rutte will face the challenge of sustaining allies' support for Ukraine's fight against Russia's invasion while guarding against NATO's being drawn directly into a war with Moscow. 

He will also have to contend with the possibility that NATO-skeptic Donald Trump may return to the White House after November's US presidential election. 

Trump's possible return has unnerved NATO leaders as the Republican former president called into question US willingness to support other members of the alliance if they were attacked.