Lebanon’s New PM-Designate Hopes for Quick Formation of Govt., Swift Reforms

The aftermath of the Beirut port blast on August 5, 2020. (Getty Images)
The aftermath of the Beirut port blast on August 5, 2020. (Getty Images)

Lebanon’s New PM-Designate Hopes for Quick Formation of Govt., Swift Reforms

The aftermath of the Beirut port blast on August 5, 2020. (Getty Images)
The aftermath of the Beirut port blast on August 5, 2020. (Getty Images)

Lebanon's ambassador to Germany Mustapha Adib was designated prime minister on Monday ahead of a visit to Beirut by the French president who will press for long-delayed reforms to steer the Middle East nation out of its deep crisis.

Emmanuel Macron, who arrives late on Monday for his second visit in less than a month, has spearheaded international efforts to get Lebanon's fractious leaders to tackle the root causes of a financial meltdown that devastated the economy even before the Aug. 4 port blast killed 190 people.

With the economy on its knees, a swathe of Beirut in tatters and sectarian tensions rising, the former French protectorate is facing the biggest threat to its stability since a 1975-90 civil war.

Soon after securing the vote of enough parliamentary blocs following consultations with President Michel Aoun, Adib called for the formation of a new government in record time and the immediate implementation of reforms as an entry point for an agreement with the International Monetary Fund.

"The opportunity for our country is small," Adib said after he was formally designated by Aoun.

He said he was seeking the formation of a cabinet of experts with the aim to carry out essential reforms.

“There is no time for talking and promises. Now is the time for work with everyone’s cooperation,” he added.

Soon after his nomination, he headed to the Beirut neighborhoods of Gemmayze and Mar Mikhael that sustained the heaviest damage from the cataclysmic port blast.

Senior Lebanese officials said Macron's mediation was essential in securing agreement on a candidate in the 48 hours before consensus emerged on Adib. Last week, they were in complete deadlock who would be the next premier.

Adib's name surfaced on Sunday when he was nominated by former prime ministers, including Saad Hariri.

Adib has been envoy to Berlin since 2013 and was adviser to former Prime Minister Najib Mikati.

Hariri's Future Movement, Hezbollah and the Progressive Socialist Party led by Druze politician Walid Jumblatt were among the first groups to nominate Adib in the formal consultations. Aoun’s Free Patriotic Movement also nominated Adib.

The Lebanese Forces was the only major party not to support him. It backed another ambassador, Nawaf Salam, a choice strongly opposed by Hezbollah. Other parliamentary blocs chose to nominate Salam or abstained from choosing a candidate.

The abstainers explained that they refused to adopt the same political mentality and process as others and that has led Lebanon to the abyss, criticizing other blocs for their unwillingness to adopt a new approach amid the severe crises plaguing the country.

Keeping up the pressure
Macron, who meets Lebanese politicians in Beirut on Tuesday, made a series of phone calls to Lebanese leaders at the weekend that were vital to securing the consensus on Adib.

"It was the pressure of his calls to everyone, the pressure of his coming to Lebanon, the pressure of everyone not wanting to upset him," a senior Lebanese politician said, adding that "no one can afford a long process" to agree a new government.

In the past, forming a new government has taken months of political horse trading.

A French presidency source told Reuters Macron's demands "are clear: a government of mission, clean, efficient, able to implement the necessary reforms in Lebanon and therefore able to receive strong international support".

With the backing of Hariri and Jumblatt, both influential players, Adib will enjoy more support than Hassan Diab who quit with his government on Aug. 10 after the port blast. Diab was nominated by Hezbollah and its allies who together have a parliamentary majority.

Hariri called for the quick formation of a government of specialist ministers under Adib, who has a doctorate in law and political science.

Donor states want to see Lebanon address state corruption and waste, the root causes of the financial crisis.

Lebanon won pledges of more than $11 billion in support at a Paris conference in 2018 conditional on reforms that it failed to carry out, such as fixing an electricity sector that bleeds state funds yet still fails supply 24-hour power.

Once designated, the process of forming a new government will start. Until a new administration is agreed, the outgoing government continues in a caretaker capacity.

Lebanon's financial crisis has sunk the currency by as much as 80% since October, locked savers out of their deposits in a paralyzed banking system and fueled poverty and unemployment.

Libya: Commitments Made on Gaddafi Overthrow Anniversary to Avoid One-man Rule

Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, head of the interim Government of National Unity, attending the thirteenth anniversary of “Liberation Day"
Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, head of the interim Government of National Unity, attending the thirteenth anniversary of “Liberation Day"

Libya: Commitments Made on Gaddafi Overthrow Anniversary to Avoid One-man Rule

Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, head of the interim Government of National Unity, attending the thirteenth anniversary of “Liberation Day"
Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, head of the interim Government of National Unity, attending the thirteenth anniversary of “Liberation Day"

During the celebrations for the anniversary of Muammar Gaddafi’s overthrow, Libyan factions criticized the era of “one-man rule” and vowed not to return to it “now that Libya is free.”

On the thirteenth anniversary of “Liberation Day,” these groups committed to working toward the country’s stability without looking back.

However, some observers argue that, despite Gaddafi’s removal, Libya continues to face “individual control by politicians in their regions.”

At a celebration in Misrata organized by the “National Support Forces,” Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, head of the interim Government of National Unity, highlighted the sacrifices of the martyrs and stressed the importance of following their path toward development and restoring citizens’ rights.

He announced that his government is taking strong steps to eliminate obstacles to stability, aiming for improvements in citizens' daily lives.

Dbeibah spoke firmly, indirectly addressing the House of Representatives, stating he would not allow those who lost their legitimacy ten years ago to impose their conditions on the Libyan people.

He insisted that the next phase requires determination to confront anyone trying to disrupt the journey toward freedom and stability, promising to take decisive action to move toward elections.

Dbeibah reaffirmed his “full commitment to preventing the return of military or individual rule,” stressing the importance of enabling all Libyans to express their rights in elections and national decisions.

At a celebration attended by notable figures from various regions, he declared that the sacrifices made for freedom would not be in vain and emphasized the need for decisive action against those undermining stability and freedom.

Both Dbeibah’s government and its eastern rival, led by Osama Hamad, declared Wednesday a public holiday to mark the thirteenth anniversary of Libya's liberation from Gaddafi's regime on Oct. 23, 2011.

The House of Representatives highlighted the achievements of the Libyan people in 2011, celebrating their liberation from individual rule and the move toward a fully democratic state.

They stated that the ideal state allows citizens to choose their leaders through free and fair elections.

They also noted that the Feb.17 revolution sparked the declaration of full liberation on Oct. 23 in a grand celebration in Benghazi.

Thirteen years after this declaration, Libya is at a critical juncture that requires unity, reconciliation, and a focus on national cohesion to fulfill the revolution’s goals.