Iran Seeks Russia’s Advanced Radar to Confront US F-35 Fighters

 The crew of an F-35 fighter moments after it arrived at al-Dhafra base in the UAE in 2019 (Central Command)
The crew of an F-35 fighter moments after it arrived at al-Dhafra base in the UAE in 2019 (Central Command)

Iran Seeks Russia’s Advanced Radar to Confront US F-35 Fighters

 The crew of an F-35 fighter moments after it arrived at al-Dhafra base in the UAE in 2019 (Central Command)
The crew of an F-35 fighter moments after it arrived at al-Dhafra base in the UAE in 2019 (Central Command)

Iran has been in a race against time to obtain advanced Russian-manufactured radar systems to challenge the United States-made F-35 fighter jets.

Russia and China have recently opposed a US attempt in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to extend an arms embargo on Iran which is due to expire in October.

The US argues that it can trigger the process - known as snapback - because a 2015 Security Council resolution that enshrines the nuclear deal still names it as a participant.

Thirteen council members expressed their opposition, arguing that Washington’s move is void given that it is using a process agreed under a 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers that it quit two years ago.

Few days before triggering the process, Iranian Defense Minister Amir Hatami said upon his arrival in Moscow that talks with officials will mainly focus on cooperation in the fields of advanced military technology.

Russian sources have recently said that a Russian-made Rezonans-NE radar system, which Iran purchased to identify and track stealth aircraft and hypersonic targets, successfully spotted and tracked US F-35 fighters near the country’s borders during an aggravation of tensions in early 2020, following the death of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani.

Rezonans-NE radar had been on round-the-clock combat duty in Iran for several years, TASS quoted deputy CEO of Rezonans Research Center Alexander Stuchilin.

“The radar’s personnel were transmitting information, including the routes of F-35 flights, in clear, thus confirming that it was reliably tracking the planes. For this reason, the opponent did not commit any irreparable actions that might have caused a big war,” Stuchilin said on the sidelines of the international military-technical forum Army-2020.

The Russian official’s statements contradict with doubts over the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps’ (IRGC) ability to control the radar system.

This comes in light of its announcement that targeting the civilian passenger plane during its ballistic attack on Iraqi bases housing US forces was due to a radar error.

Iran retracted 72 hours later from the first official story, about the crash of a Ukrainian airliner, and the killing of 176 people on board.

In the first press conference following the incident, Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force, said his country’s air defense systems were put on the “highest level of readiness” and alerted to a possible cruise missile attack prior to the plane crash incident.

He added that the operator then identified what his air defense system had detected as an incoming cruise missile 19 kilometers away.

However, Tehran Military Prosecutor Gholam Abbas Torki said the shooting down of a Ukrainian airliner in Iran was due to human error.

“The portable system which fired the missile did not accurately determine the real north after rebooting, and this huge mistake caused the operator of the air defense system to see the plane on its radar as a target that is approaching Tehran from the northwestern region,” he said.

The Iranian operator was reported to have mistaken the Boeing jetliner for a cruise missile.

The Russian official’s defense of the effectiveness of the radar systems in Iran seems to be aimed at luring other countries to buy Russian systems, which are finding fierce competition with the Patriot system.

Jews, Catholics Warn against Trump's Latest Loyalty Test for Religious Voters

Former US President Donald Trump gestures during an event following his arraignment on classified document charges, at Trump National Golf Club, in Bedminster, New Jersey, US, June 13, 2023. REUTERS/Amr Alfiky/File Photo
Former US President Donald Trump gestures during an event following his arraignment on classified document charges, at Trump National Golf Club, in Bedminster, New Jersey, US, June 13, 2023. REUTERS/Amr Alfiky/File Photo

Jews, Catholics Warn against Trump's Latest Loyalty Test for Religious Voters

Former US President Donald Trump gestures during an event following his arraignment on classified document charges, at Trump National Golf Club, in Bedminster, New Jersey, US, June 13, 2023. REUTERS/Amr Alfiky/File Photo
Former US President Donald Trump gestures during an event following his arraignment on classified document charges, at Trump National Golf Club, in Bedminster, New Jersey, US, June 13, 2023. REUTERS/Amr Alfiky/File Photo

Former President Donald Trump recently reissued his loyalty test to religious Americans, declaring that he can best protect their freedoms while preemptively blaming members of certain faiths should he lose the presidential election in November.

Jews and Catholics can vote for him and ace the test, but those who don’t, he says, “need their head examined.” If he loses, Trump added, "Jewish people would have a lot to do with the loss.”

Among the Jewish leaders appalled at Trump’s remarks was Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism — an umbrella group for more than 800 Reform synagogues in North America.

“Your words preemptively blaming Jews for your potential election loss is of a piece with millennia of antisemitic lies about Jewish power,” Jacobs said in a social media post. “It puts a target on American Jews. And it makes you an ally not to our vulnerable community but to those who wish us harm. Stop.”

According to The AP, Trump's speeches for years have hewed to divisive “us” versus “them” messaging, but tying those themes to specific religious Americans who oppose him is out of line and even dangerous, according to rhetoric experts, religious leaders and academics.

“Non-Jews shouldn’t express public opinions about what is or isn’t good Judaism and non-Catholics shouldn’t express public opinions about what is or isn’t good Catholicism,” said Steven Millies, a public theology professor at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago.

“Not only is it bad form, but it’s also an ignorant waste of oxygen.”

Asked to respond to criticism from Jewish leaders, Trump campaign press secretary Karoline Leavitt sent statements from herself and several of Trump’s Jewish supporters. The statements didn’t directly address the potential blaming of Jews for a Trump defeat; rather, they depicted Trump as a stronger supporter of Israel than President Joe Biden and Trump’s Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris.

“Jewish Americans and Jewish leaders around the world recognize that President Trump did more for them and the State of Israel than any President in history,” Leavitt said via email. “The bottom line is that Kamala Harris and Joe Biden cave to Far-Left extremists and terrorists while President Trump will protect Jewish Americans and put American citizens first.”

Trump’s latest provocative comments came in a span of four days. His warnings about Jewish voters were in Sept. 19 speeches to Jewish donors and the Israeli-American Council in Washington. His remarks about Catholics came on Sept. 22 in a post on Truth Social.

Matthew Boedy, who studies religious rhetoric as a professor at the University of North Georgia, said Trump has adopted spiritual warfare rhetoric, which is commonplace in certain Christian circles.

“Those who gave him that rhetoric saw Satan or evil as the enemy. Now that enemy is anyone — Jew, Christian, Muslim — who stands in his way,” Boedy said via email, calling it dangerous to democracy and religion.

“Trump always makes his religious followers — especially Christians — choose. They have to choose him over pluralism, over morality, over evangelism,” said Boedy, a Protestant.

“If God is already on your side theologically, it’s not a far leap to say he should be on your side politically. That isn’t new to American politics,” Boedy said. “Trump is only making that divide advantageous to him. He’s furthering that which was there, but he is also adding his own weight to it. Making it worse.”

David Gibson, director of the Center on Religion and Culture at Jesuit-run Fordham University, said that in past elections, “for a non-Catholic like Trump to be setting himself up as the savior of Catholics, or Jews for that matter, would have been political insanity.”

“But it’s Trump, and conservatives who would attack a Democrat for such language are cheering for the Republican nominee,” Gibson added in an email. “There are many reasons, the most obvious is that they like Trump more than they heed their own church.”

Gibson also suggested that Trump’s tough stance on immigration, which includes calls for mass deportations, is at odds with Catholic teaching.

“Catholics listening to the increasingly Nativist rhetoric on immigration from Trump and even his running mate, JD Vance, who converted to Catholicism in 2019, ought to have their hearts examined if they support that,” Gibson said.

Professor Jennifer Mercieca, a historian of American political rhetoric at Texas A&M University, said typical politicians seek to connect to voters based on shared policy beliefs, not by demanding religious loyalty.

“But Trump isn’t a typical politician, and he’s very concerned about loyalty,” she said. “He divides the world up into ‘us’ versus ‘them’ and tries to use those divisions to gain power.”

“It’s especially dangerous to attempt to divide people based upon religious identity,” said Mercieca, author of ″Demagogue for President: The Rhetorical Genius of Donald Trump." “The kind of language Trump is using here is more like that used by an authoritarian personality cult leader."

Trump’s recent comment about blaming Jews if he loses came at an event that also featured Jewish megadonor Mariam Adelson, widow of the late casino magnate Sheldon Adelson. She introduced Trump as “a true friend of the Jewish people.”

Among the pro-Trump statements provided to The AP by Leavitt was one from Ellie Cohanim, who served during the Trump administration as deputy special envoy for combating antisemitism.

Trump “is absolutely correct in challenging our assumptions about voting on auto-pilot and failing to comprehend that the Democrat Party, which has been hijacked by its far-left base, is no longer a home for the Jewish people,” Cohanim's statement said.

Adelson and Cohanim represent the portion of US Jews that strongly supports Trump. In 2020, he received about 30% of Jewish Americans' votes compared to 70% for Biden, according to AP VoteCast.

The criticism of Trump's recent remarks came from the center as well as the left of the national Jewish community.

The American Jewish Committee — a prominent advocacy group that strives to broadly represent Jews in the US and abroad — issued a sharply critical statement. It took issue with Trump’s suggestion that if 40% of the US Jewish electorate voted for him, “That means 60% are voting for the enemy.”

“Setting up anyone to say ‘we lost because of the Jews’ is outrageous and dangerous,” the AJC said. “Thousands of years of history have shown that scapegoating Jews can lead to antisemitic hate and violence.”

“Some Jews will vote for President Trump and some will vote for Vice President Harris,” the AJC added. “None of us, by supporting the candidate we choose, is voting for the enemy.’”