Iraq Reforms Stymied by Shadowy Groups' Wave of Attacks

Destruction at Karbala airport in the Iraqi city, an area targeted by US military airstrikes in March against a pro-Iranian group in Iraq following the deaths of two Americans and a Briton in a rocket attack on a US base in Taji, north of Baghdad | AFP
Destruction at Karbala airport in the Iraqi city, an area targeted by US military airstrikes in March against a pro-Iranian group in Iraq following the deaths of two Americans and a Briton in a rocket attack on a US base in Taji, north of Baghdad | AFP

Iraq Reforms Stymied by Shadowy Groups' Wave of Attacks

Destruction at Karbala airport in the Iraqi city, an area targeted by US military airstrikes in March against a pro-Iranian group in Iraq following the deaths of two Americans and a Briton in a rocket attack on a US base in Taji, north of Baghdad | AFP
Destruction at Karbala airport in the Iraqi city, an area targeted by US military airstrikes in March against a pro-Iranian group in Iraq following the deaths of two Americans and a Briton in a rocket attack on a US base in Taji, north of Baghdad | AFP

War-scarred Iraq hopes to launch reforms and revive its battered economy, but the drive is being derailed by a wave of violence blamed largely on shadowy pro-Iranian groups.

Since Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi took office in May, he has promised to rein in rogue militias, fight corruption, and roll out long-awaited restructuring after years of war and insurgency.

But the closer his government gets to its stated aims, the more armed actors with suspected links to Washington's arch-enemy Tehran are lashing out, AFP quoted top Iraqi officials and analysts as saying.

"Every time these groups see us getting close to their military or economic interests, they either launch rockets or propaganda campaigns to distract us," said one senior government official.

Violence, already rising before Kadhemi met US President Donald Trump in Washington in mid-August, has only flared further.

On September 3, an attack targeted the Baghdad headquarters of British-American security company G4S. One intelligence official told AFP a drone had dropped a small explosive charge on the building.

No faction claimed responsibility, but Tehran-backed groups had accused G4S of complicity in January's US drone strike that killed Iran's top general Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad.

Days earlier, a UN worker was wounded when an improvised explosive device detonated underneath an aid convoy in the northern city of Mosul.

A faction identifying itself as part of the "Islamic resistance" -- a catch-all phrase for pro-Iran factions -- took responsibility, accusing the UN of using its convoys to transport American spies.

"Your vehicles will burn in the streets of Iraq," it threatened online.

- Smokescreen -

A half-dozen previously unheard-of such factions have made similar threats in recent months under the "Islamic resistance" banner, but officials say they are a smokescreen.

"Five groups, including Kataeb Hezbollah, Asaib Ahl al-Haq and others, are behind the recent instability across the country," an Iraqi intelligence officer said.

These hardline groups are members of Iraq's Hashed al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces), a state-sponsored network dominated by factions close to Iran and wary of the United States.

US officials have made similar accusations, naming Kataeb Hezbollah and Asaib Ahl al-Haq as the real perpetrators of rocket attacks on American installations in Iraq.

"They declared a unified front after Soleimani's killing and began working under pseudonyms, which allowed the government of PM Adel Abdel Mahdi to save face as they were nominally under his command," the Iraqi official said.

The same groups had accused Kadhimi of plotting against Soleimani when the former was Iraq's top intelligence official and were furious when he rose to become premier.

They have understood Kadhimi's pledges to reign in armed groups as an attempt to clip their wings, officials and experts have told AFP.

Beyond escalating rocket attacks, the groups have also ramped up pressure through unconventional media outlets.

Anonymous channels on messaging application Telegram publish taunting warnings of attacks on military convoys well before they happen, deepening a sense of impunity.

The same forums have targeted Iraqi television channels critical of Iran.

Dijla TV was torched last week after the Telegram channels turned on them, and a new wave of threats have targeted Sunni-owned UTV.

The campaign began after the US government seized the website domains of Al-Etejah, an Iraqi television station linked to Kataeb Hezbollah.

- 'Putting out fires' -

The government is not looking for a direct confrontation with these groups, said Kadhimi's spokesman Ahmad Mulla.

"Instead, we are looking to dry up their funding resources by targeting border crossings," used for lucrative smuggling from Iran, Mulla told AFP.

Officials knew this could be dangerous. When the PM launched a sweeping anti-corruption campaign on Iraq's porous borders, they braced for the worst.

"They will blackmail officials, threaten their families, mobilize the tribes and maybe even commit assassinations," one senior official told AFP in July.

Indeed, two anti-government activists were gunned down weeks later in the southern port city of Basra, and tribal violence erupted north of Baghdad.

"We are constantly putting out fires, so we can't properly focus on the bigger strategy," another Iraqi official said, about Baghdad's efforts to reform the state and revitalize an economy hit by the Covid-19 pandemic and low oil prices.

A third official told AFP that Iraq's Finance Minister Ali Allawi missed his August 24 deadline to submit an economic reform plan to parliament because of the recent tumult.

Last week, Kadhimi set up an anti-corruption council, authorizing the elite troops of the Counter-Terrorism Service to arrest officials usually considered too senior to touch.

His forces also carried out search operations in Basra and Baghdad to seize unlicensed arms, but few have turned up.

Iraqi security expert Fadel Abou Raghif said the situation was "dangerous".

"Ultimately, Kadhimi should open a real dialogue with the spiritual leaders of these groups to avoid a clash."

Hezbollah Confirms a 7th Top Commander Was Killed in Israeli Strikes in Recent Days

Nabil Qaouq, the deputy head of Hezbollah's Central Council. (Local media)
Nabil Qaouq, the deputy head of Hezbollah's Central Council. (Local media)

Hezbollah Confirms a 7th Top Commander Was Killed in Israeli Strikes in Recent Days

Nabil Qaouq, the deputy head of Hezbollah's Central Council. (Local media)
Nabil Qaouq, the deputy head of Hezbollah's Central Council. (Local media)

The Israeli military said Sunday it has killed another high-ranking Hezbollah official in an airstrike as the Lebanese group was reeling from a string of devastating blows and the killing of its overall leader, Hassan Nasrallah.

The military said Nabil Qaouq, the deputy head of Hezbollah's Central Council, was killed on Saturday. Hezbollah confirmed his death, making him the seventh senior Hezbollah leader slain in Israeli strikes in a little over a week. They include founding members who had evaded death or detention for decades.

The Israeli military said it carried out another targeted strike on Beirut later on Sunday, with details to follow.

Hezbollah had earlier confirmed that Ali Karaki, another senior commander, died in Friday's strike that killed Nasrallah. The Israeli military said earlier that Karaki was killed in the airstrike, which targeted an underground compound in Beirut where Nasrallah and other senior Hezbollah figures were meeting.

Israel says at least 20 other Hezbollah militants were killed in the strike, including two close associates of Nasrallah, one of whom was in charge of his security detail.

Wreckage from the strike was still smoldering more than two days later. On Sunday, Associated Press journalists saw smoke over the rubble as people flocked to the site, some to check on what’s left of their homes and others to pay respects, pray or simply to see the destruction.

White House national security spokesman John Kirby said Sunday that Israel's airstrikes had “wiped out” Hezbollah’s command structure, but he warned the group will work quickly to rebuild it.

“I think people are safer without him walking around,” Kirby said of Nasrallah. “But they will try to recover. We’re watching to see what they do to try to fill this leadership vacuum. It’s going to be tough. … Much of their command structure has now been wiped out.”

Kirby, who spoke during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union,” sidestepped questions about whether the Biden administration agrees with how the Israelis are targeting Hezbollah leaders.  

The White House continues to call on Israel and Hezbollah to agree to a 21-day temporary ceasefire that was floated by the US, France and other countries last week as world leaders gathered for the UN General Assembly.

Earlier this month, Hezbollah was also targeted by a sophisticated attack on its pagers and walkie-talkies that was widely blamed on Israel. A wave of Israeli airstrikes across large parts of Lebanon has killed at least 1,030 people — including 156 women and 87 children — in less than two weeks, according to Lebanon's Health Ministry.

Hundreds of thousands of people have been driven from their homes in Lebanon by the latest strikes. The government estimates that around 250,000 are in shelters, with three to four times as many staying with friends or relatives, or camping out on the streets, caretaker Environment Minister Nasser Yassin told the AP.

Hezbollah has continued to fire rockets and missiles into northern Israel, but most have been intercepted or fallen in open areas. No Israelis have been killed since the latest wave of strikes targeting top Hezbollah leaders began on Sept. 20.

Qaouq was a veteran member of Hezbollah going back to the 1980s and served as Hezbollah's military commander in southern Lebanon during the 2006 war with Israel. He often appeared in local media, where he would comment on politics and security developments, and he gave eulogies at the funerals of senior fighters. The United States announced sanctions against him in 2020.

Hezbollah began firing rockets, missiles and drones into northern Israel after Hamas' Oct. 7 attack out of Gaza triggered the war there. Hezbollah and Hamas are allies that consider themselves part of an Iran-backed “Axis of Resistance” against Israel.

Israel has responded with waves of airstrikes, and the conflict has steadily ratcheted up to the brink of all-out war, raising fears of a region-wide conflagration.

Israel says it is determined to return some 60,000 of its citizens to communities in the north that were evacuated nearly a year ago. Hezbollah has said it will only halt its rocket fire if there is a ceasefire in Gaza, which has proven elusive despite months of indirect negotiations between Israel and Hamas led by the United States, Qatar and Egypt.