Syrian Kurdish Journalist Network Calls for Independent, Unbiased, and Professional Media

Syrian Kurdish Journalist Network Calls for Independent, Unbiased, and Professional Media

Syrian Kurdish Journalist Network Calls for Independent, Unbiased, and Professional Media

Syrian Kurdish Journalist Network Calls for Independent, Unbiased, and Professional Media

After the spring of 2011, the political and media landscape changed in Syria. Opposition and independent journalists established alternative media networks to challenge the state’s official media’s narrative. The Syrian Kurds got some breathing room and managed to establish a local media infrastructure and form professional syndicates to represent them, one of which is the Syrian Kurdish Journalist Network, established in early March 2012 in the city of Qamishli in the far northeast...

In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, the Network’s president, Salwa Suleiman, said that they aim to support media professionals and institutions in the country’s Kurdish region, spreading across the northeast of the country. Hibar Othman, the Network’s CEO, mentioned that they had organized three digital activities since the COVID-19 began to spread. Held on Zoom, these activities were organized in collaboration with Free Press Unlimited, and there are plans to establish a training center.

Ali Nimer, the director of the “Violations Documenting Center”, emphasized that the region east of the Euphrates remains the safest place for journalists. Conditions are better than those in government-controlled areas, the areas under the control of the extremist group “Hayat Tahrir al-Sham” (Organization for the Liberation of the Levan) and the territory controlled by armed factions in northwestern Syria. The Network considers itself an independent media regulatory body and includes 80 professional journalists working inside and outside Syria.

According to Suleiman, “the Network monitors hate speech and works against misinformation”, by empowering members professionally and advocating for rights of media professionals. With Dutch organization Free Press Unlimited’s support and media experts’ management, the Network has developed its capacities and administrative structure.

She adds: “We aspire to function as an institution, coordinate with all Kurdish and Syrian groups efforts to monitor and document all the violations perpetrated against media professionals and media organizations throughout Syria.” The Network defends the rights and freedoms of journalists from arbitrary punishment or persecution because of their opinions. It has demanded that the authorities of the Autonomous Administration and institutions of civil governance do not conceal information about the dangers of Covid-19.

There are three media unions among the Kurds of Syria. In addition to the Network, there is the Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate, which is based in Erbil, the capital of the Iraqi Kurdistan region, and the Free Media Union, which is close to the Autonomous Administration authorities who manage the region east of the Euphrates.

Amid the unprecedented challenges facing journalists, Hibar Othman says that over the past year, the Network has managed to garner the trust of many international organizations and has become a key partner for many media organizations that monitor and highlight the military factions’ violations. This has helped them organize workshops and expand the scope of their work.

In a country considered a “media blackspot” by Reporters Without Border, the Network has identified 39 violations over the past year. They recorded four fatalities and fourteen injuries when Turkish army air forces targeted journalists in October last year, as well as four cases of journalists receiving threats and being attacked, two journalists being banned from working, and three arrested. The fate of the Kurdish journalist Farhad Hamo, a correspondent for the Kurdish channel Rudaw, is still obscure.

According to Ai Nimer, the Network documentation mechanism and work methodology work on three steps: “We receive information about violations from Network members, human rights centers, the media, and volunteers who provide us with information .” The second step is verifying the validity of the claims by gathering more information... “Then a statement or report is written and put before the administrative body for discussion, and we reach out to international organizations and concerned authorities.”

The Office aims to document all violations against Kurdish journalists in Syria, particularly against Syrian media professionals working in northeastern Syria in general, except for those working with extremist organizations.

Ukrainian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia: Our Top Priority is Energy Support

The 11th Saudi relief plane operated by the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) arrived in Poland in Friday ahead of heading to Ukraine. (SPA)
The 11th Saudi relief plane operated by the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) arrived in Poland in Friday ahead of heading to Ukraine. (SPA)

Ukrainian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia: Our Top Priority is Energy Support

The 11th Saudi relief plane operated by the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) arrived in Poland in Friday ahead of heading to Ukraine. (SPA)
The 11th Saudi relief plane operated by the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) arrived in Poland in Friday ahead of heading to Ukraine. (SPA)

Ukrainian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Anatolii Petrenko, stressed that his country’s “top priority is energy support in multiple ways,” pointing to preparatory measures between Saudi Arabia and Ukraine concerning a Saudi aid package, most of which consists of energy equipment.
In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Petrenko said that the Kingdom has been assisting Ukrainian civilians since the early days of the “full-scale Russian invasion,” as he described it. He said Saudi aid “has helped provide decent living conditions for our people, who have been forced by the war to relocate to safe areas within the country. It has also helped us maintain citizens' access to medical services and sustain social infrastructure.”
The ambassador emphasized the difficult period Ukraine is facing due to “energy shortages caused by regular Russian attacks on critical infrastructure,” which previously ensured daily needs for urban and municipal areas. He expressed concern about the approaching winter season and the severe drop in temperatures across the country.
Petrenko pointed to the need for energy resources, as well as access to light, water and heat, to enable the Ukrainian agricultural sector to continue contributing to global and regional food security.
He expressed his country’s firm belief in the importance of Saudi Arabia’s support to bring energy self-sufficiency in Ukraine, presently and in the long term.”
He added: “Through our united efforts, we can enhance the green energy agenda by smartly utilizing diverse renewable energy sources as key resources that can give us complete energy independence.”
The Ukrainian ambassador described the Saudi friendship as “an Arab generosity.” He noted that both Ukraine and the Kingdom were jointly studying “the latest innovations and sustainable technologies, such as combined heat and power plants and piston turbines, which could offset energy losses in various regions of Ukraine and thus prevent humanitarian crises in the winter season for hundreds of thousands of people.”
On the occasion of Ukraine’s Independence Day, Petrenko stated that his country “stands firmly to celebrate another anniversary of its independence, while appreciating the immense contributions and aid provided by international partners and friends, including Saudi Arabia, which holds a prominent position in leading humanitarian efforts in the region and encourages others to follow the same approach.”
“This represents a success story that will open a new chapter in energy resilience, which helps us achieve national independence,” he underlined.
The ambassador added that Ukraine highly values its bilateral relations with the Kingdom.
“On behalf of my country, I express my gratitude to Saudi Arabia, both the government and the people, for everything they are doing to alleviate the humanitarian challenges facing civilians today,” he told Asharq Al-Awsat.
Riyadh continues to send planes carrying tons of humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian people through the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRELIEF).
This follows an agreement and memorandum of understanding signed by both sides last year, which included providing an additional humanitarian aid package to Ukraine amounting to $400 million, as well as emergency medical and shelter aid valued at $10 million for refugees from Ukraine to neighboring countries, particularly Poland, in coordination with the Polish government and UN organizations.