Cairo Rejects Any Demographic Change in Syria

Egyptian Foreign Minister met with Pedersen on Thursday in Cairo (Ahmed Hafez’ twitter account)
Egyptian Foreign Minister met with Pedersen on Thursday in Cairo (Ahmed Hafez’ twitter account)

Cairo Rejects Any Demographic Change in Syria

Egyptian Foreign Minister met with Pedersen on Thursday in Cairo (Ahmed Hafez’ twitter account)
Egyptian Foreign Minister met with Pedersen on Thursday in Cairo (Ahmed Hafez’ twitter account)

Egypt voiced on Thursday its rejection to any “forced demographic change” in Syria, stressing the need for a political solution along with a "decisive" move against terrorist organizations there.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, in a meeting with UN Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen in Cairo, expressed his appreciation for his efforts to seek a political solution to the crisis in Syria.

“The political solution shall go hand in hand with a decisive and effective response to armed terrorist organizations, especially in light of transferring the extremist fighters from Syria to other conflict zones in the region,” said Ahmed Hafez, a spokesman for the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, quoting Shoukry.

The FM reiterated Egypt's stance that supports "a political settlement to the crisis based on UN Security Council Resolution 2254, in a manner that preserves the unity of Syria and the independence of its political decision.”

The UN envoy expressed his appreciation for the balanced Egyptian role in Syria.

Earlier on Thursday, Pedersen held discussions with Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit at the organization's headquarters in Cairo, where they also stressed the importance of reaching a peaceful settlement in Syria.

KSrelief Distributes Humanitarian Aid in Sudan, Yemen

Photo by SPA
Photo by SPA

KSrelief Distributes Humanitarian Aid in Sudan, Yemen

Photo by SPA
Photo by SPA

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) distributed 3,950 food baskets in Shabwa Governorate, Yemen, benefiting 23,700 individuals. This distribution is part of the fifth phase of KSrelief's project to provide food aid to those affected by the crisis in Yemen.

The center also distributed on Thursday 575 shelter kits and 800 personal hygiene kits to displaced families in Khartoum State, Sudan, benefiting 4,600 individuals. This distribution is part of a project to provide urgent shelter assistance to Sudan in 2024.
These efforts are part of a series of relief and humanitarian projects implemented by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through KSrelief to aid the Sudanese and Yemeni.