Brisbane 2014: Taxes, Climate Change Dominate Summit Discussions

G20 leaders at the summit family photo in Brisbane, Australia, (File photo: AP)
G20 leaders at the summit family photo in Brisbane, Australia, (File photo: AP)

Brisbane 2014: Taxes, Climate Change Dominate Summit Discussions

G20 leaders at the summit family photo in Brisbane, Australia, (File photo: AP)
G20 leaders at the summit family photo in Brisbane, Australia, (File photo: AP)

Climate change and tax issues dominated the two-days discussions of the G20 Brisbane 2014 summit in Australia, concluding with a pledge to accelerate global economic growth and address climate issues.

The closing statement of the summit, during which Saudi Arabia was represented by the then-Crown Prince King Salman bin Abdulaziz, stressed the need to encourage progress achieved under the auspices of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and combat tax concessions for multinational companies.

The G20 reaffirmed its support for “mobilizing finance for adaptation and mitigation”, such as the Green Climate Fund, which aims to help countries that are most at risk.

“We will work together to adopt successfully a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the UNFCCC that is applicable to all parties at the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) in Paris in 2015,” read the 2014 communique.

The following G20 summit was hosted by Turkey in Antalya, and it namely addressed combating terrorism and the refugee crisis created by the ongoing conflict in Syria since 2011, as well as development and investment issues.

Two days before the Antalya summit, ISIS claimed responsibility for two terrorist attacks in Paris and Ankara.

The summit discussed promoting development and investment, and condemned in its closing statement the “heinous attacks” in Paris, calling for the need to counter terrorism financing and enhance information exchange between countries in this regard.

The statement expressed states' concerns about the increasing influx of foreign terrorists, stressing that terrorism is not linked to any religion, nationality, or race. It urged the need to strengthen border security and aviation safety.

Regarding the refugee crisis, the statement reiterated the need to address this global problem in an organized and comprehensive manner.

It called upon all states to “contribute to responding to this crisis, and share in the burdens associated with it, including through refugee resettlement, other forms of humanitarian admission, humanitarian aid, and efforts to ensure that refugees can access services, education, and livelihood opportunities.”

Economically, the G20 admitted that global growth was uneven and fell short of the expectation, however, it expected recovery to gain momentum.

The statement urged governments and central banks to implement fiscal policies that support growth and create job opportunities, without utilizing interest rates as a means to support economic activity.

“We reiterate our commitment to implement fiscal policies flexibly to take into account near-term economic conditions, so as to support growth and job creation.”

G20 also pledged to refrain from competitive devaluation and resist all forms of protectionism, after the controversy created by China's unexpected devaluation of its national currency, and related concerns about the deterioration of the Chinese economy with the significant decline in market value.

Riyadh's Global AI Summit Explores Human-AI Interaction

Riyadh's Global AI Summit Explores Human-AI Interaction

Riyadh's Global AI Summit Explores Human-AI Interaction

Riyadh's Global AI Summit Explores Human-AI Interaction

The third edition of the Global AI Summit, organized by the Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) in Riyadh, will review the international interest in data and AI, given the increasing growth in this sector and its impact on decision-making and business facilitation.
Around 120 dialogue sessions and workshops will discuss the relationship between the human mind and AI and whether it is based on integration or competition, the extent of compatibility between the capabilities of AI and human capabilities and the impact of this interaction on making and enhancing human decisions, in addition to understanding the capabilities of these technologies and assessing the extent to which they can achieve the public benefit of humanity
From September 10 to 12, participants and attendees from more than 100 countries will tackle how AI assists humans, especially in providing insights, analyzing data, and harmonizing in an integrated relationship in various aspects of psychological, social, and cultural life related to the use of these technologies, in addition to supporting decision-making processes in vital areas such as healthcare, finance, business, developing technical and creative skills, and analyzing social networks.
The Global AI Summit will display the ability of AI systems to understand human language and enhance the learning experience and the extent to which human-AI interaction applications are developing in the way to a better quality of life for humans, considering the Kingdom's interest in supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030, in which humans are its focus.
The summit is one of the key global summits in this field. Riyadh will witness an international presence from different continents to discuss the dimensions of AI and agree on formulating ideas and visions to explore the features of human-AI interaction.
The Global AI Summit is a remarkable opportunity for experts to exchange ideas and learn about the latest developments in a number of specializations, including learning technologies, accessibility and health, and human-robot interaction and its impact on supporting various aspects that help it adapt to these advanced technologies and employ them optimally while expanding the benefit of AI solutions in accelerating the wheel of development and growth in various fields to build a better present and future for subsequent generations.
The summit integrates with the objectives of the Saudi Vision 2030 and its aspirations to transform the Kingdom into a global hub for advanced technologies under the leadership of SDAIA.