International Court to Sentence Killer of Lebanon's Hariri

The Netherlands-based Special Tribunal for Lebanon has been in operation since 2009 - AFP
The Netherlands-based Special Tribunal for Lebanon has been in operation since 2009 - AFP

International Court to Sentence Killer of Lebanon's Hariri

The Netherlands-based Special Tribunal for Lebanon has been in operation since 2009 - AFP
The Netherlands-based Special Tribunal for Lebanon has been in operation since 2009 - AFP

A UN-backed tribunal will on Friday sentence a Hezbollah member convicted of the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese premier Rafic Hariri, with prosecutors demanding a life term.

Salim Ayyash, 57, was found guilty in absentia of murder on August 18 by the Netherlands-based Special Tribunal for Lebanon over the suicide bombing that killed Hariri and 21 other people.

Ayyash remains on the run, with Hassan Nasrallah, the head of the Hezbollah movement, refusing to hand him over, alongside three other defendants who were eventually acquitted, AFP reported.

Prosecutors in a hearing in November said a life term was the "only just and proportionate sentence" for Ayyash, given that it was the "most serious terrorist attack that has occurred on Lebanese soil."

They have also demanded the seizure of Ayyash's assets.

Hariri served as Lebanon's prime minister until he resigned in October 2004.

He was killed in February 2005 when a suicide bomber detonated a van filled with explosives as his armored convoy drove past. As well as those killed, another 226 were wounded in the blast.

In their long-awaited ruling in August, judges said there was sufficient evidence to show that Ayyash was at the center of a network of mobile phone users who scoped out Hariri's movements for months before his assassination.

But there was not enough evidence to convict Ayyash's co-defendants Assad Sabra, Hussein Oneissi and Hassan Habib Merhi, they said.

The judges added that there was no proof to tie Hezbollah's leadership or its allies in Damascus to the attack.

Legal experts said the sentencing was still important, even without Ayyash in the dock.

"In absentia trials are of course not the ideal way of dispensing international justice," Christophe Paulussen, senior researcher at the Asser Institute in The Hague, told AFP.

International tribunals were like "a giant without arms and legs" since they relied on states to arrest suspects and could not enforce orders themselves.

"But even with this handicap, the STL has now at least established a very authoritative judicial record about what happened 15 years ago, thus assisting the Lebanese society in moving away from a culture of impunity towards one of accountability," said Paulussen.

The UN Security Council agreed in 2007 to establish the court, billed as the world's first international tribunal set up to probe terrorist crimes.

It opened its doors in 2009, although the Hariri trial itself did not formally start until 2014.

The court has cost at least $600 million to operate and has so far heard only four cases, two of them for contempt of court about news reports with information about confidential witnesses.

Ayyash faces a separate case at the tribunal over three other deadly attacks on Lebanese politicians in 2004 and 2005.

US Military: ISIS Attacks on Track to Double in Iraq, Syria Compared to Last Year

FILE - A motorist passes by a flag of ISIS in central Rawah, 281 kilometers northwest of Baghdad, Iraq, on July 22, 2014. (AP Photo, File)
FILE - A motorist passes by a flag of ISIS in central Rawah, 281 kilometers northwest of Baghdad, Iraq, on July 22, 2014. (AP Photo, File)

US Military: ISIS Attacks on Track to Double in Iraq, Syria Compared to Last Year

FILE - A motorist passes by a flag of ISIS in central Rawah, 281 kilometers northwest of Baghdad, Iraq, on July 22, 2014. (AP Photo, File)
FILE - A motorist passes by a flag of ISIS in central Rawah, 281 kilometers northwest of Baghdad, Iraq, on July 22, 2014. (AP Photo, File)

The US Central Command said Wednesday that ISIS is trying "to reconstitute” as the number of attacks in Syria and Iraq is on track to double those of the previous year.

ISIS has claimed 153 attacks in both countries in the first six months of 2024, CENTCOM said in a statement. According to a US defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity as he wasn't allowed to speak publicly on the matter, the group was behind 121 attacks in Syria and Iraq in 2023.

“The increase in attacks indicates ISIS is attempting to reconstitute following several years of decreased capability,” The Associated Press quoted CENTCOM as saying.

A coalition of more than 80 countries, led by the United States, was formed to fight ISIS, which lost its hold on the territory it controlled in Iraq and 2017 and in Syria in 2019, although sleeper cells remain in both countries and abroad.

Iraqi officials say that they can keep ISIS threat under control with their own forces and have entered into talks with the US aimed at winding down the mission of the US-led military coalition in Iraq.
The talks come at a time of increased domestic tensions over the US military presence.

From October to February, an umbrella group of Iran-backed militias calling itself the Islamic Resistance in Iraq launched regular drone attacks on bases housing US troops in Iraq and Syria, which they said was in retaliation for Washington’s support of Israel in the ongoing war in Gaza and were aimed at forcing US forces to withdraw from Iraq.

Those attacks largely halted after three US soldiers were killed in a strike on a base in Jordan, near the Syrian border in late January, prompting US retaliatory strikes in Iraq.

On Tuesday, two Iraqi militia officials said they had launched a new drone attack targeting the Ain al-Asad air base in Iraq. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to comment publicly. It was unclear whether the attack had hit its target. US officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment.