Iraq: Hundreds Protest Against Kurdish Authorities in Sulaimaniyah

Iraqi Kurds help a wounded man during a protest against Kurdish authorities accused of corruption outside a local government building in Iraq's northeastern city of Sulaimaniyah on December 11, 2020. (AFP)
Iraqi Kurds help a wounded man during a protest against Kurdish authorities accused of corruption outside a local government building in Iraq's northeastern city of Sulaimaniyah on December 11, 2020. (AFP)

Iraq: Hundreds Protest Against Kurdish Authorities in Sulaimaniyah

Iraqi Kurds help a wounded man during a protest against Kurdish authorities accused of corruption outside a local government building in Iraq's northeastern city of Sulaimaniyah on December 11, 2020. (AFP)
Iraqi Kurds help a wounded man during a protest against Kurdish authorities accused of corruption outside a local government building in Iraq's northeastern city of Sulaimaniyah on December 11, 2020. (AFP)

Hundreds protested in Iraq's northeastern city of Sulaimaniyah on Friday against Kurdish authorities they accuse of being corrupt and causing a major fiscal crisis.

Protests against the Kurdish regional government (KRG) and the region's main parties broke out last week after months of delayed public sector salaries and pay cuts.

Following days of demonstrations in towns and villages in the Sulaimaniyah region, hundreds gathered outside a local government building in the provincial capital on Friday.

"I came to protest for my salaries and for my children's lives. We've had enough of this suffering," Fatima Hassan, a 25-year-old public sector worker, told an AFP correspondent there.

Crowds of protesters around her yelled chants in Kurdish against local authorities, accusing them of corruption.

They attempted to block off the wide boulevard around the building, but riot police quickly deployed and used tear gas to try to disperse the demonstrators.

Piman Ezzedin, a former lawmaker in the Kurdish region's autonomous parliament and a member of the opposition Goran (Change) Movement, said security forces had detained around a dozen organizers of Friday's rally just as it was starting, around 1:30 pm local (1030 GMT).

A relative of the former lawmaker told AFP that Ezzedin was subsequently detained.

Even before the 2003 invasion that toppled Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, the Kurdish region in the north had been developing as an autonomous zone, with Western backing.

Following Saddam's ouster, the region tried to draw in investments from multinational energy companies while expanding its public sector payroll -- creating a major debt crisis.

Since 2014, Iraqi Kurdistan has borrowed more than $4 billion to stay afloat, experts say.

According to the United Nations, 36 percent of households across Iraqi Kurdistan -- home to around six million people -- eke out a living on less than $400 per month.

Anger has been swelling for years at the ruling elite, with Kurdish Iraqis accusing the Barzani clan -- from which the region's current prime minister and president hail -- of corruption and embezzlement of state funds.

The spontaneous protests echo similar rallies that erupted in October last year in Baghdad and Shiite-majority areas of Iraq -- but not in predominantly Kurdish or Sunni regions.

The recent protests have been met with violence, particularly in towns and villages in the wider Sulaimaniyah province.

At least seven people have died, according to local officials and the Iraqi Human Rights Commission, with the latest death on Thursday during a protest in the town of Kifri, a local source and the Commission confirmed to AFP.

Uncertainty Surrounds Fate of Burhan-Hemedti Meeting in Kampala

General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, leader of the Sudanese army, and Rapid Support Forces chief Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (File Photo)
General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, leader of the Sudanese army, and Rapid Support Forces chief Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (File Photo)

Uncertainty Surrounds Fate of Burhan-Hemedti Meeting in Kampala

General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, leader of the Sudanese army, and Rapid Support Forces chief Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (File Photo)
General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, leader of the Sudanese army, and Rapid Support Forces chief Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (File Photo)

Sudanese politicians expect an imminent meeting between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Kampala in response to an African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council decision and an invitation from a committee led by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni and African regional leaders.

The meeting aims to unite General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan of the army and General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, known as “Hemedti,” of the RSF.

There’s been silence from army leaders despite the announcement over a week ago, suggesting a division within the army between those wanting to end the war and those preferring its continuation, reportedly with support from militant Islamist factions.

The AU Peace and Security Council decision on June 21 established a committee chaired by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni to facilitate direct communication between Sudanese army leaders and the RSF.

Despite over a week passing since the AU’s decision, the Sudanese army and interim government have not responded, maintaining their usual silence in such situations.

Political analyst and lawyer Hatem Elias told Asharq Al-Awsat that “there appears to be a divergence between political and military decisions within the army, influenced significantly by Islamist factions.”

“Accepting Museveni’s invitation could potentially lead to a confrontation with these factions,” warned Elias.

Elias suggested that the silence might be due to “concerns within the army leadership about a risky clash with Islamist elements.”

Moreover, the army rejects AU initiatives, citing Sudan’s suspended membership.

Museveni’s initiative isn't the first African attempt to reconcile Sudan’s army and the RSF.

On December 11, 2023, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) announced a planned meeting between Burhan and Hemedti, which was later postponed.

The army, on December 27 of that year, stated Djibouti, IGAD’s chair, notified them of the delay just a day before the meeting. Since then, the army has accused the RSF leader of stalling and ignoring calls to halt Sudan’s destruction.

The army rejects similar arrangements and insists on continuing fighting until the RSF is disbanded. Meanwhile, the RSF leader advocates for peace talks and readiness to engage in discussions to end hostilities.