Israeli Lawsuit Seeks $363 Mn Compensation from Palestinian President, Official

Israeli Supreme Court in Jerusalem. (File photo: AFP)
Israeli Supreme Court in Jerusalem. (File photo: AFP)

Israeli Lawsuit Seeks $363 Mn Compensation from Palestinian President, Official

Israeli Supreme Court in Jerusalem. (File photo: AFP)
Israeli Supreme Court in Jerusalem. (File photo: AFP)

Ten Jewish families filed a lawsuit at the Central Court in Jerusalem demanding the Palestinian Authority (PA) and President Mahmoud Abbas pay $363 million in compensation for the death of their sons in "terrorist" attacks.

The families, backed by a number of far-right parties, asserted that no amount of money can compensate their losses, but they want it to deter “terror supporters.”

The lawsuit was based on the fact that the PA pays salaries to the Palestinian prisoners who carried out the attacks, their families, and the families of the martyrs. But Israelis believe that the payments would encourage Palestinian youth to carry out operations against Israelis.

The case was filed against Abbas in his capacity as president of the PA and the first person responsible for transferring salaries. It included excerpts from his statements in which he praised the prisoners and martyrs, asserting that salaries will continue to be transferred to them or their families.

The case also targeted Intissar al-Wazir, the widow of Fatah’s top official Khalil al-Wazir who was assassinated by Israel in Tunis in 1988. She is the current president of the PA’s prisoners and martyrs' fund.

The lawyer representing the families, Gill Maman, said he was confident the court would rule in their favor.

He indicated that if the Palestinian Authority refuses to pay, he will go to the court to ensure the Israeli government deducts these sums from the taxes and customs it collects on behalf of the Authority.

The PA appointed an Israeli lawyer, Yossi Arnon, to represent it before the court.

Israel deducts a monthly sum equal to the value of the salaries from tax and customs allocations.

The Authority is trying to find a way to pay salaries to the families of prisoners and martyrs and circumvent the Israeli measures.

Moroccan Ex-minister Hit With Five-year Jail Sentence

The Mohammed VI Tower in Rabat. (AFP)
The Mohammed VI Tower in Rabat. (AFP)

Moroccan Ex-minister Hit With Five-year Jail Sentence

The Mohammed VI Tower in Rabat. (AFP)
The Mohammed VI Tower in Rabat. (AFP)

Moroccan opposition figure and former minister Mohamed Ziane has been sentenced to five years in prison while serving a three-year term in another case, his lawyer said on Saturday.

The former Rabat bar association president was convicted on charges of "embezzlement and squandering of public funds", the lawyer Ali Reda Ziane, who is also his son, told AFP.

The charges relate to funds the Moroccan Liberal Party (PML) -- of which Mohamed Ziane was founder and chief -- received in a 2015 electoral campaign.

"This is a form of life sentence for an 81-year-old man while legally nothing has been proven", said the lawyer, who plans to appeal the ruling.

Ziane, who was human rights minister between 1995 and 1996, has been in detention since November 2022, after being sentenced the three years on appeal.

The opposition figure had become known in recent years for statements criticizing the authorities in Morocco, particularly the intelligence services.

He said he was being judged "because of his opinions".

The proceedings follow an interior ministry complaint on seven counts, among them contempt of public officials and justice, insults against a constituted body, defamation, adultery and sexual harassment.

In the same case, the financial crimes chamber of the Rabat appeals court sentenced the PML treasurer and a party administrative employee to five years in prison and one year in prison plus a one-year suspended sentence, respectively.